���������������������������������������������������� Girl Scout Traditions
The Girl Scout Sign
"The Girl Scout Sign is symbolic of the Girl Scout Promise"� The girl holds up her right
hand with the first three fingers extended - each finger stands for one part of the
Promise - and the little finger is held down by  the thumb.� Girl Scouts make the sign
whenever they recite the Girl Scout Promise, when they are invested, rededicated, or
receive a patch, try it, or badge.� The Girl Scout sign is also part of the Girl Scout
The Girl Scout Handshake
The Girl Scout handshake is a formal way of greeting other Girl Scouts and Girl Guides.
You shake hands with the left hand and give the Girl Scout sign with your right hand.�
The Friendship Circle
The friendship circle stands for an unbroken chain of friendship with Girl Scouts and
Girl Guides around the world.� Girl Scouts and leaders stand in a circle crossing right
arm over left arm and holding hands with the persons on both sides.� Everyone is
silent as a friendship squeeze is passed around the circle.� It is recommended that you
put your right foot forward when you receive the squeeze, so that others know where
the squeeze is travelling throughout the circle.
The Quiet Sign
The quiet sign is used to let people in meetings and gatherings know that it is time to
be quiet.� Someone in the group raises their right hand with five fingers extended.� As
others in the group see the sign, they stop talking and raise their hands also.� As soon
as everyone is quiet, the meeting continues.
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