Domina mea by Rudolf Schlichter, 1927 - 1928, private property

Training offences

# 1 Late for class

# 2 Shoes dirty

# 3 Untidy Uniform

# 4 Talking in class

# 5 Not concentrating in class

# 6 Failed to hand in tasks to be done

# 7 Eating in class

# 8 Showing not enough obedience to MISSKRISS the LIONESS

# 9 Fighting or flaming in School

# 10 Writing on desk

# 11 Running in Corridor

# 12 Abusing school property

# 13 Poor handwriting or spelling

# 14 Bullying

# 15 Stealing

# 16 Going out of bounds

# 17 Smoking

# 18 Shouting in Corridor

# 19 Incorrect Uniform

# 20 Disobedience

# 21 Secret wanking on the WC


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