Basic Anatomy

And now for some fresh air...

Training Grounds
The marks of thousands of claws give testament to the shuffling of the young dragons that have torn up what little grass once grew in this corner of the bowl. Tucked in between the feeding pens to the south and the curve of the Weyrleader's complex, the training grounds are home to daily exercises and classes, all taking place well out of the way of the hectic bustle of the rest of the bowl. Cut deep into the cliff face, the large, covered openings leading into the extensive weyrling barracks rise high over the heads of any who come near, although the height of the caldera's spindles far above cast their own reaching shadows across the hard packed earth.
It is a summer sunrise.
To the north, you see Mneoth.
Soaring high overhead is Rei.
Green Miravith, green Niamhyth, green Yajisarath, green Ayamizureth, green Issryuith, green Myrineth, blue Mzadith, brown Uzasnyth, and blue Cerdith are here.
You see Taesha here.
Lorsalia, Loe, Hiza, Catia, Pae, K'nex, and Reiko are here.

Mneoth heads out from the Weyrling Barracks.

Reiko follows Cerdith out of the barracks, looking remarkably awake... for her. Of course, her day started hours ago, courtesy of a certain blue who enjoys watching the sun rise. She's more than a little surprised to see so many people - and dragons - gathered at such an early hour, but shrugs it off with a twisted smirk. "Morning, all."

Ayamizureth steps in from the barracks, leading Loe along quietly. "'m comin', 'm comin'. Not my fault someone knocked over the oil." Which meant new rushes, new clothes, and a few dozen rags. "Hum." Catia gets a polite salute, Ayamizureth snorting a greeting with much less enthusiasm. "G'morning."

"Gather round, gather round," Catia instructs the weyrlings, waving her hand in a vague semicircle. She seems to want to get started. Taesha just fidgets behind her, watching the dragonets wide-eyed.

"C'mon, Mneo," Khena says, leading her evergrowing dragon out of the barracks, into the sun, taking up a space near the dragonhealer, sitting on the floor of the Grounds in a crosslegged position.

Hiza shuffles toward Catia, one hand on Issryuith's neck. "No, I don't have a clue, Iss," the former-lots-of-things and also very short woman comments, "Hi, Pae, everyone." A soft grin glimmers across her face, and Hiza comes to rest within good hearing and seeing distance of Catia.

Pae obeys, herding herself as well as Uzasnyth into the instructed position. Since she adores children, Taesha gets a blithe fingerwiggle in greeting, as well as a croon from Uzi. Aw. "Can we sit down? Oh, uh, nevermind." Brownlet hunkers down adjacent to Khena, beaming up at Catia.

Yajisarath grumbles at her rider, then gives Lors a none too soft nudge, sending her reeling towards the group. With satisfaction in sending the girl off balance, greenie rises slowly and ambles over as well, managing to sweep Lorsalia off her feet with her tail when she passes. "Hey! That's unfair!" Rider calls goodnaturedly, quickly scrabbling to her feet again to join Yajisarath in the semicircle.

Mneoth follows closely beside his rider, peering about at the others, studying each, one by one. He comes to a stop just behind Khena and sits back on his haunches, head tilted to the side with a curious tint to his whirling eyes.

Cerdith amiably follows as Reiko obediently sits, settling down behind his lifemate with a serene warbling croon. Reiko leans back on her hands, settling in to listen. <Junior Weyrling Wing> Mneoth senses that Issryuith shivers, in a muted grey-blue, <<There's a little-thing with the lady.>> Images of the child is somewhat blurry, but there. <<Why?>>

You think to Mneoth, >> It's a class, Mneo. We're gonna learn about your anatomy, I think. Don't be worried. <<

Loe and Ayamizureth trundle towards the circle, plopping down in Hiza's general direction. "Hullo." A polite nod on both parts. "Hmm."

<Junior Weyrling Wing> Mneoth senses that Uzasnyth drifts carelessly on the muffled buzz of crickets. << She is cute. I do not know why she is there, though. >>

Taesha smiles contentedly at all the weyrlings she knows, one hand resting possesively on Myrineth's nose, as the green eyes the young ones. "Some of what I'll tell you today you probably already know," Catia begins to speak, looking around the group to make sure they're all listening. "You've already learnt to bathe and oil your dragons, to feed them the right amounts, to check that they're healthy. But you may not know why you do some of the things you've been told to." She pauses.

You sense Mneoth's voice tints with obvious amusement, ringing slightly with a muted buzz. << I am not worried. Just curious. It is good to learn new things. >>

Mneoth> Taesha
Mneoth> Tall and leggy and slender, puberty hasn't yet struck this knobbly colt of a rider's brat, though a certain type of imitative maturity seems to have. Her smooth dark hair cascades to the middle of her back, often neatly braided or tidied up in a bun; her pale skin is still free of adolescent blemishes and is always, but always clean. Large grey-blue eyes examine the world with patience and interest, and she carries herself with as much decorum as she can manage - most of the time, anyway. There's always a temptation to mischief and mayhem lurking at the back of her every prim movement.
Mneoth> Shorts of tough blue cotton and a short-sleeved shirt of bright cherry red make up Taesha's favourite summer outfit, along with a pair of ordinary leather sandals.
Mneoth> Taesha is 12 Turns and 3 days old.

Reiko shifts a little. She hadn't considered 'why', having felt she more than had her hands full with just doing what was necessary. A trilling croon from her lifemate brings her back to attention. Cerdith wants to know. And, more importantly, he wants Reiko to know.

<Junior Weyrling Wing> Mneoth senses that Yajisarath explains what her rider said, her mind-presence no more than bubbles of airy silver blues and purples. >> Lorsalia said that It's a brat. A little-person. Probably Myrineth's rider's child. <<

Khena slings an arm around Mneoth's neck, leaning her head against his neck for a moment, then sits up straight to listen to the dragonhealer's words, a slight smile on her face. You think to Mneoth, >> Good. Now let's listen to what she has to say, why don't we? I'm sure it's important. <<

Uzasnyth begins to rake his talons through the dirt of the ground, idly throwing some toward Pae. Cough. "Eep, shhhh, stoppit, Uzi," 'rider reprimands quietly, supporting it with a brief gesture as she returns her attention to Catia.

<Junior Weyrling Wing> Mneoth senses that Rhajath is snoozing, but still listening, >>Chelle says they're not brats! That's a /bad/ word!<<

Hiza smiles at Loe, and then turns to Catia as she speaks, Issryuith lying down and curling her tail around 'rider. Said greenrider tilts her head, taking on a look of concentration. "I've not attended a lesson since I went to Harper classes in Crom," is whispered to Loe, and she settles her attention. Or something.

<Junior Weyrling Wing> Mneoth senses that Issryuith shakes her mind voice with a building storm of dark colors, <<I don't like it. It reminds me of... crawly things.>> Fear.

Mneoth whuffles Khena's hair softly, but then settles down to lie on the ground, eyes intent on the Dragonhealer.

Lorsalia shrugs, leaning against her greenling. "Oiling's 'so that their hides don't crack while growing or betweening. Everyone knows /that/." She says contemptuously, rolling her eyes. Her next words are slightly more resentful, though she knows full well that they must wait until the dragonets are fully grown before it is possible. "Even if we can go between yet."

<Junior Weyrling Wing> Mneoth senses that Ayamizureth swirls, a layer of fog hazing already dim words. << Mine dislikes brats. >> Pause. << Or her clutchsib. I can never tell the difference. >> A mass of creepy-crawlies skitter along, a larger one in the lead. << They all seem annoying. >>

Catia gives Lorsalia a hard stare, hearing the young greenrider. "Indeed. You oil your dragons so that their hide doesn't crack. Cracked hide can be fatal between.... but as you said, you won't be going between for some time now." Glancing over the dragonets once more, she asks the class, "Why do you have to check the size of your dragon's tail?"

"So they don't need a purge," Loe says, sniggering for no particular reason even as she's thwapped by Ayamizureth. "Owchies." Sniff. " Purge. Yah. So they don't get ... backed up."

<Junior Weyrling Wing> Mneoth senses that Yajisarath is more substantial, swirls instead of bubbles as she repeats more of the all-knowing Lorsalia's words. >> Brats are good sometimes. They -like- to give us baths and oil us. They think that if they do that, we'll give them flying-rides later. <<

"And what are purges for?" Catia's next question come back.

<Junior Weyrling Wing> Mneoth senses that Issryuith hisses mentally at Ayamizureth's images, sending back one of millions upon millions of dead, squashed, and otherwise dismembered creepy things. <<I still do not like how they look.>>

Mneoth thinks to you, << For dragons who don't know when to stop eating. >>

<Junior Weyrling Wing> Mneoth senses that Rhajath sends images of lots of cute child-like things, >>They are children, and they have their uses?<< Though the uses aren't certain...

Khena looks down at her hands, the calluses of the palm almost gone with all the oilings she'd given Mneoth over the last sevendays. No more cracked hide... Eyes glazing over as she listens to Mneoth, she grins and then looks up at the dragonhealer. "Mneo says some dragon don't know when to stop eating..."

Reiko makes a face, having learned this one from experience, but a smirk curls her lips as she answers. "For when nature needs a little /help/." A plaintive croon from Cerdith softens her expression, and she shoots her dragon an apologetic glance. "It's not your fault, dear."

Hiza wrinkles her nose, "In case our dragons have a problem.. uh.. passing waste... the purge.. helps get that fixed?" Cringe, as answers to the same affect echo around.

You think to Mneoth, >> thanks, Mneo.. Hope we're not making fools of ourselves... <<

Pae listens, allowing the others to answer before she herself does. The brownlet mimics Loe, nodding sapiently, "Yeah. What she said!" Beam -- oh, another question. "Uhm.. 'cause.. to clear.. well, what Reiko said!" Uzasnyth is more interested in the ground, pawing at it experimentally.

Shirasuth heads out from the Weyrling Barracks.

K'nex heads out from the Weyrling Barracks.

Yajisarath cranes her head around to eye her serpentine tail. Deciding it it a good skinny, she twists it back and forth, showing off. And her hide is brightly clean and oiled, too. "Stoppit, Greenie." Lorsalia says impatiently, flicking at the blue-tinted hide near a lower neckridge. "You're about to hit someone. And we all know how beautiful you are already."

You sense Mneoth looks to you intently for a moment, a cooling scent washing over you. << You are not a fool, Khena >> he quickly assures you before turning back to the Dragonhealer. << Fools are the ones who chatter away and do not learn what they should. >> Ahem.

Catia summarises, in far from prudish language. "Indeed, when a dragon is constipated, its tail gets thicker. This is because dragons excrete from between the tail fork..." She gestures towards the green tip of Myrineth's tail. "Occasionally dragonets will need a purge because they've been eating incorrectly... So can adult dragons, too. But adult dragon excrete between, which means that only weyrlings have to clean their couches...." She gives the 'lings a lop-sided, sympathetic smile.

K'nex wanders out of the barracks looking a bit sour and glaring at the brown behind him. "I don't /care/," he mutters, "I was sleeping." Nudged by a gold etched nose, Kez is forced to join the class. Mutter. And what a lovely time to show up. This time, a worried glance is difrect at Shira. "Constipated?" Err...

"When they're a bit older, you can encourage them to go outside, of course," Catia says blithely, glancing towards the manure piles. "But accidents do happen..."

Khena tries to keep a chuckle back as a comment from Mneoth makes her break into a smile. Shaking her head, she pats the brown on the side of his neck, nodding as the Catia explains about dragontails and overeating. You think to Mneoth, >> You think some of them talk too much, do you? Funny, so do I.. <<

Hiza nods as green tail snakes around her more, burbling, "That's her opinion and not mine," quietly to Issryuith about something someone said, "Yes, I know you eat the right amount. Shh, sweets." Issryuith gives a little warble, and Hiza chuckles, scritching an eyeridge.

Pae bobs her head repeatedly, nestling against Uzasnyth to lean on him slightly. "Yes, dear, I'll only let you eat what you're supposed to... Don't worry!" After whuffling her hair once, the brown returns to studying the ground.

Loe hees. "Constipated. That's a funny word." Another thwap. "Ow, stop." A faint sniffle, and Ayamizureth gets a thump on the side. "It's not my fault it's a funny word." Loe huffs, then pauses, peering over at Catia. "Ayamizureth wants to know how someone could eat too much. She says ... um, she, um .." Ponder. "She wants to know why her stomach wouldn't just, y'know, feel full. Or is it just the weyrling trying to feed the dragon too much?"

Mneoth rumbles very softly, his dark brown tail curling about his lifemate as he spares a glance for the other weyrlings. Then with a quiet snort he turns back to his rider and the Dragonhealer. Mneoth thinks to you, << Perhaps if they would think a little more instead of rushing about and talking all the time they wouldn't need purges. >>

Lorsalia and Yajisarath both wear a rather...disgusted look at the current topic. Indeed, the dragon self-consciously wraps her tail forward and around herself while Lorsa reassures with a pat. "Yes, dearling. When you can fly, you can do it between, too. And I won't tell a single person about your weyrling habits."

Taesha giggles a little to herself, swinging a bare leg idly. Catia continues the talk: "If your dragon overeats, they sometimes have to be purged too. The weyrlingmasters will perform the task, but you have to clean up, I'm afraid.... so it's definitely in your interests to control your dragon's eating. Remember, they /can't/ remember - they have very short memories." She frowns a little towards Loe. "Both... A dragon can eat more food than it needs, just as a canine might... A weyrling can also mistakenly feed her dragon too much."

Loe hmms faintly, fiddling with Ayamizureth's tail quielty. "Okay. Thanks."

You sense Mneoth is just in a little bit of a grumpy mood today. Too much sitting around and not enough sleep with that chattering going on all the time...

Reiko nods a little at Catia's explanation, but more of her attention is on Cerdith just at the moment, who's still looking a little bit sheepish. "Really. It won't happen again. I promise." A whuffling croon, and the blue settles in again, one whirling eye regarding Catia evenly... much the same way Reiko is now. Waiting patiently for the next topic, feeling quite as if the current one must have been exhausted.

Shirasuth pauses, sitting near his rider and givign him a 'look'. You listen now, ya hear? Muttering again, K'nex leans against his brown, havign a silent conversation abotu eating with him, which more or less turns int oa scolding from Shira about something else. Oh bother. Kez nods his head along to Catia. Uh-huh. No overeating. If it means getting out of cleaning up purge -ew- he can do that.

Not Lorsalia's green. "But what if a dragon refuses to eat much? Will they still have to be purged?" The girl asks, ducking another powerful 'nudge' from her skinny green. ""Cause Yajisarath never eats enough to put weight on. She...she refuses to." The girl, madly in love with her self-conscious dragon asks the question with concern, even if she hasn't been brave enough to bring up the subject before.

"Shhh, Mneo. Please try and be a little patient," Khena whispers to her lifemate as her arms tightens a little around his neck, head coming close to the brown's head. "We'll go exploring when this is over, 'kay?" Her eyes glances around at the other weyrlings, then the Dragonhealer performing the class.

"Undereating isn't a reason to be purged," Catia shakes her head. "If she's not eating enough, it's worth asking her why - does she not like the taste of that particular meat, does she feel full quickly, what's the problem? I'll talk to you about it later if you like, Lorsalia... something like this should have been brought to the weyrlingmasters' attention sooner." And there's a little frown.

You think to Mneoth, >> you'd never eat too much, would you? <<

Mneoth thinks to you, << Eating too much is a waste of time, mine and yours actually. >>

Uzasnyth hunkers down into a more relaxed position, forming a cusp with his body for Pae to lean against. Dragonsofa. "It's okay, Uzi-dear.. Cleaning your rushes isn't /that/ bad, and I'd do anything for you!" Rider rolls onto her side, snuggling against her lifemate affectionately. Aren't they cute?

You think to Mneoth, >> You and I both still have to eat, my heart. Only I have to eat more often than you. <<

"Right." Catia attempts to move on. "We mentioned the importance of oiling and bathing earlier: it's a good time too for you to examine your dragon and check for anything that might be wrong, particularly once they start to fly. At the moment - and always - you should be checking for patchy or torn skin; later, for swollen, hot joints and signs of strain."

Lorsalia nods, a look of relief on her face for Catia and a glare at Yajisarath. "Good. I didn't know if it was really important to tell." She mumbles, crossing her arms over her chest defensively. For her part, the green doesn't show any sign of remorse for attempting to deceive her rider and stands still, watching a bronze flying into the Weyr above.

K'nex pokes at Shira's bulk, as Lorsa talks about her green not eatign enough. Hm. He doesn't have that problem, but he hasn't had to purge either...and let's keep it that way, hmm? "Hot joints?" Kez questions, "What exaclty is that?" Suth, meanwhile, streaches some of his joins, settlign down, and leans over to look at Catia more closely. Well? What is it?

Khena's eyes moves down the ever-longer body of Mneoth, observing the side of him she able to see at the moment. An involuntary response to the Dragonhealer's words, really. It was only this morning she'd oiled the brown hide and she'd found nothing wrong then.

Hiza purses her lips, listening to the conversations going on all around her, and then widening eyes at something Issryuith says, "We're lucky we haven't had any problems, you know.." Besides getting dunked in the water all the time. But that's not a problem, at least not for Iss. Catia's words get another solemn nod, eyes traveling over Issryuith's body, in concern. "There's this spot... Iss.. always seems to be dry. Hiza scratches at it, pulling small bottle of oil from her pack and smoothing it over. "Touch ups!" Grin.

You think to Mneoth, >> Nothing wrong is there, Mneo? With you're hide? <<

Pae uses that moment to search the side of Uzasnyth closest to her for any skin injuries, awarding him a soft pat as she does so. "Uzi looks fine, 'least over here.." Uzasnyth rumbles triumphantly, flicking his tail idly.

You sense Mneoth chuckles softly, nudging your shoulder gently. << I would tell you, do not worry. >>

<Junior Weyrling Wing> Mneoth senses that Yajisarath huffs, complaining to the others of her rider in terms of high-pitched soprano and vivid greens. >> Why do they think it's bad to not eat everything they bring us? I eat enough to fill my stomach, just not stretch it. That's not bad. <<

Catia casts her attention on K'nex. "Have you ever twisted your ankle?" she asks. "If you or your dragon damages a muscle, you'll feel it being warm as well as swollen. Bathing it in cold water helps, and we have a salve for something." She nods towards Hiza, taking in all the minor problems the weyrlings only /now/ are telling her.

Mneoth senses that Khena sending positive thoughts to you, hand moving over the soft hide of your neck. >>I know, my dear. That's why you're the best dragon in the Weyr.<<

Loe peers over at Catia, blinking slightly. "Ayamizureth's neck itches a lot. I mean, it stops with oil, but it's always itchy, she says -- is it okay if a dragon has a couple of itchy spots?" Loe figured itching was a good thing; growth, and all that. "But 'sides that, everything seems okay."

Reiko doesn't need to look to know that Cerdith is perfect. She spends enough time looking at him... every spare moment, in fact. Jeweled eyes whirl a satisfied greenish blue as Cerdith tips his head to nuzzle his 'rider. She tilts her head to regard Catia curiously. "Is that likely to happen before they start flying?"

K'nex nods his head and pokes his dragonet. "There, than answer your question?" The brown snorts, and lightly scolds Kez. You're supposed to be asking the questions and listening. Huff-huff. Kex does glance over at Loe and nods, "Yeah...Shira has a few spots that seem to be perminatly itchy as well."

Catia nods towards Loe. "Your dragons are growing so fast that they /will/ itch, all over, all the time." She almost twitches in rememberance, looking back at Myrineth. Taesha giggles at her mum, and then scratches at her knee, frowning. "The itching will fade as they get older, and stop growing so fast." Time to blind them with figures. "Take a look at the growth chart in the barracks sometime. Your dragons do more than half their growing by the time they're 6 months old... they're growing /fast/ at the moment, which is why they eat so much." She pauses for breath, and nods to Reiko, indicating that the bluerider was heard and will be answered.

Hiza tilts her head, looping her arms through Issryuith's , looking up as Issryuith looks down, and grinning. Aww, the weyrlings are so cuuute with their dragons. Ahem, anyway, she listens to Catia talk, a peaceful, contemplative look taking over her face.

Khena knew just about all there was to know about sprained joints and would never want anything like that to happen to Mneoth. "Mneo doesn't complain," she mutters, leaning further into her lifemates shoulder, arm clutching his neck as she gives him a sidelong glance, wondering if the brown was keeping something from her.

"Uzi always itches on his 'ridges," Pae comments reasonlessly, unconciously continuing to scratch the brown's hide. "We both gotta 'member to look at the growth chart, Uzi.." Uzasnyth whuffles down at the dirt in retort, while Pae continues to listen intently.

You think to Mneoth, >> Why don't you complain? You /must/ be itching with all that growing you're doing.. <<

Lorsalia puffs up with pride as she gazes on her dragon once more. "Yajisarath likes to take so many baths that we find the dry spots before they start itching too badly." She announces to the others as Yajisarath burbles with the same emotion. "And we did look at the chart and she's growing a little slowly, but /I/ think that's because she refuses to eat as much as the other dragons. My nannies always told me that to grow bigger, I had to eat properly."

"Reiko." Finally Catia gets round to answer her. "They /can/ get strained joints and muscles before they start flying; we have them doing exercises to strengthen their muscles from about 3 months onwards, and too much of this can strain them - so you have to keep an eye on them then, too. But minor wingstrains are the most common - we'll discuss a lot more about wings shortly before their first flights, though."

Mneoth leans up against his rider slightly, neck bending slightly as he looks at her intently for a moment, tail curling even tighter around her. Mneoth thinks to you, << I do not need to. I tell you if I itch, but you take good care of me Khena. Perhaps someday I can do the same...? >>

K'nex ohs, and nods his head attending to some of Suth's more itchy spots as he listens. Ok, as long as that's normal. He doesn't need to check the chart...Kez frown suddenly, probably from a comment from Shira. Hmph. He does not /need/ to check the chart. "Excercises?" Dragon Aerobics? Oh well, Shira isn't liekly to strain himself, but Kez'll keep an eye on him anyway, of course.

"We're done for this session," Catia announces, glancing over her shoulder at her eldest daughter, to make sure Taesha was paying attention. Facing the 'lings again, she asks, "Any questions?"

Khena breaks into another slow smile as Mneoth speaks to her, her head shaking ever so slightly. "Let's listen to what Catia has to say, shall we, Mneo," she whispers, nodding toward the Dragonhealer, then shrugs as she announces the class being over. You think to Mneoth, >> D'you have any questions? <<

Loe goes home.

Mneoth thinks to you, << Not really... common sense goes a long way... >>

Ayamizureth heads into the Weyrling Barracks.

Hiza blinks in surprise, "Really, that was all?" Issryuith whuffles, and Hiza starts to stand, stretching, "Thank you... This is all very important to know." A flicker of a beam, and she says to Issryuith, "Come on, lets get all of you oiled, alright?"

"Lessons are short," Catia grins at Hiza. "Your lifemates don't want to have to sit through too much at their age...."

Lorsalia nods, raising her hand to be seen over one of the dragonets passing in front of her to leave. "Yes! Is there anything we can do -now- to help with flexibility and stuff?" She asks eagerly, since Yajisarath wants to know. "I know we can't do the major excersizes, but is there anything to do?"

Pae leaps from her seat against Uzasnyth, clapping her hands in delight. "Yay, Uzi! Now we can go swim!" Uzasnyth reminds her of her manners, which she promptly performs. "Thank you, ma'am. 'Twas very helpful, mmmhmm! Uzi says so too!" Beam. A pause, with a glance a Taesha, and she continues, "Oh, an' if'n after weyrlinghood, you need someone to nanny your -- daughter, I guess? -- me an' Uzi'll do it. If we have time an' all."

Mneoth senses that Khena is amused. >>Yes it does, doesn't it?<< Chuckling she moves her hand to your headknobs rubbing them firmly. >>Hear that? Class is over. It wasn't all that bad, was it?<<

Cerdith is already shifting restlessly, more than ready for the class to be over. And suddenly, it is. Reiko gets to her feet a little stiffly, brushing dirt off her trousers and turning to Catia with a rather formal nod. "Thank you." Cerdith croons sweetly. "Yes, we can swim now." Blink. After we hear the answer to this question, apparently..

Catia shakes her head at Lorsalia. "Not yet. Just keep walking and moving around lots..." Taesha pipes up loudly, "I don't need a nanny /or/ a foster mother! I'm 12!" Catia quells her daughter with a /look/, and Taesha subsides into her usual quietness.

Issryuith heads into the Weyrling Barracks. Issryuith leads Hiza out.

K'nex pauses for a moment, listening to Shira and thinking, "No," he finally concludes, "Neither one of us has an questions." Wow. Kez grins, patting brown hide and thanks Catia for the class. Then he turns around, followed by Suth into the barracks, bickering and explaining as he goes, "No, I think she meant something else by that... "

Shirasuth goes home. K'nex goes home.

Pae sniffs pathetically, more petulantly than most five turn children. "Aw, okay then, dear! Y'can come /visit/ me an' Uzi, if'n you want, then.." Operative word. "Me an' Uzi are gonna go swim, now. Bye!"

Cerdith goes home. Reiko goes home.

Yajisarath makes a motion signaling understanding when Lorsalia explains Catia's answer. "Thank you, then." The rider says, grinning. After another little salute, as she was told to do, Lors whirls around and begins to make her way back to the barracks, Yajisarath in hot pursuit, since an oiling was promised.

Myrineth extends a foreleg, enabling Taesha to mount easily and settle herself between two neckridges. Myrineth extends a foreleg, enabling Catia to mount easily and settle herself between two neckridges.

Pae goes home.

Myrineth coils and then bursts upwards into flight. Above, Myrineth bursts up from the bowl below.

Uzasnyth goes home.

Above, Myrineth heads out 'neath Spires' attentive protection, circling towards the central bowl.

Mneoth stands quickly, focus now on Khena since he no longer needs to concentrate on the Dragonhealer. He studies his lifemate for a long moment before bending forward just a bit, stretching his legs. Mneoth thinks to you, << And what now, Khena? What would you like to do? >>

Khena stands, a smooth motion only using Mneoth's head as support in case she should become dizzy. Which she doesn't. Guard training had been good to her. Looking around she notices the Ground practically vacated and she shrugs at Mneoth's question, arms crossing in front of her chest, eyes scanning the sights around her. You think to Mneoth, >> I'm not sure, dear. Is there anything you'd like to do? We didn't get to see much the other day, did we? <<

Yajisarath heads into the Weyrling Barracks. Yajisarath leads Lorsalia out.

You click your heels three times.

*** Disconnected ***

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