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Where can I buy Carry the Wounded as well as other Tourniquet CD's for my collection?

Thank you!

Any info would be greatly appreciated!

A Tourniquet fan,


Whittier, CA


(reviewed by Robert Grazer)

Wow. These guys like to use big words in their songs. I mean, they have names like "Dysfunctional Domicile" and "Stereotaxic Atrocities." What purpose does this serve? I don't know. Anyway the music here from the very popular Christian metal band (right up there with Bride and Mortification) is widely regarded as their best, for reasons I can somewhat see. If you're a Tourniquet fan, that is. I'm not, and I'll tell you why. This is the only Tourniquet recording I am fully familiar with, and the songs on this album are for the most part less than good. The two exceptions are "Broken Chromosomes" and "Officium Defunctorium," both of which are excellent.

The rest is, while not painful, nothing great. The title track is alright, but still while the chorus is pretty good the verses are just a mess. There is mess elsewhere on this album as well. "A Dog's Breakfast," "Vitals Fading," you name it. And what was that with the rap bit on "Spineless?" What could that possibly do to benefit the song in any way? Of course, if you like Tourniquet's somewhat speedy rather unmelodic (although not really fast enough to be called speed metal, and the best songs on here aren't fast at all) style, then this is for you.

However while most of the songs themselves are not much to be entertained by, the talent within them sure is. Ted Kirkpatrick's drum work on the instrumental is just incredible, and how about those awesome solos? If you want to see some great shred talent "Psycho Surgery" and "Broken Chromosomes" have what you need. Not the best guitar work ever, no, but still pretty darn good. So Psycho Surgery is one to own if you want to start a Tourniquet collection, but if your like me download the highlights and be done with it.


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(reviewed by Robert Grazer)

Funny how things work out isn't it? This EP has a mere five songs on it, and it's also similar to Bride's Drop in the fact that it changes form the normal metal style to the softer and gentler music for an album. And, just like with Drop being Bride's peak, this is what I consider to be the best Tourniquet out there. The title track opens up with a new and very good melodic mood. Following is "When The Love Is Right," and it is the only weak entry into the whole album. It's a pretty song, but somethimes feels a little bit too much on the sappy side for me. It also sounds too similar to too many other ballads out there for me to call it a good song.

"Oh Well" is a cover showing the band's ability to take someone else's work and turn it into another great song. "My Promise" starts with a neat guitar intro and a gentle verse before transforming into the heaviest (although it still isn't that heavy) song on the album. It simmers down a little after a very nice guitar solo and ends very well, getting my vote for the best song on the album. The final entry, "Heads I Win, Tales You Lose," is an upbeat rocking song that has got an excellent chorus and some fast guitar work near the end to impress all. In a way I feel like I should rate it higher than an 8, but it's so short that I can't. Plus only four of the five songs are great, and that is equal to an eight out of ten.


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