I.          CALL TO ORDER


In accordance with Civil Code 1363.05 (b), the following matters may be discussed in Executive Session:


Ø      Litigation

Ø      Third Party Contracts

Ø      Member Discipline

Ø      Personnel Issues



II.            HOMEOWNER FORUM & committee REPORTS


Homeowners present will be permitted to address the Board of Directors for a maximum of three minutes on issues of concern.  Maximum of 20 minutes is suggested to ensure that all Board business is conducted within the two-hour time frame established.


III.            MANAGEMENT REPORT     


            Recommendation:            Review and File





The use of the motion consent agenda will enable the Board to conduct its business in a more timely and efficient manner.  If the Board agrees, it would be appropriate at this time to approve a motion to accept agenda items IV, A-B.  Any items deemed inappropriate may be excluded from this motion and addressed separately.




Recommendation:            That the following Consent Calendar items be approved as presented.


Action Required:            Board Resolution


A.            MINUTES


Action Required:            That the Board approves the Open Session and Executive Session minutes of the Board meeting dated March 8, 2005 as presented.


B.            FINANCIAL STATEMENTS       Sent under separate cover


Recommendation:            That the Board approves the February 28, 2005 Financial Statement as presented, reflecting Operating Funds of $15,047.58 and Reserve Funds of $210,204.97 for Total Assets of $225,252.55.


***end of consent calendar agenda***




A.                 Street Sweeping, Street Signage, and Painting Red Curbs


History:            The Board discussed the street sweeping issue and decided that the date of the cleaning needed to be changed to Monday. The reason was that trashcans would still be left out on the street on Friday afternoon and it would be difficult for the street sweeping to clean the area as well. The Board instructed Management to have Universal Sweeping change the schedule to Monday from 12:00 to 3:00 p.m. Universal sweeping said they could keep the contract at $60.00 if the day is kept on Friday. Management reported the street sweeping company changed the proposal to $70.00 per visit if scheduled on Mondays. Street sweeping was approved at last months meeting. Management was requested to contact the street sweeper and set up a schedule to sweep 3 times during the month of March, then the board would review if the sweeper was accomplishing the associations goals at the next board meeting in April. Universal Street Sweeping removed their proposal.

The Board requested there be a discussion about installing signs that say no parking on a specific time and date of every month when sweeping occurs. These signs will have proper signage so that the violators can be towed away. Management was instructed to obtain bids throughout the community for signs for the street sweep cleaning. This has not been accomplished as of yet.

Street sweeping was approved at the last board meeting. Universal Sweeping removed their proposal. Street Signage and Painting Red Curbs was tabled at the last meeting.


Action Required:            Board Review, Discussion & Resolution


B.                 Power Washing of the Motor Courts


History:            The board approved the power-washing proposal from East Bay Mobile Wash. The board requested the date of the power washing be scheduled at the next meeting.


Action Required:            Board Review, Discussion, & Resolution


C.      Graffiti – Requested by William Uranga


History: Tabled at the last board meeting.


Action Required:            Board Review, Discussion, & Resolution


D.        Street Sign at Lenox Place and Duvall – At the request of Ed Karl


History: For those who weren't here during the discussion last year, here is a brief statement:

"Homeowners on Duvall Court and Lenox Place have expressed some concerns

that delivery and emergency personnel are often confusing the two streets.

Reason: The North side of Lenox Place actually turns into Duvall Court thus

confuses visitors do not realize that one side of the street is Lenox Place

and the other is Duvall Court. I seem to recall the Board discussing some sort of a sign, which would state "Lenox Place - Duvall Court".  The sign would be posted on the street signpost at Lenox at Duvall.  The "Lenox Place" part of the sign would be on the

west side of the signpost and would have an arrow pointing west.  The

"Duvall Court" part of the sign would be on the east side of the sign post

and would have an arrow point east.  This way, a visitor approaching the

intersection of Lenox Place and Duvall Court would know that one side of the

street is Duvall Court and the other side of the street is Lenox Place.


Action Required:            Board Review, Discussion, & Resolution


E.         Tax Returns and Audit


History: Your tax returns are completed and require your signatures. No tax is due. The audit needs to be reviewed and approved.


Action Required:            Board Review, Discussion, & Resolution


F.             Custodial Services


History: The pool will be opening soon. Need to schedule when the custodial service will commence.


Action Required:            Board Review, Discussion, & Resolution


G.        Wilcox Sound Wall Maintenance


History: The City of Santa Clara had provided a recorded document to the Board informing the association that they are responsible for maintaining the sound wall. Last month the Board requested management to find out if the maintenance is part of the Landscapers scope of work. Management and Dinsmore reviewed the contract and found out maintaining the sound wall is not part of the contract. The next instructions from the board were then to go out for bid for the one time maintenance of the wall. Management received a bid from Dinsmore, and is waiting for additional bids. (I will update the agenda as soon as the bids are received.) Additionally, Dinsmore has provided a proposal to maintain the wall within their contract.


Action Required:            Board Review, Discussion, & Resolution


H.        Pool Concrete


History:            The pool deck is in the process of being replaced. The contractor had spoken to Steve with regards to applying a different finish to the concrete. The contractor will provide the board a sample to review. The finish is called a “salt finish”, as described a salt finish has pockmarks in it, it provides less heat to the surface and also provides the ability to dissipate the standing water quicker.


Action Required: Board Review, Discussion and Resolution       


I.            Replacement Pool Furniture


History: Management took a look at the existing pool furniture and is recommending some furniture be replaced.


Action Required:            Board Review, Discussion, & Resolution


J.             Basketball Standard Policy


History: The Board has requested for management to send out violation letters pertaining to basketball standards within the association. The Board needs to write a policy regarding basketball standards, as the CC&R’s do not speak to them.


Action Required:            Board Review, Discussion, & Resolution




The next meeting is scheduled for May 10, 2005.


VII.            ADJOURNment









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