As if it wasn't apparent to the average reader, this place has grown absolutely enormous since I first conceived of a review site in the fall of 1998.  This isn't the first time I've had a major rewriting project in the works, as in the first case I redid the site entirely in addition to expanding my reviews from their very small original size for the debut of its' current incarnation (December 1999).  Now, however, as I'm reading the sites of George Starostin and John McFerrin heavily, I realize that their writings (particularly their recent stuff) are really making my early work look extremely primitive and lame, and my musical tastes have changed so much in that period of time (they've gotten more sophisticated to the point I can better judge what exactly makes a great or bad album or song based on my recently higher standards) that there are numerous albums I've reviewed I'm positive I don't have the same liking for them that I once did.  Yes, I'm feeling the consequences of evaluating this many albums in such a quick period of time.

In addition, the size and writing quality of quite a few of my reviews (particularly the ones I did in the earliest period for my first rewritings) pale quite a bit to what I'm producing now, as I'd like to believe the grasp of my style is much better now than it was back then, so I'll be expanding most, if not all, of these earlier reviews.  In most cases, I'll also probably be relistening to several albums I haven't heard in a long time to get a more fresh perspective on (particularly the ones I'm mostly suspicious of how good/bad they are now, since this certainly isn't the first time I revised my opinion - most recently, check out my upgrades for Yes' Relayer and Genesis' Wind And Wuthering, the latter of which I was being a bit of a sheep in evaluating in many ways).

In any case, this also means I'm gonna get going on expanding the discographies of bands/artists on the site more (something I've abandoned of late out of pure lazyness), and as quick references to my standing on a particular album, I'll separately be pointing out my picks as to what songs on the album are 'high points' and 'low points' at the beginning of the review.  This will be a very ongoing project, just like the discography updates, and frequency of updates here may vary based on how much time I currently have (hey, I have to add other people's reviews here too!) and how energetic or lazy I feel at the time.

Oh yeah, instead of lamely going A to Z like I normally do on these type of things, I'm just gonna start out at the top of my reviews menu where the 60's bands/artists are (from The Beatles -  surprised?) and work my way down.  That way, my most complete pages will get this treatment first, as that's the way it probably should be.  I'll also be listing the pages I've completed my work on at the bottom here. Look out for some CHANGES!  And other reviewers on the site are welcome to contribute to this project too (I know Casey Brennan and Philip Maddox will probably make revisions on their earliest reviews).


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