Save the Days by Mish Rating: PG Spoilers: Beyond the Sea Category: S, M/S UST, holiday fic Archive: Gossamer, Spookys okay. If you want it, you can have it, just let me know where! Disclaimer: Oh, please! Do I have to say it again? The Far Side doesn't belong to me, either, okay? Or any other copyrighted entity mentioned in this fic, so there! Note: Yes, I am jumping into the Christmas fic pool. Although I doubt this compares in any way favorably to the holiday stories I've enjoyed so much this season. I'm also flying without a beta (figured I'd not bother them with this one, a Christmas present, so to speak), so any errors are mine and mine alone. In loving memory of Father Fortier - December 10, 1999. You are sorely missed this Christmas; our family isn't the same without you. Save the Days There was entirely too much dust in this place. He was afraid to put up Christmas lights - you never knew if the cobwebs wouldn't suddenly ignite. Well, it was an excuse, yes, but an excuse that Scully's logical mind would appreciate. Christmas lights aside, the hazards associated with the holiday season were numerous; anybody with a modicum of intelligence would agree. Mistletoe was poisonous, hot eggnog could easily render you speechless, and many a Christmas were spent in emergency rooms because fathers across the country just had to make sure junior knew the right way to balance on that new skateboard. Yeah, Christmas was *definitely* an accident waiting to happen. Although, I suppose I should make some kind of effort, Mulder thought. Scully seemed to like the holidays, though he'd never really had the opportunity to ask her. All he knew was that it was not his favorite time of the year. Too many forced days off with nothing to do but sit at home and watch 'It's a Wonderful Life'. That cheesy movie was on every night of the week; where was 'How the Grinch Stole Christmas' when you needed it? Now *that* little half-hour excursion into Who-ville was right up his alley. Samantha always said that he bore a striking resemblance to the puke green leading man, right down to the termites in his smile. Of course, he'd replied that at least he didn't idolize an idiot like Cindy-Lou Who. Samantha would just stick her tongue out and beam at the happy ending. He'd snort and storm out when the Grinch's heart started to grow. Then he'd peek his head around the door one last time, just in time to listen to her sing along with "Welcome Christmas".... Shrugging off the impending melancholy, he ripped off the twenty-second and dropped it into the wastebasket. December twenty-third, his Far Side desk calendar said. He wasn't remotely interested in the cartoon. It was a tacky Secret Santa gift he'd received last year in the office gift exchange. He hated it, he really did. It was appropriate, however; whoever had picked it out seemed to know him well enough. Hey - let's give Spooky talking cows and subversive dogs. He could just hear the snickers behind his back when he'd opened it. But, like the good little agent he was, he'd just smiled and bit his tongue. He could feel his mouth turn up into a smile. Good little agent? Since when? The spotted, googly-eyed alien peering into a library book made his lips part into a toothy grin. "Probe Earthlings for Fun and Profit," the title read. Twisted but certainly amusing, he conceded. At least today's comic didn't include a cow. "Smiling, Mulder? Could it be you've finally caught the spirit of the season?" He glanced up to find Scully leaning in his office door, one hand holding a small bag, the other a huge poinsettia, her face a picture of wry incredulity. "If I've caught anything, Scully, it's the flu," he answered, the smile not fading. In fact, it became broader at her appearance. She was so incredibly cute in her tailored red suit and floppy Santa hat. Where the hell had she gotten that? Scully in a Santa hat. Amazing. In spite of his better judgement, he felt warmth course through his veins. The magic genie in his mind miraculously divested Scully of her jacket and skirt; she was instantly transformed into the December centerfold of his dreams. Stop it, he admonished himself. She is your partner, nothing more. A partner that was intelligent, capable and amazingly loyal. It didn't matter that she had eyes the color of the Caribbean Sea and curves that his hands could drive around all day. Not to mention hair that smelled like a summer breeze and lips that would make him believe in God.... "Mulder!" He pulled his mind from the snow-covered cabin in the woods and looked up into Scully's face, now inches from his own. "What?" He could feel his face flush with embarrassment. This was not wise, Spooky, the magic genie said. Scully was one smart cookie. Scully laid cool fingers upon his brow. "You feel rather warm, Mulder. I thought you were kidding before, but are you sure you're not coming down with something?" Her eyes were concerned, yet oblivious. "Just a touch of the holiday blues, Scully," he laughed, rising from his chair to put her beyond arm's length. "You know, poinsettias are poisonous." He nodded at the vivid red monstrosity now sitting on her work table. "They are not, Mulder. That's a fallacy." Her voice was firm, yet warm. "You should know better. I thought that little fact was stored somewhere in that overstuffed file cabinet you have for a brain." Against his will, Mulder was drawn to her smile, feeling it turn the kidney bean lump in his chest into a ruby red cherry. He quickly squashed the fruit sprouting legume and draped his voice with icicles. "Guess I must have overlooked that item in my search for the truth, Scully." Scully's smile wilted just a bit as she nodded and turned to shut down her glowing laptop. Great, Spooky, the genie chastised him. It isn't enough that you have to wallow in this hole, but you have to dull the light in her eyes with your sparkling wit. Say something, stupid. He walked to the other side of the desk and picked up the almost empty calendar. "Another year almost gone. Where does the time go?" Scully tactfully followed his lead. "Oblivion, I guess, Mulder. Although Einstein said -" "Yes, I know all about Einstein," he interrupted her. "I was being facetious, Scully." He watched her eyebrow disappear into the heavens. "And I was being diversionary, Mulder," she replied softly. Against his wishes, he felt the smile return. "I know." He set the calendar down again and sat amidst a pile of unfiled expense reports. "So, Scully, whatcha got in the bag? Don't tell me you participated in the office gift exchange this year?" That was one holiday tradition he'd decided to forgo this year. Somehow, he couldn't stand the looks and murmurs anymore; Scully had become the butt of their jokes as well, which compounded his misery. It wasn't fair... but then, when was life fair? "The poinsettia was my gift, Mulder. From Skinner, actually." "Skinner?" That floored him. "Yep. Seems the big guy participates in the office tradition," she said, then lowered her voice to a conspiratorial whisper. "I think Kimberly makes him do it. He can't tell her no, you know." Mulder knew the feeling well. "Yeah, but then she has to do the shopping for him, *you* know." "Of course," Scully agreed. "Thank goodness, too. Can you imagine Skinner's idea of a Christmas gift?" She puffed up and crossed her arms, her brow stiffening, her voice unsuccessfully dropping into a false bass. "Here you go, Agent Scully. Thought you could use an extra clip for your gun this year. Never hurts to be prepared." Mulder chuckled at her unimpressive imitation of the boss. Oops, the cherry lump miraculously changed into a juicy crimson plum. Stop it, stop it, stop it. An orchard of fruity internal organs was out of the question. Nope, can't have that. Scully came around the desk and sat next to him. Her proximity made him tense; he couldn't move away, not again. She would really become suspect if he skittered away twice in the span of one minute. Instead, he crossed his arms, set his jaw, and waited out the torture. "Mulder, I know we said we weren't going to exchange gifts, but..." she began tentatively, then cleared her throat and shoved the bag at him. "It's just a little something I thought you could use." Great. Now he felt like a heel. "Scully, I didn't get you anything...." "It's okay, Mulder. Believe me, it's no big deal." She raised her eyes to his, beckoning him to accept the bag. Mulder reached for the bag, the now enormous candy-covered apple making his chest burn. He watched her sag in relief when he took the bag. His very own Santa Scully - what had he ever done to deserve her? "Okay, Scully," he murmured, digging into to the bag with an enthusiasm he hadn't felt in years. "As long as it's not -" A calendar. A Far Side calendar, to be exact. A geeky fellow surrounded by rotund black and white cows peered up at him from the box. "You can't fool me, Mulder," Scully whispered, leaning in to nudge his shoulder. "I've heard you chuckle in the mornings when you rip off the previous day. Especially if the cows are being abducted by little green men. You don't know how I look forward to that each day." "Grey, Scully," he replied huskily, unwilling to look at her just yet. He fingered the box like it was made of the finest crystal, delicate and oh, so fragile. "Oh, excuse me," she replied, laughter coloring her voice in shades of scarlet and emerald. "*Grey.*" A pause, and then, "Mulder, if you don't like it, I can take it back -" Mulder's head snapped up. "No! No, Scully." He was dismayed at the slight tinge of hurt in her eyes. "You've given me the perfect gift." The future. He searched her eyes, silently communicating his pleasure at her inadvertent choice. Nobody had ever given him the promise of a future. It was something more precious to him than gold. Damn. It was hard to breathe with a heart the size of a watermelon. Scully cocked her head at Mulder's shining eyes, putting a hand on his wrist. "Just make sure you let me see the days before you throw them away, okay, Mulder? I like the Far Side, too, you know." "I promise you, Scully, that I won't throw the days away." He meant every word, adamant that the upcoming year would be different, at least from his perspective. Her eyes changed in that instant, awareness dawning in their liquid depths. He had to do it; after all, it was Christmas. A simple kiss to celebrate the season. That's all it would be. Scully's eyes shifted to the dingy ceiling tiles, then back to his, her lashes falling low over pink cheeks. "Mulder..." she murmured, "did you happen to hang some mistletoe around here somewhere?" He watched her tongue dart out to wet her bottom lip. "Nope, Scully," he murmured right back, his traitorous body leaning into hers. "Poisonous, you know." "Mmmm...." Her blue eyes drifted shut as her lips pursed over the hum of agreement, then parted, her candy cane breath caressing his chin. His magic genie broke into the 'Hallelujah Chorus'. Shut up, you little shit, he growled at the offensive elf. I'm gonna do it.... "Yo - Spooky!" Scully dropped her head; the moment was lost. Mulder straightened, his glare of distaste piercing the inebriated Tom Colton swaying in the doorway. "Looks like you could use this!" Colton waved a sprig of mistletoe, his drink splashing little puddles on the floor. Scully slowly walked over to Colton, narrowly avoiding his drunken lunge. "Tom, I think you've had enough." Her voice was steely, Mulder noticed with satisfaction, although the man ogling her let it roll over him with a nonchalant leer. "Party's just getting started, Dana," he slurred. "Come back upstairs." Mulder's ire grew by leaps and bounds, in direct proportion to the dwindling opportunity. Scully, however, flashed a 'be patient' look at him before turning back to Colton. Mulder fidgeted, itching to punch his pasty face. At Scully's look he was calmed slightly; he could wait. Scully was going nowhere. "I'll be up shortly, Tom," she said, ushering him out the door. "'Kay," he replied. "Don't forget." He threw the last words over his shoulder on his way to the elevator. "I won't." Scully watched him stagger down the hall before closing the door. She leaned against it with a sigh. "I hate that man." She smiled sheepishly at her definitely non-holiday sentiment. Mulder grinned at the mumbled confession. "Not half as much as I do." He looked at the box in his hand. "Thanks for the gift, Scully. I'll remember you next year, I promise." "No, you won't, Mulder," she replied, moving to the table she occupied and picking up her briefcase. She shuffled through the files, gathering a few to take with her. "It's okay, though. I know how busy you are with government conspiracies and such." Her smile was tender, belying the bite of the words. "Save the world, Mulder. Don't worry about me." That was easier said than done. Seems not a day went by that his concern for her grew in little increments that threatened to steer him from his purpose. He shrugged off the worry; Scully wouldn't appreciate it or thank him for it. "Leaving already?" he asked, starting forward to help her with her coat. By the time his legs cooperated, she was brushing her hair out from under the heavy collar. He was always a day late and a dollar short. Resolution: be more courteous to Scully. "Yep. Family things, you know." She didn't elaborate. He suspected she didn't want to make him sad by going on and on about holiday tradition. Made him... like her all the more. Mulder followed her to the door, still clutching the box. "I won't see you until after New Year's, Scully, so - Happy Holidays." He cradled the future in the palm of his hand, holding it between them. "Thanks again, Scully. Great gift." Scully placed a gloved hand over his. "Merry Christmas, Mulder." She hesitated, and Mulder saw the indecision flare briefly in her eyes before they darkened with resolve. He closed his eyes and let her lips caress his cheek, savoring the cool feel of her flesh upon his. It was over much too soon, though; he hadn't had enough time yet... he needed time to clear out a whole drawer in that overstuffed filing cabinet and label it S'. He wanted to be able to open up the feeling any time he wanted over the ten days she would be gone. Don't go, Scully, he wanted to say. Don't leave me. But she was already moving toward the elevator. He couldn't let her just go without saying something.... "Scully?" Was that his voice? Where had that come from? "Yes?" She turned expectantly, her Santa hat slightly askew. "You're staying in D. C., aren't you?" He couldn't believe what he was about to do. "Yes, the family is spending the holiday here this year. Why?" Try as he might, he couldn't stop the words from leaking from him. "I just thought that maybe we could catch a movie or something. You know, between Christmas and New Year's." God, he sounded like the worst loser. He curled the hand hidden in his pocket into a fist. It was too late to take it back now. He'd just asked Scully on a date. Half expecting her to laugh in his face, he admired the shine of his shoes and waited for her reply. Her voice, when it penetrated the round of self-cursing going on in his mind, sounded awfully close. "Call me next Thursday, Mulder," she purred. Well, it sounded like a purr, to him anyway, the way it vibrated down his spine. He raised his head at her gentle touch. "I think 'The Nightmare Before Christmas' is playing. Sounds pretty good." Her finger under his chin slowly pushed his jaw shut. Mulder's breath fanned the bangs that peeked out from under her furry cap. "I'll mark it on my calendar, then. The thirtieth." He pulled his hand from his pocket and righted the cap on her head. "Talk to you then, Scully. Now get going, the roads are getting icy." Scully nodded and walked to the elevator. The doors opened at her touch, and she slowly entered, pressing the button, her eyes never leaving his. Just as the doors started to close, her lazy grin followed their slide, her head tilting. "Don't forget, Mulder. Save the days...." The elevator doors muffled the rest of her reminder. He didn't need to hear it, though. He would gladly save every day for her. Mistletoe. The word snapped him into action. He grabbed his coat, locked the office, and waited impatiently for the elevator to return. He had seven days to find mistletoe. If he couldn't, then New Year's Eve was right around the corner. Two chances to make his new holiday wish come true. ********** On the seventh day, he was restless. December thirtieth. Today's cartoon showed a plump, sarcastic mutt eyeing his mistress while UFO's full of similar pups hovered overhead. " Well, they finally came,'" Mulder read aloud, giving voice to Fido's words. " But before I go, let's see you roll over a couple of times.'" He laughed until tears threatened. God, he *loved* subversive dogs. Would next year's daytoons be just as funny? Even if they weren't, he'd make a point of at least chuckling once or twice, for Scully's benefit. Today was the day. He was fifteen minutes into the workday and he wanted to call her already. But he waited, sharpening his pencils, playing a couple of rounds of solitaire on the computer, and alphabetizing the videotapes in his bottom drawer. Maybe he could hold out until 9:00 a. m.; she'd probably gotten into the habit of sleeping in on her days off. He agonized over the telephone call. Should he be cool and wait a few more hours? He hadn't spoken to Scully since last Thursday; surely that was incentive enough to call right now? There had to be something on his desk he could use as an excuse. In the midst of his flurry through the piles on his desk, his telephone rang. His heart tripped; maybe she was making the first move. He waited until the third ring had faded before he picked it up. "Mulder." Don't smile, he said to himself. She can hear your smile over the phone. "Agent Mulder? This is Assistant Director Skinner's office," the female voice coolly said. "Please hold for the Assistant Director." He tamped down the disappointment. "Sure." So what if it wasn't Scully? She was waiting for him to call, not the other way around. Mulder poked his pencil at the barely-there calendar sitting alongside the coffee cup nurturing the pathetic, almost dead piece of greenery. Mistletoe was hard to find; he hadn't realized how dangerous hunting it down could be, either. He'd told the farmer in rural Maryland two nights ago that his life depended on it, which was sort of true, actually. His reborn heart needed a jolt of electricity to keep it beating, you know. Farmer Brown had gestured for him to get down out of that tree, waving his rifle at a terrified Mulder, then proceeded to shoot down the parasitic sprig right off of the limb. Didn't city boys know that was how it was done? "Give your girlfriend a kiss for me, too, slick," the old man had said. He didn't... *care*... for Scully, he really didn't. Don't even think of that other word, he told himself. It's always gotten you into big trouble. Think Phoebe, think Diana. He liked Scully a helluva lot, though. Lusted after her, for sure. But he had the frightening feeling that like and lust could quickly merge into that other 'L' word, the one he swore he would never use again. His genie awakened from a week-long hibernation. A kiss between friends, the troublemaker piped up sleepily. Where's the harm in that? "Agent Mulder?" The brisk voice interrupted his dangerous thoughts. "Yes, sir?" He sat upright in his chair. Don't give us a case, don't give us a case. "Agent Mulder, I received a call from Agent Scully this morning. I've been asked to tell you..." She called Skinner? She called Skinner, not him? "... last night." Skinner's voice faded for a second, then returned full force. "Mulder, did you hear what I said?" Mulder realized he'd tuned out his boss, and quickly apologized. "Sir, I'm sorry, I have someone in my office," he lied. "What did you say?" Skinner's pained sigh drifted over the line. "I said that Agent Scully's father passed away last night, Mulder." Scully's father was dead? "She asked me to tell you that she would be taking a few extra days off, Mulder. She'll be back in on the fifth, not the third." "Yes, sir." Mulder was numb. "Meanwhile, Mulder, there's been quite a bit of noise coming from the North Carolina Attorney General's office. Seems Luther Lee Boggs has asked to see you before he gets executed next week." Huh? Mulder let the feeler go in one ear and out the other. "Think about it, Mulder, over the long weekend, and get with me about it on Monday." "Sure," Mulder replied absently, then slowly dropped the receiver into its cradle. Jesus, what a way to end a year. He felt an immediate rush of sympathy for Scully, and quickly picked up the telephone. "Scully." "Hey, Scully, it's me." He tried unsuccessfully to keep the twinge of sadness out of the words. "Mulder, I'm okay," she said. "You didn't have to call." "I wanted to." She'd obviously forgotten their tentative date. That was okay, it could wait. "Scully, I'm so sorry -" "I'm fine, Mulder," she stated, her voice devoid of emotion. It scared him, but he let it slide. Her grief was understandable. "I'll see you next week, okay?" Mulder felt that in the nine months he'd known her, he'd come to gauge her moods pretty well. But he'd never seen her have to deal with loss, and he was mildly taken aback by the total command she seemed to possess. It was admirable, to say the least. Many a time he'd let his emotions rule his head and he'd paid the price for his lack of control. He could learn something from Scully. "Next week, Scully. See you then." He listened to her ring off, then grabbed the first file he put his fingers on, knocking the coffee cup of watery mistletoe over. "Shit," he muttered, running to the sink to grab a towel. By the time he returned, the water had managed to spread everywhere. Dismally, he tossed the remains of the mistletoe into the wastebasket, and proceeded to dry the files on his desk as best he could. Picking up one suspiciously large pile, he spied the colorful gift bag emblazoned with little portraits of the Grinch tying a tree limb on a sagging Max the dog. Funny, he hadn't noticed that before. Under it laid the 1994 calendar she'd given him last week. He smiled shortly and took it out of the box, placing it next to the old calendar on his desk. 1994 was going to be a great year, he thought. They'd have their date, and their kiss. Scully would be her old self again in no time, he was sure of it. Until then, he would save the days. END Sorry, folks. I tried to end this as happily as possible, but the Grinch in me just couldn't do it. Sometimes, I miss the sweet innocence of the early days of Mulder and Scully's partnership, and I hope this little piece managed to capture some of their tentative dance. Now, if you've managed to make it this far, I recommend you quickly lighten up with Susanne Barringer's wonderful "Can't Get No Santa- faction". Smile a while, find some mistletoe, and give your significant other a big holiday smooch. Happy Holidays !