
Mneoth's Couch
In a small niche on the back wall a glowbasket illuminates this couch with a soft pleasant light. Soft rushes provide a flexible mat on the raised platform which serves as Mneoth's bed, while next to it sleeping furs are spread out for Khena to rest in. Little, other than Mneoth and Khena, crowd this place and it is kept clean and neat at all times. Only a rudimentary box in one corner, holding the weyrling's few personal effects, as well as brushes and a jar of oil for the caretaking of her lifemate's hide, has been allowed to take up space here.
On the perch is Samedi.
Brown Mneoth is here.
You see Khena's Box here.

Training Grounds
The marks of thousands of claws give testament to the shuffling of the young dragons that have torn up what little grass once grew in this corner of the bowl. Tucked in between the feeding pens to the south and the curve of the Weyrleader's complex, the training grounds are home to daily exercises and classes, all taking place well out of the way of the hectic bustle of the rest of the bowl. Cut deep into the cliff face, the large, covered openings leading into the extensive weyrling barracks rise high over the heads of any who come near, although the height of the caldera's spindles far above cast their own reaching shadows across the hard packed earth.
It is an autumn noon. The light has dimmed as the clouds have gotten darker. The afternoon promises rain, but the air is still relatively warm.
To the north, you see Yajisarath, Cerdith, Kearneth, Mneoth, and one person.
Soaring high overhead are Ghede, Selig, Ripper, and Kamoku.
Green Niamhyth, brown Druseth, green Zaqith, and blue Zylpheth are here.
Kh'ryn is here.

Mneoth heads out from the Weyrling Barracks.

Kh'ryn is standing in the middle of the grounds; right beside Zylph. One hand is upon the blue's ever-growing wing, and he's looking it over for rough patches. Nearby is the ever-popular jar of oil, and a few brushes. Regular morning routine at it's finest...

Coming out of the barracks, Khena peers up at the cloud covered sky, eyes squinting as she communicates something to her lifemate. "Yes, Mneoth dear.. Rain is the wet stuff," she mutters, then scans the Grounds and, seeing Kh'ryn and Zylpheth there, moves toward them. "Hey, Khor.. How're you today?"

<< You sense that Mneoth has awakened. >>

Kh'ryn halts his slow circles upon the blue's stretched hide of his wing, and turns to glance at the other weyrling. "Oh. Hey there Khena. I'm doing well thanks, just a bit tired. Big guy here got me up extra early today, because he wanted to see the sun rise. How 'bout that for childlike glee, huh?" Though the words are stern, the tone is soft, as the rider doesn't really mind his speciall time with Zylph. "What's up with you? And hello Mneoth."

Myrrh and mahogany fuse together across muzzle and headknobs, entwine about prominent eyeridges, and sweep all silk and sisal down the grand lengths of this broad and ponderous dragon. Lighter klah-brown erodes the sharp edges of his powerful neckridges before dissolving into the brooding layers of umber sweeping his belly and forelegs. His smooth, suave hide speckles to bronze across the rounded curves of his withers, as if momentarily blessed by the sun. Wingsails - wide and high - are cloaked in a marbling of black, gray, and fawn, to create a secretive cove of shadows and covert camouflage.
Mneoth is 7 months and 6 days old.
He is 36 feet (12m) long, with a wingspan of 60 feet (20m).

Mneoth follows close to Khena's side, his wings stretching out to either side for a long moment before the brown folds them to his back once more. He offers a quiet trill in Zylpheth's direction before large, whirling eyes turn to his lifemate. Mneoth thinks to you, << I think rain would feel good on my hide. >>

Khena chuckles, her eyes gleaming with mirth as she turns a glance on Mneoth. "Oh, we're just fine, thanks. Mneoth's still dragging me 'round the Weyr exploring every place possible." Meaning every place the dragon would fit. "Just wait 'till you'll be flying, love," she mentions to the brown, following closely beside her.

Farleth heads out from the Weyrling Barracks.
T'am heads out from the Weyrling Barracks.

Zylpheth croons back to the brown, and then slowly extends his other wing for inspection. Kh'ryn moves around the blue and goes to check it over. "I can just imagine," he states, cringing as he thinks about the aspect of Zylph flying everywhere. Oh boy.. the places that dragon will get into then. Yipes! "Actually, I'm just waiting for the day that he sneaks into the Living Caverns.." Sigh.

Mneoth eyes his clutchmates curiously as he slowly stretches each limb, one by one. A welcoming warble is sent in Farleth's direction as the third pair enters the Grounds. Finally the brown just sits back a little on his haunches, content to watch.
You sense Mneoth sends a very relaxing mindscent, voice almost cooling as he turns to you. << What are we to do today, Khena? More exercises? A lesson? >> He would almost sound impatient if it weren't for the surrounding tones of deep, dark green.

Khena blinks, giving Mneoth a sideways looks, then grins at Kh'ryn. Reaching out to give Mneoth a rub on the eyeridge, she tilts her head, looking the blue over, her eyes narrow as she inspects every inch of Zylpheth's glistening hide. And then turns to give Mneoth the same look. Mneoth senses that Khena calmly shrugs, only a hint of doubt hidding beneath the calm exterior. >>Not really sure, dear... But excersises are never bad.<< Just a friendly suggestion to get those wings moving..

T'am strides along at a good pace that is just short of running as he tries to keep up with Farleth. The bronze, eager to be back outdoors, is cautiously stretching his wings with an eagerness that alarms his rider. "No trying to get off the ground yet! You don't know what you're doing." T'am admonishes his lifemate after pausing to give a smile and wave to fellow weyrlings. Farleth's response is a look that clearly says he's the one with wings so leave him be. A happy croon is shared with his clutchmates.

Kh'ryn has disconnected.

Trying to hold back the yawn that's threatening to come out, Kh'ryn finally gives in and lets sleep take him where it may. 'Goodnight..' he mumbles.

Mneoth tilts his dark head a little wings stretching out, out, out! Then with something close to a contented sigh, he slowly begins raising and lowering his wings in a simple exercise, his neck curling around Khena for a moment.

Mneoth thinks to you, << Will you be exercising too? One of the larger greens has told me that flying is hard on riders as well as dragons... >>

"Aren't we s'posed to let them fly soon," Khena says, peering at T'am as her hand comes off Mneoth's head as it moves. Grinning at the brown, she shrugs, "Yeah, I guess you're right, Mneo, I /should/ be exercising too." Getting herself loose from the dragon's neckhold, she turns to front him, getting down on the ground to do push-ups.

Mneoth watches Khena for a long moment, his large and still-growing wings continuing their methodical motions. Whirling eyes pick up speed, a sharper shade of blue fusing the edges of green with an almost heated energy.

<Local> Mneoth senses that he thinks << If we are to fly soon, perhaps there are more exercises we should be doing. It does not appear that we will use only our wings. >>

T'am grins at Khena, "Too soon." A hasty look is given to Farleth before another smile cracks his face, "Though Farleth is certainly ready for it." This from the boy that wanted to fly? Suddenly the prospect of his lifemate taking that first leap into the air all alone is nerve wracking. Khena's sudden turn to exercise must have ellicited some comments from Farleth, because his rider nods then quickly drops to the ground as well. A wink toward Khena, "he says he won't have me getting lazy and becoming too heavy to carry when it's time for us to fly together. "

Mneoth senses Farleth thinks in rumbling concurrance, <<We'd best be getting everything in shape.>> A ripple or warm sunlight, <<Soon we will be airborn.>> The eagerness is palpable.

Khena chuckles, her eyes still following her lifemate's exercises. "What kind of exerxises would you suggest, Mneo?" she asks of the brown's suggestion. Well, maybe she hadn't been paying enough attention in class, or just didn't know enough about dragon anatomy to know what exercises would be good for dragons before having them take to the skies. "Maybe something to strengthen you hindlegs?"

T'am stops doing push-ups and rolls over onto his back, gazing up at Farleth. "Thats a good suggestion. Why don't you work on your hindlegs?" A quick exchange ensues and produces a chuckle from the rider, "Yes, as long as I'm on my back I think I /will/ work on my stomach." Hmph.

Mneoth pauses for a moment, eyes whirling even faster, almost blurring for a brief second. Then with wings furled he gives a sudden downsweep and stands up on his hind legs, balancing for a moment before lowering himself down, an amused golden glint sparkling in his large eyes.

Khena continues her push-ups for a few more moments, then rolls over on her back, starting an exercise for the stomach muscles. Feeling sweat coming to her brow, she groans making a face as she peers up at the sky. "It's gonna rain soon," she mutters, while deep inside she's not worried about the weather, but the lack of exercise she's had during Candidacy and Weyrlinghood. Suddenly noticing the movements from Mneoth, she laughs, standing to brush dust off her pants. Mneoth senses that Khena encourages; >>You're doing great, Mneoth. You look absolutely magnificent like that,<< she notes, bubbles of chuckle moving through her thoughts.

Farleth eyes Mneoth with softly whirling eyes, contemplating. Studying. Then he tries that move. Wings come down and hind legs push up, projecting the still growing bronze to quite a height for a moment before he once again returns forelegs to the ground. Eyes look complacently at his rider. See, that was no trouble at all. A draconic grin lights his faethen, and tongue snakes out to give T'am a lick as he comes up from one of his stomach exercises, making his lifemate laugh so that continuing with the sit-ups is impossible.

Sunburnt sorrel weathers the practical, countrified lines of this dragon's raw bones and slab sides, sown to wheat-yellow across the straight-lined furrows of his wings. Brighter bronze crests skewed headknobs and lends a healthy glow to ruddy cheeks and muddy forearms. Water-marks rust the undersides of a lumpily lean neck and a gawkily strapping chest, a darker tobacco staining the off-center tilt of his narrow muzzle. Neckridges flung-every-which-way are freckled with more rust, whilst his sit-upon cultivates prosaic shades of mire and muck. He's a little homely, with his gormless chin and that one tooth a-snaggling sky-wards, but there's no apology to salt the earthy assurance of his forthright gaze.
Farleth is 7 months and 6 days old.
He is 40 feet (13m) long, with a wingspan of 66 feet (22m).

Mneoth senses T'am looking at him.

Mneoth emits a quiet bugle, eyes now dancing merrily as he gives Khena an adoring look. The brown suddenly hunkers down on all fours before leaping forward, folded wings flashing past his rider's shoulders before he repeats the earlier maneuver and stands on his hind legs again. <Local> Mneoth senses that he thinks << And that brown thinks he is the only one who can dance. >>

Wiping sweat of her brow, Khena is entranced with watching her lifemate's exercises, forgetting that he'd prodded her to do her own, sidestepping neatly as Mneoth charges her. At the thought from the brown, her face falls in disbelief as she /stares/ at him, a frown deepining on her forehead. "/What/ brown, Mneoth?!" she demands to know.

<Local> Mneoth senses that Farleth sends forth light amusement <<They'll be in for a surprise when its time for us to leave the ground.>>

<Local> Mneoth senses that he almost seems to chuckle lightly as he makes a few more hops, all on his hind legs with his wings stretched our for balance. << Chan - ti - coth >> he says in time with his steps.

Farleth watches his clutchmate appreciatively, but remains in one spot more or less. The standing exercise is repeated a few times before the urge overcomes him and he too takes a hopping step forward, falling into the dance routine learned from Chanticoth sometime not far in the past. Bronze tail flicks proudly as he shows his strength and agility.

Khena's eyes fairly seem to bulge out of her head as she moves quickly, runs actually, toward Mneoth, grabbing hold of his muzzle to stare into his eyes, beginning a very private conversation with him.

Mneoth senses that Khena's mind clouds over with a dark, dark warning. >>Do not /ever/ take /any/ advise from Chanticoth, Mneoth! That will only land both you and I in a /lot/ of trouble!<< More warning emotions flow from her to you as her grip on your muzzle tightens. >>Hear me?!<<

T'am laughs, trying to smother it as Khena reacts. His own feelings are merely amusement as Farleth hop-steps around the grounds, doing all he can to show off.

Mneoth stops dead in his tracks, wings quickly folded tight against his back as he stares down into his rider's face. A faintly alarmed glint swirls in with the colors of his eyes, tail drooping for a brief moment.

Mneoth thinks to you, << Yes, Khena. I understand. >> Though perhaps he really does not. << It is a tremendous work out, but I will not continue if you would prefer that. >>

Farleth notices Mneoth's alarm, but takes little note of it, nor of Khena's seeming aversion to the dance. He must become stronger and grow. He will be bigger than Chanticoth soon. Bigger than all the brown dragons! Bigger than everyone! Well, maybe not /everyone/...

"Well, good," Khena mutters as she releases her grip on the brown muzzle. Looking over her shoulder at T'am and his lifemate, she looks only slightly embarrassed at her overreaction to Mneoth 'dance'. Turning back to the brown, her hands move to his eyeridges rubbing them gently.

Mneoth senses that Khena bubbles with relief and enjoyment. >>Just don't do that again, will you promise me that, Mneoth?<< A brush of concerned feelings move to the fore of her thought, then determination replaces that. >>I'd appreciate it if you'd stay away from Chanticoth?<<

Mneoth prods his head against Khena's shoulder for a moment, his gaze still steady on her face as his tail wraps around his hind legs a little.

Mneoth thinks to you, << But why? >>

T'am tactfully pretends he didn't notice anything out of the ordinary. In fact, his attention is honed in on Farleth at the moment. "You don't /have/ to stretch your neck that way..." he manages to yell before dissolving into laughter. Farleth, for his part, is practically prancing around with wings slightly unfurrled and his neck stretched up high, moving about with a rhythm of its own.

Khena bends her head to lean her forehead against Mneoth's. Closing her eyes, hands move to his headknobs while a smile spreads on her lips, the brownrider still in deep conversation with her dragon.

You think to Mneoth, >> Because Chanticoth can get us in trouble, darling. And we don't want that, do we? <<

Mneoth whuffles Khena's hair suddenly, his snout giving her shoulder one last gentle nudge before he sits back once more, giving his wings a last, long stretch.

Khena laughs, her mood much improved after having warned her lifemate off socializing too much with Chanticoth. Turning back to T'am, she gives the bronzer an apologetic look. "So sorry 'bout that, T'am," she says, giving her shoulders a lift as she takes in a deep breath. "I think Mneoth's been spending too much time with Ilare's brown." How and when that had happened was still an unresolved issue, though.

T'am wipes the corners of his eyes, laughing so hard at Farleth is staring to make his stomach ache. Turning to Khena with a grin still intact he shakes his head, "Chanticoth? I didn't know he was a bad influence." A funny influence, yes... "I don't know who Far has been hanging around, but I suspect a few greens have been influencing him." Farleth hasn't paused in his prancing.

"Green, huh?" Khena mutters, a smirk spreading on her lips. Well, at least Mneoth was influenced by greens... Right? Looking back at the brown, her eyes narrow as she starts worrying about which of the Weyrs older dragons he'd been socializing with. "Anyway.. Chanticoth has been trying to teach Mneoth this... Dance." The brownrider takes a look around the Grounds, making sure not too many people were listening. "And frankly, I'm none too pleased about that."

Mneoth finally just settles down on all fours, quite done with his stretches and "exercising" for the moment. Long dark tail loops around Khena's waist lightly as the brown shuffles just a bit to stand right beside her.

You sense Mneoth sends such a subtle hint of spice that it is almost overwhelmed by the vivid green flashing through his mindvoice, tone gentle and yet, insistent. << Someday you and I will dance in the air Khena. Are you ready? >>

Farleth finally stops his parading around, coming full circle from another lap around the grounds to stand near his rider. Bronze head snakes forward to rest near T'am, one large eye whirling with the aftermath of his fun. T'am smiles tolerantly as he reaches out to scratch eyeridges. "The dance is good for them, Khena. At least, I assume it helps their muscles develope." Just none of this prancing stuff, 'k? He raises a brow at Farleth.

Farleth heads west towards the Northern curve of the bowl.

T'am heads west towards the Northern curve of the bowl.

As Khena finds herself trapped in Mneoth's tailhook, she doesn't struggle to get free as she would have had it been any other dragon, but looks at the brown, excitement gleaming in her eyes as she nods at an unvoiced question from her lifemate. Turning, she just manages to notice T'am and his bronze move off the Grounds. No need to explain then, why she didn't want Mneoth around Chanticoth.

Mneoth senses that Khena beams with pride and anticipation as she answers, >>I've been ready since the day we met, Mneoth,<< she says firmly, her mind already trying to imagine riding her /own/ lifemate in the air.

Mneoth is about to turn a thoughtful look on his rider when suddenly his great brown jaws crack a little, a long yawn escaping him. Perhaps those 'exercises' tired him out more than he had expected.

Mneoth thinks to you, << Perhaps... later would be a good time to continue our duties here >> he suggests, hints of cream overcoming the spiciness from earlier. << And it does appear to be raining now. >>

Khena looks up, having not even noticed the rain until Mneoth mentioned it. Grinning, she runs a hand over the dampening hide of her lifemate, nodding slowly and contemplating.

Mneoth senses that Khena gives you praise as her gentle hand move over soft hide. >>You were right. The rain /does/ seem to be good on your hide...<< Looking up again and feeling a few drops of water entering her eyes, she nudges you toward the barracks. >>Let's get inside, though, before you get too wet.<<

Mneoth slips silently to Mneoth's couch.

You head into Mneoth's couch.

Mneoth's Couch
In a small niche on the back wall a glowbasket illuminates this couch with a soft pleasant light. Soft rushes provide a flexible mat on the raised platform which serves as Mneoth's bed, while next to it sleeping furs are spread out for Khena to rest in. Little, other than Mneoth and Khena, crowd this place and it is kept clean and neat at all times. Only a rudimentary box in one corner, holding the weyrling's few personal effects, as well as brushes and a jar of oil for the caretaking of her lifemate's hide, has been allowed to take up space here.
On the perch is Samedi.
Brown Mneoth is here.
You see Khena's Box here.

Myrrh and mahogany fuse together across muzzle and headknobs, entwine about prominent eyeridges, and sweep all silk and sisal down the grand lengths of this broad and ponderous dragon. Lighter klah-brown erodes the sharp edges of his powerful neckridges before dissolving into the brooding layers of umber sweeping his belly and forelegs. His smooth, suave hide speckles to bronze across the rounded curves of his withers, as if momentarily blessed by the sun. Wingsails - wide and high - are cloaked in a marbling of black, gray, and fawn, to create a secretive cove of shadows and covert camouflage.
Mneoth is 7 months and 6 days old.
He is 36 feet (12m) long, with a wingspan of 60 feet (20m).

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