Post your comments about Juanes


(reviewed by Kevin Baker)

Blame it on my university that I have this cd. In my Spanish Lang and Comp III class, my professor always had a song of the week en espanol for us to listen to, translate, and discuss. Juanes, being one of the biggest stars in the world of Musica Latina, made an appearance one week. We listened to A Dios Le Pido (I Ask of God), the big hit (or at least one of them) from this, his new cd. That is one dang catchy Colombian pop-rocker, amigos! And the lyrics....not only are they stunning to listen to (whether you speak any Spanish or not - Spanish is such a beautiful, musical language! Which is why I'm double majoring in it!  Along with History! Ain't life grand???), they are rich and expressive.  The song is more or less a list of hopes and desires, ranging from romantic (Que mis ojos se despiertan con la luz de tu mirada - That my eyes awake with the light of your look....well, that's the Kevin Baker translation version of it anyway) to stirring (Que mi puebla no derrame tanta sangre y que levante mi gente - that my people will not spill so much blood and that my people will rise up). Good lyrics, and these married to a catchy melody and nice arrangement. I'm impressed.

I then learned that Juanes had swept the Latin Grammies with Un Dia Normal, featuring the smash single A Dios Le Pido! So, I went to the store and grabbed it. I've not been disappointed. The man can pen a melody, hombres. His lyrics are also at the very least decent, and for you hot little Latin-loving mamasitas reading this, he's pin-up material, too. Not that I care about the latter, being a straight male. However, as a licensed public informer in the realm of music, I feel obliged to discuss his attractive physique for the benefit of the women reading this review.

That's all they care about, anyway - sure, chicks talk a big talk about how they go for personality, but when it comes down to clinch-time, you're best off if you've either got a heck of a body or a honey of a bank account. Shame on me - that was sexist. Not all girls are like that - just most of them! It probably doesn't help that most of the ones I know are either in high school or their first year of college. Me and my darn generalizations - I'll bet NOW has a few nasty words for ME about THIS review, and I guess I'd better start expecting the hate mail from Gloria Steinem to beging arriving soon.

But back to Juanes. The whole cd is easy going pop-rock type stuff - if it were in English, he'd be ruling the pop and mix stations of Los Estados Unidos de America. Best bets for good listening? A Dios Le Pido is a great song, Es Por Ti is breathtakingly romantic (in a good way - try this one out on your chiquita especial on your next date. Assuming she speaks Spanish, she'll absolutely melt in your arms. Of course, after she melts, there won't be any more dates and you'll have to get your shirt dry-cleaned while answering difficult questions posed by law enforcement authorities), Un Dia Normal is pleasant, and to be quite honest, all the songs on here are listenable - that's the POINT. Si quieres musica latina con un sensibilidad de la musica moderna y melodias buenas, Un Dia Normal es para ti.


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