The theme for retreat this year was "We Shall Behold Him".  Three of the girls from Glad Tidings were crowned Honor Star.  Two of those three recieved the Bronze Medal of Honor, as did I.
This is a picture of the girls in one of the four classes that we attended on Friday.
This is a picture of my good friend, Kelly, (an Honor Star), and I, in the dorm, right before the service on Saturday Morning.
Jenna, an Honor Star, and her younger sister, Jill, in the Tabernacle before the Saturday Morning Service.
All of the Bronze Medalists from 1999.  That's me in the dark corner all the way to the left!  :)   (I'm wearing a navy blue dress.)
Mothers caping/sashing the Honor Stars.
All of the Honor Stars on stage with candles,  promising to "carry the light to a lost world".
After the ceremony ... our three Honor Stars ... Audrey, Jenna, and Kelly.  Our three Bronze Medalists ... Audrey, Kelly, and Karen (me!).  :)
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