Girls Only Club is a club for High School Girls.

I pledge to reflect God in every part of my life: spiritual, social, emotional, and physical; and stand firm in my committment to Him both now and in the future.


Everyday in every way I will boldly live for God.


Red and White which stand for Boldness and Purity.

Scripture Verse

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths."  Proverbs 3:5,6
This is an example of a pin a Girls Only girl may earn once completing the College and Career Unit.  There is no set place for the pins to be worn, so the girl may wear them wherever she pleases. 
If a girl completes all of the required units for Girls Only, she will become a Girls Only Graduate.  If she was an Honor Daisy, an Honor Prim, an Honor Star, a Friends Graduate, and a Girls Only Graduate, then she will be eligible to receive the Missionettes Gold Medal of Honor, which is the highest Honor in the Missionettes program. 
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