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Crossdressing for Fun and Enjoyment of Life,
Be Your True Self.
Botticelli    -    The Birth of Venus

It doesn't mean to say that you are Gay, just because you're in touch with your feminine side.
Or if you like to wear
female cloths.
Cloths don't make the Person; it's what you are inside that really counts.
Don't keep your femme side locked away behind closed doors, express yourself.
Hi I'm April Showers.

I started to Crossdress a short while ago; this was for charity work
that I became involved with. The thought struck me like a sledgehammer,
that I really enjoyed the experience, it was great fun.
I took my first venture out to Manchester in May 1999 and went along
to the Northern Concord which meets on a Wednesday Night in the
Hollywood Piano Bar.
This venue is situated at the bottom of Bloom Street in the Village,
this is below Chorlton Street Bus Station, I of course joined the club
on the night and there is always a warm welcome from all the girls.
For those of you who need it, there are changing facilities there.
From then on I have never looked back,
I have since met a lovely lady who has now become my wife.

I recently started a club the link is below,
there is also a link to the Northern Concord.

Enjoy Your Crossdressing
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