Rants and Stuff



I hope that in the future people will begin to see that transgenderism is just a frontier on which some people are compelled by nature to explore. Sometimes the mental genetic traits we get cross the lines of gender. I will welcome the day when I can go to a nice restaurant not as a man or a woman, but as myself wearing whatever I feel best represents that self.


I firmly believe that people are hardwired to have certain activities be pleasurable. Average heterosexual sexual activity is an example of this. Why do guys love tits and ass? They are just round shapes on a person. The reason lies in the multiple thousands of years of human evolution. Large tits unknowingly supplied more nourishment to the offspring of large tit loving males, thus increasing there number in the population. BDSM works in the same way. Some time in the past Males ( and females) who enjoyed being forceful in how they got sex were more successful in getting sex and thus increased their numbers. Obviously being forcefull doesn't work with most people and for that reason only a small part of the population enjoy being forceful when it comes to sex. Evolution changes the way we look at sex drastically. I believe that as long as we understand what we are doing and stay within the bounds of consensual sex that we should be able to explore whatever fetish gives us pleasure.

Why I do it

Its beautiful ... that’s the simplest explanation I have. I don't want to be a woman. I just like being beautiful in the same way women do.

Why this page is here

Its an advertisement. You can't just bring this stuff up in casual conversation with people you meet. Its also here to help other cross dressers along in their own self discovery. I'm really out to find friends that I can be totally myself with.

Email and Chat

Some of the people on the Internet are quite odd. Some people think that I am part of their fantasy world. The write short emails that sound like the first line one might hear in a bedroom and they use it as a way of introducing themselves. And they don't say anything else !!! So let me say to all of you out there SEX ON THE INTERNET IS EMPTY. So use the Internet to find real people and don't use people you'll never meet for cheap thrills.

Going Out

Going out dressed up is always stressful. You don't know how people will react. For that reason I rarely go out, but when I do its always to somewhere that I know people will be expecting it. Some cross dressers that I have met when going out have the opinion that people should just get used to it. I'm ok with this opinion as long as they realize that just because they have gone over the edge by the gender of clothes they wear doesn't mean they can go over the edge for the type of clothes appropriate for the occasion. We are all ambassadors to the public and not being sensitive to the situation reflects badly on everyone.



The really wild backgrounds on two of my pictures are fractal images. They are of the Mandelbrot Set variety. They were produced by a program called "Iterations" that is probably available at most shareware sites. The image is entirely mathematically produced. I love fractals and have written several programs over the years to explore them.  Basically a fractal is anything that is self-similar. A tree is fractal. If you break off a branch and stick it in the ground it kind of looks like a little tree. Clouds are also fractal. The little wisps are like the big ones.

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