Hi, my name is Michael Kraus and I live with my wonderful wife Monika and my beautiful daughter Mia in Vienna, Austria.
I want to use this site to communicate with friends, providing some meeting information's especially for my colleagues from the class of 1982 [everybody is as old as he feels ;-) ] and give some details about my interests [project "open personality"].

You will find here, corresponding to the links on top:
(updated on 22.06.99

Mia (number 1)   Mia is on Top – my 23 month old daughter
enjoy with us some stages in her life ...
summerhouse our recent project - the summerhouse in Hungary
at the lake Balaton ...
friends Informations and Links
about some of our friends ...
interests some of my hobbies ....
(Hundertwasser , TriumpH TR 7, Lenny Kravitz, Linux and much more)
chemistry Informations about my work
and biochemistry related stuff ...
1982 class The "Rosenstein family"
The school and the college class ...

Email me at [email protected] and come back soon because there are always new things to see.

stoped here, like you, to see thi fantastic home page

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