Post your comments about Keith Jarrett


(reviewed by Rollo)

HIGH POINTS: No specific ones. LOW POINTS: Like I said, no specific ones.

You know, usually I'm able to describe music and express what I feel when I hear whatever I want to. I have no problems trying to give a detailed explanation of how the structure of the music is, and I'm willing to do anything to recreate the feeling that I get at certain points in certain cuts, pieces or songs. I offer all the time that I have for writing stuff like that. But no matter how hard I try, I can't describe this music.

I'm not trying to tell you that this is the best record ever; I'd betray myself totally because there would be no way that I'd proclaim such a stripped-down thing like this to be the best musical enjoyment that money could buy. But you see, the emotions that are expressed through Keith's piano work aren't just stunning: they are absolutely and completely perfect, and I'm not even sure that those adjectives would describe how Keith plays. This is the record that made me discover that Keith is the best pianist the world has ever seen. And I'm not kidding at all. But that's not all. The fact that made me decide to proclaim Keith as the greatest is that he improvises everything he plays. I'm still shocked. He still plays like he had an octopus' arms!

I need not to say more, for you'll just need to listen for yourself and discover what fantastic piano playing you will be hearing while you do. But let me state that "Part II C" could be the music that will be played at my funeral. It's that good. Now, will you excuse me as I delve into this still makes me go nuts. Not because it's crazy, but because it's awkwardly perfect.


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