Divine Law Versus Freedom Of Expression

Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2002 15:18:15 -0400
Subject: difference of opinion
To: [email protected]

I visited your web site and totally disagree. Is it just about religion or do we have the right as owners of our own bodies? I am Jewish and have a tattoo. There has been no harm done. What's the big deal to get a small picture on your skin? No one can see it. You argue that the Torah says this and that, but do you do everything it says? Or every other rule book in the world? It's not the "old" days anymore and people have rights and freedom of expression. I'm just speaking freely and shouting out for everyone else who agrees with me. Don't drill in the minds of our younger generation that they can't but that they have a right AS LONG AS it's harmless and legal. Thank you for letting me express my opinions.

- Anonymous

Hello Anonymous,

The Torah is not a set of rules but rather a set of LAWS. These laws were given by G-d to the Jewish people, and as such are much more important than any product of human legislation. To put it bluntly, for Jews, tattoos ARE illegal.

Do I do everything the Torah says? Well I certainly try, and even when one falters the gates of "teshuvah" are always open. "Teshuvah" means "return", that is to say returning to the way that G-d wants us to be.

What harm do tattoos cause? I guess the main thing is that tattoos are an "averah", a sin, and as such they distance a Jew who willingly got tattooed from his Maker who commanded him not to get tattooed.

I'm all for the freedom of expression, but even the freedom of expression has its limits. Would you agree to let a graffiti artist express himself on the walls of your home? There are enough ways for one to express himself without violating Torah precepts.

Like I said, the gates of "teshuvah" are always open and even somebody who got tattooed should not despair.

I found a great web site about "teshuvah". Here is the link:


Thank you for writing. Be well!