

Author Unknown

Synchronicities are the meaningful 'coincidences' in life.

"Synchronicity can be defined as a non-causal but meaningful relationship between events or states of mind within the human psyche and events in the outside world. More simply, we could call it the experiences of "meaningful coincidence". We have all had experiences that we intuitively recognize as meaningful, though we would be hard pressed to explain them in rational terms. In fact, these "meaningful coincidences" are not coincidences at all but spontaneous realizations of the underlying interconnectedness of all things within the Universe." ~Laurence Boldt - Tao of Abundance

As Heraclitus put it, "The unseen design of things is more harmonious than the seen."

James Redfield, in the 'Celestine Prophecy', describes the first insight which is about following meaningful coincidence:    

"Coincidences, if followed through, are seen as a way of evolving, to a higher level of vibration. When we are in the flow we experience more synchronous events, more pleasure and less pain. The flow of coincidences is our path to higher ground.

If you bump into someone you haven't met in a long time then it is advisable to stop and talk to them. Be aware of a message that they might have for you. Follow the coincidence through and you'll be amazed, as I am, on a increasingly regular basis!

Coincidences are often a sign that you are going with the flow of life, doing what your heart desires (divine will) and following your in-tuition (inner guidance - gut feeling).

Meaningful Coincidences fill us with a sense of awe, even shock, as we experience more and more unlikely events."

They are events that you attract into your life for various reasons. Synchronistic events can be powerful "heads-up", calling us to pay attention. You may attract them in your life, especially when you are looking for confirmation or seeking guidance.

"Right now, I want to discuss the different categories of response that are open to you when you encounter a moment of meaningful coincidence. This will illuminate what I mean by the spontaneous fulfillment of desire in the field of infinite possibilities.

Suppose you suddenly encounter a synchronistic moment. Suppose you're at the public library, and for some reason you're thinking about how you would like to have a bit more spending money. Right at that moment, you take a book from one of the shelves, and a hundred dollar bill falls out. This actually happened to a friend of mine. What kinds of responses are open to you at a moment like that?

At one extreme, you can always say it's just a coincidence. It means nothing. It's amusing, but insignificant. You have another hundred dollars to spend and that's all. On the other extreme, you might think that this is the most fantastic thing that's ever happened! This is going to change everything! Maybe you think, "All I have to do is want something and it will appear! I'm going to the racetrack. I'm going to Las Vegas."

Of course, it doesn't really work that way. SynchroDestiny is not about waving a magic wand to gratify ego-based wants. It is about something very different - the fulfillment of intentions that exist at much deeper levels, and of desires that are based in spirit rather than ego." ~ Deepak Chopra

With the merging of realities at this time, synchronicities are becoming more and more a part of our daily lives as we learn to understand how we manifest. This often accompanies increase in psychic abilities. Synchronicities are created on a level other than the third dimension. You attract the synchronicity to you on a higher level, then it manifests in the  third dimension.

Not all synchronicities are events that you must experience or take seriously.  Sometimes they point to 'learning lessons.'   Or sometimes they simply make a point.  As an example: you meet someone who interests you and touches your soul. Through synchronicity that person seems to come into your life over and over again. You have a sense of destiny with that person. Your heart takes over your head.  You connect with that person.  Sometimes the result is a positive relationship, other times, that person enters your life for a mutual learning lesson, whether or not either of you are aware of it or not. 

"Let those who have eyes, see.  Let those who have ears, hear."

Look at the whole picture as well as the underlying facts when the synchronicity strikes.  The lesson is easier learned if you take to time to ponder why you might have attracted that person or situation into your life.

You can consider an event synchronistic when an inner experience such as a dream, vision, or other form of déjà vu prepares you for a physical event.

More to come... check back.

"I’ve always felt an unseen hand behind me, guiding my life ..."


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