Post-graduation Down

Mneoth's Matrix
Located two thirds up the wall of the Weyr, the view from this ledge is excellent. Looking up, up, up, over one's head, the Spires can be seen reaching toward the sky above. Below, the Bowl is spread out beneath one's feet, making any activity on the ground visible. The ledge itself is wide enough to hold two dragons, and deep enough to accommodate them comfortably, though only the left side hold the tell-tale hollow of many generations of dragons lounging there.
It is a summer midmorning. The sun rises and warms the land, dispensing any lingering chill with its golden warmth. Tiny puffs of clouds begin to dot the sky.
Brown Mneoth is here.

Eyes, grayish-green, look out from under long arched brows, darker than the shock-white blonde hair sitting on top of her head. Ragged and uneven ends cut short, bears witness that she doesn't put much interest in personal appearance. A bend in her long, narrow nose, tells of a long forgotten break, and adding to that is a two-inch scar on her right cheek, giving her a face of someone who's lived a hard life. High angular cheekbones and a strong square chin adds to the impression of masculinity, while the arched brows makes her retain some femininity in an otherwise harsh face. Shoulders and upper arms are hardened from long hours of training and work, as is thigh and -calf muscles, while hands and long fingers are callused and scarred. Along her flat abdomen is a five-inch scar, one of many on her body, but the one most predominant. Breasts are small and rounded, almost invisible when she's wearing baggy or heavy clothing, making her look all the more masculine, her height of almost six feet doing nothing to diminish that impression. Slightly tanned face and hands, from hours spent outside, complete the image of a woman easily mistaken for a man.
Scintillating in colors ranging from deep mahogany to an almost bronze gleam, the color of Khena's jacket can't be pinpointed to just one. Khaki at one cuff, klah-shaded at the other, while the collar is dyed such a dark umber it's almost black. Tufts of the fleece-lining shows at cuffs and collar, revealing its color to be moss-green, matching the jacket's browns to perfection. Thick, lithe leather clings to her legs, trousers dyed a deep sepia with a hint of mahogany, a color matching the hide of her lifemate perfectly. Stitched along the seem is a row of x's, the thread the exact same moss-green as the lining of the jacket. A color repeated in the cords tying off her knee-high black boots, which fit her lower legs and feet flawlessly.
Twisting together in a single loop around Khena's left shoulder is the two colors of High Reaches Weyr. Black and blue. Midnight's colors, which extends into a long tail, dangling from the top of the knot. Intertwined with the dark colors of the Weyr is a dazzling silver thread, adding a spark of light to the knot. Completing the knot of a High Reaches Wingrider, is a mahogany thread, indicating the color of her lifemate.
She is awake and looks alert.
You notice Khena looking at you.
Khena is 23 Turns, 6 months, and 17 days old.
Khena has no apparent threadscoring.

With Mneoth lending a weary forearm, you have no trouble getting to a stable seat between his neckridges.

Mneoth [Mneoth's Matrix]
Myrrh and mahogany fuse together across muzzle and headknobs, entwine about prominent eyeridges, and sweep all silk and sisal down the grand lengths of this broad and ponderous dragon. Lighter klah-brown erodes the sharp edges of his powerful neckridges before dissolving into the brooding layers of umber sweeping his belly and forelegs. His smooth, suave hide speckles to bronze across the rounded curves of his withers, as if momentarily blessed by the sun. Wingsails - wide and high - are cloaked in a marbling of black, gray, and fawn, to create a secretive cove of shadows and covert camouflage.
Black-dyed straps are looped twice around mahogany neckline, fitting tightly enough to prevent slipping in swift aerial moves. Though glossy black, the color blends in well with the dragon's brown hide, adding to the darker patches, matching without being imposing. Metallic buckles add flashes of reflected light to the overall image, giving the strap-design an edge of starkness, softened only by the un-dyed rider's straps used to secure the rider to the dragon when flying.
Mneoth seems to be listening.

Above the Northern Bowl
Spires' magnitude and towering presence looms over the northern aspect of the bowl's sky; the narrow nonuniformity of their perpendicular rise gives way to depict the overall spontanuity of the weyr. Seasonably unpredictable thermals keep you aloft with this portion of the sky, oft to be slightly tepid due to the ocean's close proximity. At this vantage rests the weyrs and ledges of the weyrleaders themselves. Meanwhile, a panoramic scene unfolds below: numerous dragons, riders, and weyrfolk often lounge below, despite the seasonaly changes from winter to summer, and visa versa. To the northwest, the perpetual warmth of the hatching sands provides an influx of inquisitive visitors and possible candidates, while the newness of the weyrling barracks resides to the east.
It is a summer midmorning. The sun rises and warms the land, dispensing any lingering chill with its golden warmth. Tiny puffs of clouds begin to dot the sky.
Gliding around are Precious, Persnickety, Cyclone, and Shango.

Higher and higher you go, circle up past the Spires themselves.

Above High Reaches
Quite, quite high, nothing braves these heights but stone and dragon and cloud; the Star Stones jut dutifully above the Weyr proper, flayed by the mountain winds that are consistant at this altitude whilst the rest spreads below, protected by its crown of jagged stone spires'-teeth.
It is a summer midmorning. The sun rises and warms the land, dispensing any lingering chill with its golden warmth. Tiny puffs of clouds begin to dot the sky.
Bronze Cairhoth is here.

You rise up and cross over the weyr wall, moving out over the open land.

Above the Mountains
Swirling air flows buffet you from all sides, a culmination of the threads of many different weather patterns as you soar high above the Alpine Meadows, a rippling, shimmering sea of green beckoning from below. The blackness of volcanic rock cuts off your view of the weyr, though the Star Stones remain as a reference point, forever reaching for the stars.
Clean, cold, crisp air takes your breath away, flavoured with the tang of a myrriad of different aromas.
It is a summer midmorning. The sun rises and warms the land, dispensing any lingering chill with its golden warmth. Tiny puffs of clouds begin to dot the sky.
Below, you see Dianth and Issryuith.
To the southwest, you see Cairhoth.
Gliding around is Mosfet.

You are shocked by the increased winds that whip around you.

You drop down through buffeting thermals.

Upper Alpine Meadows
A vast alpine meadow stretches to the foot a glacier, flanked by the flat reach of a dozen more peaks; snow lurks at the higher elevations, capping the valleys in thick, endless layers of ice and new-fallen flakes. In contrast, during the spring and summer months a carpet of wildflowers spreads over a base of springy green turf, perfect for picnics and days outdoors. A small stream runs off towards the distant weyr, running cool and clear from out of the nearby blue-toned glacier.
It is a summer midmorning. The sun rises and warms the land, dispensing any lingering chill with its golden warmth. Tiny puffs of clouds begin to dot the sky.
Draped for sunning on the large volcanic rocks is Sharker.
Blue Dianth and green Issryuith are here.
You see Kae and Auryn here.

You land on a rolling slope, dotted by volcanic rocks.

Mneoth crouches low as you shift to the ground below.

Elehu shivers, crawling out of the crevice into the meadow.

Hiza shivers, crawling out of the crevice into the meadow.

Elehu has grown into womanhood with quite a bit of success. She has curves in most of the right places, though her body is still a bit on the thin side and heartily built, a stubbornness of physicality to match the resolute bedrock of her character. Her skin glows faintly of golden bronze, the visage of a wanderer. Her rich brown, shoulder-length hair contains streaks of reddish gold, bleached by the sun, that seem to make her hazel-brown eyes shine with an inner fire. Her hands are small, but her fingers are slender and nimble, well built for her walk of life.
Snug leather pants cover Elehu's legs, neatly tucked into sturdy black boots, but the doe-brown material isn't quite so tight that it can't be rolled up from time to time. A belt of silver-touched onyx encircles her waist, and a slender dagger, about six inches in length, hangs at her right hip, with an odd sort of wherhide pouch at the left. Her loose blouse of rich emerald has been carefully and precisely tucked in, the roomy sleeves falling only a few inches past her shoulders. This combined with the small jewel like buttons down the front affords the Healer with quite a bit of freedom in movement.
A soft cord of the deepest purple winds itself around a similar cord of bright white in a single loop. Small strands of icy blue and shadowy black are intertwined intricately, a long tail of all four colors hanging from the knot, signifying that Elehu is a Healer Journeyman posted at High Reaches Weyr.
She is awake and looks alert.
Elehu is 21 Turns and 2 months old.

Not even reaching a full five Terran feet(4'9, really), this usually cheerful woman can only be classified as short. She is more cute than pretty, with an oval face, sharp-yet-soft nose, strong chin, and thin, rosy lips. Round, fern-green eyes are expressive, framed by thick lashes and thin eyebrows. Formally pale skin is now a light tan, freckles here and there a tawny shade, no longer a stark contrast to her onxy hair. Bangs cut choppily across her forehead, reaching unevenly to her 'brows. Dark hair falls in a straight curtain almost to her petite shoulders, framing her face, though adding a childish look to her. The greenrider is built slightly, muscles becoming athletic and well formed with the increase of activity, curves still just barely there. Though full grown, her height and build remain nearly identical to what they were at twelve, sparkle in her eyes and wide grin oft adding to this effect.
Bundled, indeed, is this rider. But in an absolutely lovely ensemble of lilac. Sleek is the leather that hugs her form just enough to be deemed revealing, as color gradiates into a darker lavender. Sleeves are looser than bodice of the jacket, tucked out at the ends to reveal the soft, white fur the item is lined with. Opening cuts diagonally across her best, kept together with darker purple buttons, or left slightly undone. When left open or when her jacket is off, smooth white-tinted-purple undershirt is revealed, almost caressing Hiza's body. Matching leather pants hug at barely-there hips and flare to the ground, revealing sturdy riding boots. A ribbon holding charms, Dusty Grey Necklace is worn with love and pride. Glittering and treasured, a thin chain hangs an Amethyst Charm about her neck.
Onyx glides with midnight, a double cord, a long tail giving rise to rank in one loop. Wingrider, it says, with a lovely green ribbon snaking and dancing through to tell of lifemate's color as well. She is awake and looks alert.
Hiza is 21 Turns, 1 month, and 4 days old.
Hiza has no apparent threadscoring.

Khena is sitting on the ground, leaning against her lifemate's forearm, eyes closed and a bottle in one hand. Half-snoring, she doesn't notice that people have arrived in her proximity until Mneoth gives of a rumble, his tone somewhere between satisfied and dissatisfied. "What is it, Mneoth," the brownrider mutter, her words slurring as she opens her eyes to spot Elehu and Hiza. "Oh.."

Hiza follows Elehu out, only to stop short. Issryuith is given a glance, though Hiza knows she's very asleep. A smile is pratically forced onto Hiza's face and she offers, "Hello Khena. So sorry I ran off on you back there." And she probably is too, though she offers no excuse for doing so. Elheu is lingered around, little rider looking just a -tad- too cheerful. Because she's always happy.

Elehu is still scrambling up the slope a bit, hands rubbing quickly at her bare, chilled arms. She finally looks up as she stops beside Hiza and gives Khena a surprised look. "Hello there," she offers quickly, glancing between the green rider and the brown. "Catching some sun?"

Khena nods slowly, her eyes narrow as she looks at Hiza. "Not a problem," she notes cooly, then turns to Elehu, offering the healer a genuine smile. "T'was Mneoth idea," she says, getting to her feet slowly and a bit wobbly. Never mind that Issryuith had been here too, her lifemate wouldn't leave again for some unknown reason. "He likes it here." Eyes dark from one to the other, thought obviusly churning behind the gray-green orbs.

Hiza frowns lightly, lips quirking unhappily. She shifts toward Issryuith, prodding the green hide lightly so that she wakes up, eyelids sliding open, swirling with a faint bit of orange. And dragon is leaned against, greenrider quiet as she becomes part of the backdrop.

Elehu crosses her arms slowly and eyes the two riders, first with a look of confusion, but then a growing look of consternation. She was close enough to the edge before. Fingers grip her sides tightly eyes closing for a moment as she takes a long breath. "Look... this isn't working, all right?" she says quietly, moving to stand just off center of the two riders as she continues to look at them both. "Either it's in the open or.... Well, I don't know," she ends in a mutter, still shivering slighting from the chilled caverns.

Khena grimaces at Elehu's words, slipping out of her jacket to hand it to the Healer. "You look cold," she mutters, then retreats her steps not quite sure-footed. Leaning against her lifemate for support, she looks from Elehu to Hiza and back again, her mind trying to grasp what Elehu'd been saying. "But..." she starts, but stops again, unable to find anything to add, or comment on.

Hiza doesn't bother with the pretend smile, crossing her arms, closing her eyes, and shaking her head. Issryuith's eyes whirl a bit oranger, and Hiza says, "/I'm/ not even sure if I know what's going on here." Tone is kept tightly even, though a glimmer of confusion colors the back of the words. "I would like to know, you know." So she can /do/ something about whatever it is.

Elehu takes Khena's jacket, but her hand just falls limply to her side as she sighs softly, a subtly weary and even sad look beginning to bloom. "This is all my fault," she mumbles, face tightening somewhat. "Hiza, Khena... I'm sorry, I just... I can't do this now. I can be a friend, but more than that and I just hurt people. And I'm not going to do that." She glances away, off towards the Weyr for a moment, though probably by coincidence. "I've kept on in the vain hope that we're all just friends as always, ignoring everything else... but it isn't working."

Khena glances at Hiza, her anger showing in her eyes as they narrow, looking at the greenrider. Gaze gliding back to Elehu, the look in her eyes changes to be almost hurt. "Ele..." she whispers, voice cracking before finishing saying the Healer's name. "Don't say that.. Please." As the bottle in her hand drops to the ground, it shatters making Mneoth rumble deep within his throat, his eyes whirling faster and taking on a color similar to that of the green's next to him.

Hiza doesn't open her eyes, doesn't bother with replying just yet, since her throat probably won't let her speak anyway. Bottom lip is bitten, and Hiza stands, continues to shake her head for a long, long moment. Finally, she swallows, attempts, "If that's what you want... then that's fine. Just friends... is..." but she doesn't finish, mind racing with what's /really/ going on here. Whole body turns and tucks away into her lifemate's, who curls around her, tail flicker, to obscure whatever reaction-sobs, silence-the rider has. And she's not supposed to stress. Hn.

Elehu deflates bit by bit as she watches Khena and Hiza, tears welling up in her own eyes due to a myriad of different emotions. "And instead I manage to hurt both of you," she says in a strained, dull voice, jacket falling to the ground forgotten as the Healer's hands hang lifeless at her sides. "I'm very... very sorry." Her mouth opens as if to say more, but instead she just shuts her eyes tightly, brushes at them with a hint of irritation and turns on her heel, slowly heading back down the sloping meadows with dragging feet but without a second glance.

"Ele," Khena calls out faintly, though she doesn't move from the spot next to her lifemate's side as she watches Elehu leave. Taking a few wobbly steps, the brownrider moves to retrive her jacket from where the Healer'd dropped it, her eyes still locked on her back. Fingers wringing the leather of the jacket, knuckles turning white, she stands there for a long time before turning back to Mneoth, ignoring the presense of Hiza nearby. "Let's get back home, Mneoth...."

With Mneoth lending a weary forearm, you have no trouble getting to a stable seat between his neckridges.

Mneoth [Upper Alpine Meadows]
Myrrh and mahogany fuse together across muzzle and headknobs, entwine about prominent eyeridges, and sweep all silk and sisal down the grand lengths of this broad and ponderous dragon. Lighter klah-brown erodes the sharp edges of his powerful neckridges before dissolving into the brooding layers of umber sweeping his belly and forelegs. His smooth, suave hide speckles to bronze across the rounded curves of his withers, as if momentarily blessed by the sun. Wingsails - wide and high - are cloaked in a marbling of black, gray, and fawn, to create a secretive cove of shadows and covert camouflage.
Black-dyed straps are looped twice around mahogany neckline, fitting tightly enough to prevent slipping in swift aerial moves. Though glossy black, the color blends in well with the dragon's brown hide, adding to the darker patches, matching without being imposing. Metallic buckles add flashes of reflected light to the overall image, giving the strap-design an edge of starkness, softened only by the un-dyed rider's straps used to secure the rider to the dragon when flying.
Mneoth seems to be listening.

Hiza slumps next to Issryuith, though she can't be seen. Green croons to her lifemate, sending a flickering hiss toward the brown and his rider for making her Hiza so sad when the Healer said she wasn't supposed to. Or is it the Healer who? Issryuith croons again, lower, confused, nudges her little rider with her snout, waiting until she's ready to move again.

Elehu heads back down the trail towards the weyr.

Wings arc and pump, and upwards you go!

[*** To be continued ***]

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