Dennis L. McKiernan's Favorite Characters

Favorite Elf/Elves: Alor Aravan and Dara Riatha

I like these two because they thread throughout much of the history of Mithgar, and often are pivotal characters. Too, their personalities and long view on life and preserving the world and learning various arts and crafts I admire. I also like them because they are competant with weaponry, and manage to take out bad guys without too much reflection on the morality of such deeds, believing that evil should be quashed wherever it's found. When Raitha saved the party from the wyrm in the well at the cost of having to Truename Dunamis, it was devastating to her the effect Dunamis had upon the mortals in the party, and so it demonstrates that Riatha truly cares for the lives of others.

Favorite Chak: Brega

He seems to epotomize all of Chakkadom. Stalwart, loyal, quite savage at times yet caring, linear in his thinking, and one helluva fighter.

Favorite Warrow(s): ?

I believe that there are too many to pick just one. The team of Tuck, Danner, and Patrel, and later on Merrilee, really nails down just what Warrows are like: sensitive, caring, naive, yet tough to the core when toughness is needed. Virtually fearless even in the face of their own fears. Tip and Beau and Rynna show the same qualities, as do Gwylly and Faeril, and Gwylly showed another Warrow trait: curiosity.

Favorite Pysk: Jinnarin

Ah, almost a no-brainer for me. She never let Alamar get the better of her. And she followed her quest for Farrix to the end. I liked Farrix, too, but Jinnarin is and will probably always be my favorite.

Favorite Human(s): Galen and Laurelin

He was truly a High King, and Laurelin held up in the face of the most dreadful circumstances. Some of the Vanadurin are really neat: Brytta, Elyn, Ruric, and even Elgo (though his pride was his downfall). Here we have a magnificent nation of horsemen. And Elyn's quest and her humanity really stand out. Too, Aiko stands out as well: her stoic, no-nonsense approach to life, her skills as a warrior, and her tiger, all combine to make her a memorable and splendid character.

Favorite Baeron: ?

Some may wonder if Baeron are Human or not. Some are shapeshifters, hence, they may not be fully human. In any event, I really liked Urus and Ursor, and Nikki (Urus's adopted mom). These folk are really tough in battle, and they preserve the land.

Favorite Mage: Alamar

I think he is a splendid character. Irrascible, stubborn, belligerant, etc, still he is someone who is foursquare on the side of right. Dalavar Wolfmage is quite cool, too. Mysterious and somehow mixed up in many key events, he has fully gained the loyalty of a pack of Silver Wolves, who themselves are splendid characters. And Aylis. Her love story with Aravan is quite compelling. (Hmm... I wonder if Alamar and Aylis somehow managed to survive the destruction of Rwn?)

Favorite Villain: Stoke

He heads the top of the list. Oh, Modru was certainly more powerful, and Ordrune was quite terrible in his treatment of Egil's crew, and Durlok certainly caused a lot of damage, and Gyphon is behind it all, but Stoke is the one who manages to make the top of my personal list. As for a female villainess, I think only Queen Gudrun seems to qualify, what with the treatment of her lovers.

Favorite Dragon: ?

I do like Black Kalgalath and Raudhrskal. Black Kalgalath because he is the first Dragon whom I got to really know well (Sleeth was neat, but Kalgalath was even better). Raudhrskal because we got to see Dragons' Roost as well as actually have a conversation with a Dragon.

Favorite Pair: Alamar and Jinnarin

They're my favorites because of their squabbles and arguments and other set-tos which made me laugh, and because of their serious discussions which made me think. Oh, I know that I wrote it, but nevertheless, that's the way they affected me.

Favorite Other: Hanlo, Harlow, and Hadlo Higgs

Because these three not-too-bright Warrows (from Tales of Mithgar, _The Ruffian and the Giant_) had me rolling on the floor laughing even as I wrote their story.

I also found Prym an interesting character, but since most of you have yet to meet her, I will say no more.

---Dennis 8/2/98

Dennis L. McKiernan's Favorite Races

My favorite race and why?

Tough question.

It's like asking me, "Of all your children, which is your favorite?"

Let me see: back in 1983 when I played my first FRP game, I chose to play as Brega. You see, Brega was the only character who ever sprang fully developed in my mind. I knew all there was to know of him from the moment of his conception.

I do have a fondness for Dwarves.

But on the other hand, the character that I had the most fun writing was Jinnarin. Her and Alamar's exchanges were wonderful. I especially liked it when she kicked all the pieces off the Tokko board. Their scenes together wrote themselves. Pysks are really neat.

Warrows, on the other hand, as someone else said on this board, have _heart_. Small, sensitive, courageous, etc., it's really difficult to see them go up against the odds they seem to routinely face. Warrows are quite the race.

Vanadurin: proud, vain, magnificent horsemen, steely-eyed and firm of hand.

Fjordsmen: Wolves of the sea.

But, Adon, what a specimen Aiko was. I wonder, are all Ryodoans that way?

Elves. Oh, but to have the time to become as sane and as competant as they are.

Other Hidden Ones: reclusive but devastating to foe in their domain.

And Dragons and Magekind and others I've not mentioned.

Hmm... Which is my favorite child?

I wonder...



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