Dennis' Mithgarian Trivia Quiz
(answers available through link at end of quiz)

Multiple Choice
1) The Red Slipper is an establishment in which town? (see Voyage of the Fox Rider)
a) Port Arbalin ___
b) Merchants Crossing ___
c) Pendwyr ___
d) Woody Hollow ___

2) Which one of the following is not a name for Gyphon? (see book two of The Iron Tower trilogy, Shadows of Doom)
a) Rakka ___
b) The Great Evil ___
c) Kinstealer ___
d) The High Vulk ___

3) By which name or names is Adon's Daughter known? (see The Dragonstone)
a) Megami ___
b) Elwydd ___
c) Ilsitt ___
d) All the above and more ___

4) Aurion Redeye was (see book one of The Iron Tower trilogy, The Dark Tide)
a) the Captain of a Dragonship ___
b) High King during the Great War of the Ban ___
c) Wildwind's master ___
d) a henchman of Modru ___

5) "Zhon" is (see book two of The Iron Tower trilogy, Shadows of Doom)
a) a card game ___
b) a fiery liquid ___
c) a Dwarven metal ___
d) an Elven word meaning "doom" ___

6) Drakkalan is (see book two of The Iron Tower trilogy, Shadows of Doom)
a) a Vampire in the Skarpal Mountains ___
b) an axe named Eborane ___
c) Modru's black sword ___
d) the Dragon of the Gronfang Mountains ___

7) Hadlo, Hanlo, and Harlo Higgs were three Warrows who (see Tales of Mithgar)
a) fought a Giant ___
b) walked inside the Thornwall ___
c) went to a fair in Rood ___
d) ruined a costume ___

8) Pebble's real name was (see Tales of Mithgar or Tales from the One-Eyed Crow)
a) Gwylly ___
b) Petal ___
c) Tomlin ___
d) Faeril ___

9) Cotton Buckleburr (see book one of The Silver Call duology, Trek to Kraggen-cor)
a) was the name of Merrilee's white rabbit ___
b) helped overthrow Baron Stoke ___
c) helped construct a bower in a blizzard ___
d) was a hero in the Winter War ___

10) Which one of these things did Beau Darby not do? (see Tales of Mithgar)
a) meet a Wizard ___
b) try alchemy in a goat shed ___
c) jump from a roof in an attempt to fly ___
d) change lead into gold ___

Alternate question for credit for any of the above you may have missed:

A) Which of the following things did Tipperton Thistledown do? (see books one and two of the Hel's Crucible duology, Into the Forge and Into the Fire)
a) aid a Mage to slay a Gargon ___
b) play a lute ___
c) run away from a squad of Rupt ___
d) all the above ___

11) Dragonslair was destroyed in Black Kalgalath's death throes: True___; False ___ (see The Eye of the Hunter or Dragondoom)

12) Arin and Egil One-Eye were bitter enemies: True___; False ___ (see The Dragonstone)

13) Rux was the name of Farrix's fox: True___; False ___ (see Voyage of the Fox Rider)

14) The Children of the Sea called dolphins by the name "A!mii": True___; False ___ (see Voyage of the Fox Rider)

15) Pysks can communicate with Groaning Stones: True___; False ___ (see book two of the Hel's Crucible duology, Into the Fire)

16) Prym was a Pysk: True___; False ___ (see book two of the Hel's Crucible duology, Into the Fire)

17) Bair was thought by Faeril to be "the Impossible Child": True___; False ___ (see The Eye of the Hunter)

18) The haft of Aravan's "truenamed" spear was a Wizard's staff: True___; False ___ (see Voyage of the Fox Rider)

19) Gildor took the sword "Bale" and the long-knife"Bane" to Adonar when he rode the Twilight Ride after the Winter War: True___; False ___ (see book one of The Silver Call duology, Trek to Kraggen-cor)

20) Othran the Seer survived the destruction of Atala and was entombed in Rian: True___; False ___ (see book one of The Iron Tower trilogy, The Dark Tide)

Alternate question for credit for any of the above you may have missed:

B) Aylis and Aravan were lovers: True____; False____ (see Voyage of the Fox Rider)

Fill in the blank with the name of the persons who said the following things:
21) "The first rule of life is to live." ____________ (see The Dragonstone)

22) "All dreams fetch with a silver call, and to some the belling of that treasured voice is irresistible."__________ (see book two of The Silver Call duology, The Brega Path)

23) "And that is what Evil does: forces us all down dark pathways we otherwise would not have trod." ____________ (see book two of The Iron Tower trilogy, Shadows of Doom)

24) "Evil is bad." _________________ (see Voyage of the Fox Rider)

25) "Many things lie somewhere, lost in the wreckage of war . . . innocence not the least of these." __________ (see book two of the Hel's Crucible duology, Into the Fire)

26) "I call it . . . the harvest." ____________________ (see The Eye of the Hunter)

27) "Follow not the Helborne drum, the savage, glory beat." ________________ (see Tales of Mithgar)

28) "Jeer not at the five, bratling, for two are Guardians, and their swords are worth five hundred each; two are Waerans, one of which I have seen in battle, and I would not trade him for a full regiment of Daelsmen; and lastly, bratling, one is me." ____________ (see book one of the Hel's Crucible duology, Into the Forge)

29) "Be grateful it wasn't your head." _______________ (see The Dragonstone)

30) "My Coron, I will search for the killer and the sword." __________ (see The Eye of the Hunter)

Alternate question for credit for any of the above you may have missed:

C. "Oh, my buccaran, I knew you would come for me." _________ (see The Eye of the Hunter)

The Villains
31) Baron Bela Stoke's true father's name was (see The Eye of the Hunter)
a) Marko ___
b) Ydral ___
c) Durlok ___
d) Leva ___

32) Which villain asked "Who lives in the mirror when there is no light?" (see Dragondoom)
a) Modru ___
b) Andrak ___
c) Ordrune ___
d) Gnar ___

33) Which villain summoned Ydral for help? (see The Eye of the Hunter)
a) Modru ___
b) Baron Stoke ___
c) Madam Orso ___
d) Baroness Leva ___

34) Ordrune's black galley holed the Eroean: True____; False ____ (see Voyage of the Fox Rider)

35) Baron Stoke slew Riatha's brother: True____; False ____ (see The Eye of the Hunter, or Tales of Mithgar or Tales from the One-Eyed Crow)

36) Modru could cause great blizzards to fall upon his enemies: True____; False____ (see Tales of Mithgar or Dragondoom or book two of the Hel's Crucible duology, Into the Fire)

37) Who said: "Walk with me and I'll tell you the tale as we stride toward your doom." __________ (see The Dragonstone)

38) Who said: "That we are met for the third time bodes ill for you, Dalavar, for two minor victories does not a war win." __________ (see book two of the Hel's Crucible duology, Into the Fire)

39) Who said: "Don't you yet realize, fool, I am the one who caused the Pysk to dream the dreams that would draw you and your allies into my trap." __________ (see Voyage of the Fox Rider)

40) Who was repelled by a reflection of himself in a tiny silver mirror? __________ (see book three of The Iron Tower trilogy, The Darkest Day)

Alternate question for credit for any of the above you may have missed:

D. Drearwood was a place of great evil until what event? __________________ (see book one of The Iron Tower trilogy, The Dark Tide)

Trivia Quiz Answers


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