I have had a burden on my heart to tell my children and all children of the thief that is among us, trying to steal them away from us. This thief comes in many forms to steal and destroy that which we love with all our hearts. We must do all we can to learn the identity of the thieves among us to protect our children and to teach them to be aware and to avoid them. With the help of our Lord, Jesus Christ, we can be better prepared to fight the battle and win the war.

          There is a thief among us,
          A thief we cannot see.
          It lingers just beyond our sight,
          To steal you away from me.

          It goes by many different names,
          Some so innocent it seems.
          But it only has one goal in mind,
          That is to steal you away from me.

          I loved you from the first moment,
          I knew you were to be.
          I cherished you from the first second,
          Your sweet face I did see.

          I pray to God to keep you,
          Safe, here with me, but My Child,
          There's a thief among us,
          Trying to steal you from me.

          We made plans for your future,
          A future you may never see,
          For theres a thief among us
          Trying to steal you from me.

          If you should be in God's loving care,
          No more sorrow will you see,
          No thief to come and take you,
          You'll be with Jesus for eternity.

          I will miss you my Darling,
          If you are stolen from me,
          I'll see you in Heaven
          Please wait for me.

          Dedicated To All Who Have Children

          � 1999 By A Child, Mother, and Grandmother

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          Graphics By Littlest Angel Graphics

          I Believe By Norma Stevenson

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