Lady Lee: Other Cool Bands


These r some bands i've come across through my travelings that r pretty darn good! Just click on their names to check out their websites, k?

Last Man Standing - i actually only saw the guitarist play at an open mic night in Philly, but he played an awesome version of Dave Matthews "crash"...

Spin the Bottle - i saw this band at a nifty 'ol bar on South Street in Downtown Philly called "Abilene's" they r a cover band, but they did a pretty darn good job on System of a Down's song "Chop Suey"

Big Fantastic - this 3 man band reminded me of an 80's rock band, but man the lead singer could play some wicked cords! i love it when singers show true facial expressions, it gets u into their music through just amusement as well as hearing! u can find these guys in Philly...

Stunned in Awe - this guys r an AMAZING band! they sound better than the original artists! even if u don't like "mainstream music" these guys r still entertaining....check 'em out! these guys r also in Philly, but u can still buy their CD online!

Jason Domulot & the Sonic Mole Chasers - i have to say that these guys r by far the best live cover band EVER!!!! these guys can out do "Prince" and "Elvis" ne damn day! i've actually played w/ these guys, and they r A LOT of F-U-N! hey, they even bring along some hot chix! these beautiful creatures r from Fla.

39 Mariner - these guys r a type of a "SKA" band, but actually their not that annoying type of ska music. there r 8 energetic guys in this family and every one of them r MULTI talented (meaning instruments there ppl, u sick minds u) they r based in PA but they r planning a tour soon.

Bible of the Self- need i say ne thing abooot these sexy hard rockers! they r indeed a hardcore band, and even if u don't care for this type of music, u'll still love love love to watch them. Ian the leadsinger will draw u in along w/ his pain, Pete the drummer will keep ur heart beating fast as his pounding on his set, Thom and Emil the guitarist's r crazy thrashing guys, and then theres Billy, he's the tallest one he makes it look so easy! check these wonders out!- currently no website, in the worx though...

well, so far these bands all rock! so do urself a favor and check out their websites and find out where their playin' next to a town near u!

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