The Anti-Tattoo Crusade

Date: Sat, 08 Jul 2000 09:49:07 -0700
Subject: web site
To: [email protected]


I was doing some research on tattoos for my column ("Sister to Sister" an on-line newsletter for my Temple Sisterhood) when I came across your web site. Would you tell me about yourself? Why is tattooing a personal crusade for you? If you could reply by Sunday night I would be most appreciative as my deadline is Monday morning.



Shalom M.,

I am a Jew that was born in the U.S.A. and made aliyah to Israel in '85. The anti-tattoo "crusade" started from my experiences in reserve duty about a year ago. I was surprised to see how many of the younger soldiers had tattoos! When I was young, the only people who had tattoos were sailors and motorcycle gang members :). A quick search on the internet revealed that tattoos had become an international fad which I was totally unaware of. I was also surprised that nobody in the religious community was saying anything about it. (Although this is somewhat understandable. I am the first one to admit that there are more pressing problems facing the Jewish People.) I felt that part of the problem was that many Jews were just following the latest fad, without knowing that "Tattoos are not for Jews." I felt that if Jews knew that the Torah forbids tattoos, they would think twice about getting one, even if they are not conductiong their lives according to the "Shulchan Aruch." So the web site is my way of letting the Jewish People know that "Tattoos are not for Jews."

If there is anything else you would like to know let me know.