Cable Modem Speed Tests

You've tested your cable speed and the results read, for example, that your modem loaded 322,649 bytes in 0.187 seconds, with a throughput (see above) of 13803 Kpbs. By contrast, your friend's 56K modem has a maximum download speed of 53 Kpbs.

But don't start crowing victory yet: someone else may have aced the cable modem speed test, possibly even your grandfather. Comparing dialup to cable in a cable modem test is like comparing apples to oranges. Depending on Net congestion for your area, your computer speed and hardware, and whether or not you've done any cable modem tweaks, you might be the slowest cable Internet in the west. But you can improve your cable modem speed.

How a Cable Modem Speed Test Works:

About cable modem speed tests:
Testing your cable modem speed is actually simple thanks to the proliferation of sites such as Cable-modem. net's cable modem speed test downloads a harmless file from the Web site server to your computer and measures how fast the file downloads, how many bytes per second your modem transfers, then rates your throughput in terms of kilobytes per second (kbps). Your throughput is the amount of data moved successfully from one place to another in the time the test takes. This will vary from cable modem to cable modem, and bear in mind that your connection speed may be affected by Net congestion.

If you do any cable modem tweaks to improve your speed, and there are many methods out there, you can always do another cable modem test. You should test your cable modem speed regularly anyway, and you might want to keep a log of your cable modem speed test results.

Cable Modem Speed and Hardware Issues
Wiring issues, rather than hardware, may be the reason your cable modem speed is, well, not up to speed. Check your wiring, have your cable company check the wiring, and then run a cable modem test.

That said, if your USB port is being used by other devices (say a Zip drive or an external CD burner), your CPU will have delays in processing input from your USB, which can affect the cable modem speed. Consider unplugging peripherals while you're doing cable modem tweaks and running cable modem speed tests. Compare the results of the cable modem tests before and after you unplug.

If you use a PCI or NIC card, there's no delay since it's wired directly with the CPU, in which case, as before, your problem is most likely the wiring.

Turn Off That Washing Machine

The phone's ringing, the oven's going off, and the clothes washer makes a funny noise in the spin cycle. You may feel as if your cable modem speed of your brain has slowed to dialup speed, and you're not the only one. Although fiber optic and coaxial cable is shielded, noise, signals and vibrations from cable TV and household appliances can penetrate, interfering with your cable internet speed. All the cable modem tweaks you can perform won't work if the electricity from your son's Xbox interferes.

Southern California Edison has a program called “Flex Your Power,” trying to get people to use appliances at off-peak hours to save energy. You can use the same strategy. Wash at night; use the Internet during the day or vice versa. When you know you need speed, tell Junior to go to his friend's house to play his video games or his electric guitar. Or do his homework, since other computers and cable modems in the house can affect your computer's cable modem tests.

Unplug a few appliances, disconnect the phone (you want to anyway, right?), and run the cable modem speed test again. You'll be surprised at the result.

Cable Modem Speed on Macintosh and Windows

Windows cable modem speed complaints are legend. But once you've run a cable modem test on your Windows 95 computer, for example, and discovered you come out the tortoise to your across the street neighbor's hare in the cable speed test, you can actually correct the problem by performing cable modem tweaks and upgrading your Winsock2 version. This will allow you to make the receive window, a buffer that determines how much data the receiving computer is prepared to get at one time, larger.

The Macintosh doesn't have a registry to edit, but don't let Mac users get uppity. Macintosh cable modem speed isn't all it could be because it controls communications through the Open Transport layer, which means it's preset to handle dial-up modems and Ethernet connections. Since Mac users are undoubtedly frustrated when the results of cable modem speed tests indicate they're not downloading iTunes, games and graphics as blazingly fast as they want, OT Advanced Tuner is highly recommended in addition to other Mac cable modem tweaking programs.

Linux gets ignored, but it too can make cable modem speed slow. Fortunately, with a text editor, Linux devotees can do cable modem tweaks to their hearts' content.

Cable Modem Tweaks vs. Automation

Cable modem tweaks fine-tune your cable speed, and as with most improvement projects, there are two routes you can take:

• Do-It-Yourself
• Let Someone Else Do It

As with remodeling your kitchen, working on your car or managing your health and finances, there are pros and cons to going it alone versus letting someone else muck around. So before you decide the results of that cable modem speed test mean you need to be the Lone Ranger, a few considerations:

+ Pro DIY

--You have more control over editing yourr computer's registry
--There are no unfamiliar programs changiing your system except for any registry editing tools you might use
--You know your computer system better thhan anyone

- Con DIY

--If you don't back up your computer's reegistry, you could be in trouble should you accidentally punch the wrong key
--You have a learning curve and will needd to bone up on registry editing from sites such as
--A computer program (Broadband Wizard annd BlazeNet for Windows, OT Advanced Tuner for Mac) to tweak your modem can easily undo any changes you make

Whatever route you choose, always run a cable modem test after you've finished tweaking.

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