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(reviewed by Robert Grazer)

Those little Christian guys put this sucker out in the year of ’96, and it was one of the, if not the, most popular of the Newsboys’ albums. I can somewhat see why. The albums has a real listener friendly feel to it as opposed to something like, say Yes’ Tales. “God is Not a Secret” is a solid rocking opener with a great chorus, and “Cup O’ Tea” is a good song in a much angrier style. Beyond that, “Lost the Plot” absolutely rules. Sure the lyrics are somewhat cheap, but man when that thing gets cooking in the end it becomes very memorable, easily the best on the album. A highpoint of emotion for all to enjoy.

The problems come with the others. The title track and “Breathe” are just mediocre. Then there’s “Breakfast,” which absolutely sucks. It possibly one of the ten or so most annoying songs ever. That chorus just goes over and over in the end until you just want to kill somebody. Furthermore, “Let it Go” and “Miracle Child” are plain old filler, and nothing more. “It’s All Who You Know” is okay, but unfortunately only works as a gateway from the good “Cup o’ Tea” to that really dumb “Miracle Child.”

Despite some really good songs this acclaimed work often comes up lacking. Not really bad, and it does contain “Lost The Plot,” a great, great song. The fact remains, however, that this is sadly a heavily overrated work that to me is nothing more than absolutely mediocre. I’ve noticed these big name Christian bands have music that sounds Godly, but certainly not God-like, while the little underground people (like, I don’t know, Stavesacre) can make fantastic music and sing about God all at the same time. Imagine that. You won’t find that here, though.


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