Mexican Fried Ice Cream Man by Mish Rating: PG-13 Classification: MSR, mostly. With a dab of angst and a dash of humor. Musea improv fic. Spoilers: Vague allusions to a couple of eps. Blink and you'll miss them. But nothing major. Distribution: Sure, go ahead. Just let me know where! Summary: MFICM to the rescue. Andele, andele, arriba! Yeehaa! For Angel, because she asked. And because I'm in the mood for sap. Oh - and Mulder's back. Just go with it. I smell it before I hear the alarm. Faint, almost burnt-sugar smell of smoke. Then the blare assaults my ears. Damn. It almost hurts, that too-loud buzz. Whatever happened to the ring of schoolhouse fire alarms? The kind that the smart-ass in your class would pull as you filed into the lunchroom. Much more pleasant than this techno- electric grate along my spine. Sighing, I look up from my slide viewer and turn to Scully, intending to get her to see what all the fuss is about. I really don't feel like abandoning my nice, warm basement for what probably is someone's burnt toaster pastry. Except she's not there. "Scully?" She probably went to the bathroom. "Scully!" No answer. Shit. My back groans when I stand. Too much bending over the viewer today. And now I have to walk into the hall - a task made more difficult by the charleyhorse in my right leg. The smell is stronger out here. "Scully!" I bang on the restroom door. How can she not hear that? And smell that? Because she's not in there, a fact I see immediately when I push open the door. Not in any of the stalls. Fuck. That means she's somewhere upstairs... did she say she was going upstairs? I sort of remember grunting at her about an hour ago. When she said, "I'll be back later." I hobble back to my desk and pick up my cell phone. Precious seconds pass as I listen to it ring. "Come on, damn it. Pick up," I mumble, shaking out the pain in my leg as I prepare to fly. Fire... maybe she went to Quantico... flames... please don't let her be up there... smoke... she's up there, I know she is. The line clicks in the middle of the third ring. "Scully? Hello?" But her voice mail answers me. "Shit!" I yell, only to be greeted by a fierce crackle as the line finally cuts out. Silence. Can fire screw up a cell phone connection? The telephone drops from my nerveless fingers and my stomach drops to my knees. I can't go up there. I can't. The old familiar fear freezes me in my tracks. It's not that I'm afraid of being trapped down here. At the top of the back stairs is an exit to the courtyard. To fresh air. Scully is up there somewhere. Visions of her surrounded by flames scare me more than my fear of fire. What if she's trapped? What if nobody hears her cries for help? Ignoring my gripping nausea, I bound up the stairs, pausing for a second to give the exit a wistful look. No. I'm not going to take the easy way out. She's my... hell, she's everything to me. I may roast like a pig on the spit, but I'm not leaving this building without her. As I turn to take the next flight, I'm nearly bombarded by the personnel from the upper floors hastily making their way downstairs. "Wrong way, Spooky," one of them sneers at me, shoving me with his shoulder in an effort to flee. "Anyone see Scully?" I throw at the swarm, ignoring the mean looks at my swim upstream. All I hear is murmurs of, "Get the hell out of the way, moron," and, "Idiot." Then a voice in the cacophony, accompanied by a timid hand on my arm. "Agent Mulder?" Holly. I pull her to a corner of the next landing, out of the line of evacuees. "Have you seen Scully?" I ask, her face starting to blur in the smoke-tinged air. "I had to leave the party early, but the last time I saw her -" The party. Now I remember, like someone turned up the volume in my head. Don't tell me I tuned her out again. I'm such an obsessive, consumed- by-work asshole. Her yell follows my frantic start back up the stairs. "Fourth floor break room!" Damn, damn, double damn. I forgot all about the fucking party. Someone retiring, I think. Vaguely, another Scully pre-departure remark comes to me. She asked me if I wanted to make an appearance with her. I also remember my snide, "Hell, no." She decided to go without me, saying that one of us should try to be sociable. Did I even look up when she left? Sweat and smoke cloud my vision by the time I make it up to the fourth floor. I take a shaky breath and press the back of my hand to the door. It's cool. Good sign. Then a deep breath - punctuated by the onset of coughing - and I'm braving the fire. Except there's no fire. Just a helluva lot of smoke. "Scully!" The smoke gags me, but it's really not that thick, on second thought. I can see figures moving about in it down the hall and I head in that direction immediately. "Hey, buddy, you can't go down there!" A muffled voice hits me between the shoulder blades. Yes, I can, and you can't stop me. I'm a man on a mission. Goddamned Superman. No one is going to stop me. Well, almost no one. The break room door is in sight when I'm grabbed from behind and spun around. "Didn't you hear me?" The fireman's incredulous question is tempered by the mask he has on. "You've got to leave, now!" "I can't..." I gasp, doubling over just a teeny bit. The smoke isn't that bad, really. I've kind of been fighting a chest cold this winter, that's all. It's hard to breathe when you're congested. "Scully... my...." My frantic plea ends in a gale of coughing. No, no. I can't leave... Scully is in there somewhere. "There's no one left on this floor, buddy!" he yells. "But...." Wheezing, I fall to my knees, obstinate to the very end. He's *not* going to make me leave without Scully. "That's it," Fireman Fred tells me, before heaving me over his shoulder. Damn, but he's got this Hulk Hogan thing going. I didn't realize how massive he was under all that gear. Great. Now I really can't breathe. He's trotting toward the back stairs and with every slam of his boots against the floor, what little air I can take in whooshes out. I'm such a weenie. I can't even put up a struggle, though panic has set in with ferocity, my heart pounding and all the blood rushing to my head. My last thought before I pass out is that Scully is gonna kill me if I end up in the hospital. Some superhero. Ladies and gentlemen... WeenieMan. ********** Oxygen. Pure, clean oxygen. Well, it would feel pretty damned good if I wasn't crying under the plastic mask like a child that's lost his mother in the mall. I know she's in this crowd somewhere; from my seat in the open doors of the ambulance, though, I can't see a fucking thing past the sidewalk. And when I tried to stand a few minutes ago, I almost passed out again. At least one of the firemen wrapped a blanket around me, or I'd freeze to death. I'm such a fuck-up. First I ignore her practically all day, then refuse to attend the party with her. Then, in my macho hero routine, manage to suffer smoke inhalation... the only employee to do so, I might add. Between huddling for warmth on the frigid, snow-covered grass and catching smokes before they trudge back inside, they're all laughing at me. Scully? Where are you? God damn this weakness. "Mulder?" Ah, Skinner to the rescue. Ripping off the mask, I stand on shaky legs. "Sir... I can't find Scully..." I grip his arms to steady myself. He sits me back down and pulls up the blanket. "She's okay, Mulder, take it easy." "Where? Where is she?" I croak. Shit, my voice sounds like someone scraped my vocal cords with their fingernails. Hurts like a bitch, too. "Stuck between the first and second floors. She was on her way back down to the basement when the elevators locked down. She called me on her cell after she tried you and got your voice mail." Shit, that figures. She must have called me at the same time I was calling her and got *her* voice mail. Oh, and then I compounded my brilliance by leaving my cell in the office before rushing to the rescue. Would somebody please stamp a big WeenieMan 'W' on my forehead? "Maintenance was working on getting the elevators operating again when I got there. She should be out in just a few minutes. Actually, she ordered me to come find you." He grins, pushing me back to my seat gently. "If the tone of her voice was any indication, she's not hurt, just pissed." I'll bet she is. But better pissed than burned. I slump onto the floorboard of the ambulance, relief flooding me. "Fire?" It's all I can manage. "A non-fire, really," he explains, shoving his hands into his coat pockets with chagrin. "Seems your partner was instructing the other women on the fine art of making Mexican fried ice cream on the break room stove. Right after she left, a small grease fire got out of hand. Basically, just a lot of smoke." That little... how dare she put herself in danger like that? How dare she put - My fuming thoughts are interrupted by the parting of the black sea of suitcoats. From here, it looks like I'm not the only one attempting the hero bit. Of course, he *is* a fireman... and I'm just a government employee. Hey... that's not fair. I get the over-the- shoulder treatment and this person gets the cradle-in-the-arms. Wait a minute. That's not a person. That's my wife. Staring up at the chisel-jawed, soot-cheeked fireman in fluorescent yellow like he's Adonis. Oh, this is *so* not fair. She's mesmerized. When has she ever looked at me that way? And he's smiling back, the son-of-a-bitch. Get those lustful thoughts right out of your head, asshole. Can't you see she's pregnant? With *my* child? Okay, so she doesn't wear a wedding ring. Never got around to getting her one. We never got around to really spreading the nuptial news, either. And she *is* wrapped in a blanket similar to mine, effectively hiding the swell that *I* put there. Why haven't I told the world that it's my doing, anyway? Okay, *our* doing. Suddenly the thought that it's my sperm that impregnated the invincible, last Scully ovum... well, my chest puffs up with male pride. Or could be I'm about to start coughing again. My eyes are getting teary.... She's so fucking beautiful. The most beautiful thing I've seen all day. My ego takes a back seat to fear as they approach; she sees me and struggles a bit, trying to get down. "Scully -" I try to admonish her, but my voice is a mere whisper now. In no time, I've shrugged my cape - er, blanket - further up my manly shoulders and I'm there, right before them. "Mulder, you okay? Let me down," she directs Adonis with a glare. He complies, and stands there stupidly. Waiting for a kiss from the damsel, I suppose. Not this time, buddy. She's glaring, not staring. That's what my hazy vision picked up on seconds ago. Skinner was right when he said she was pissed. "Thanks," she throws over her shoulder, her eyes already sweeping me for injury. I'm fine, Scully, I try to tell her, but by now it's nothing more than a squeak. "You really should let the paramedics take a look at you," Gargantua interrupts. Why? Is she hurt? Was that why he was carrying her? But Skinner said she was okay. Scully notices my panic face. "I'm fine, Mulder. Firefighting protocol, from what I understand." She rolls her eyes in the direction of her rescuer as she explains the carry out of the building. She's not fooled for one minute and neither am I. Copping a feel, eh buddy? Flashing him a pair of knife-wielding eyes, I notice at once how much he looks like Howie Long. Wonder if he has the crewcut, too? All brawn and good looks without a trace of pyrophobia. Okay, so he rescued Scully. Really, I should be shaking his hand with gratitude. Right after I punch his lights out for putting the moves on my wife. But at the moment, all I want to do is hold her and he's trying to insinuate himself between us. Beat it, pal. Thankfully, Scully says what I'm itching to say. Except her words contain less colorful language and just the right amount of disinterested dismissal. "Thank you, Rex...." Rex? Kinda fits. He *is* drooling all over Scully. ".... but my husband will take care of me now." "Your husband?" he and Skinner say simultaneously. Shit. Forgot the big guy was right behind me. Hell, he knew about Scully's pregnancy. Before I did, in fact. Why should the fact that we made it legitimate surprise him? Scully peels off both of their hides with an exasperated glare, rolling her eyes yet again. "Could we have a moment, gentlemen?" They don't move, so she bites, "Alone?" That's my girl. Though if she knew I was thinking that, she'd flay me, too. They get the hint, blending back into the crowd with scowls. Though I can't decide who's more surprised by the news - Rex or Skinner. "Mulder, you sure you're okay?" she asks quietly, stepping closer so I can feel the heat of her body. She brings a small hand out from under the blanket and soothes the pressure mark the mask made on my cheek. Nodding, I assure her that I'm fine. Just a little hoarse, I mime, pointing to my throat. I tried to rescue you, Scully. I wanted to be your hero. The almost catastrophe overwhelms me in an instant as I realize just how serious this could have been. Moving closer, I open my blanket to wrap my arms around her. "Whoa! Wait a minute!" She pulls away and fumbles with her blanket, drawing something from underneath its folds. "Damn. It's ruined." A small Styrofoam bowl sits in the palm of her hand, with something repulsive-looking rolling around in it. I feel my lips curl into a grimace. "Mexican fried ice cream," she explains with a sigh. "I was bringing it down to you when all hell broke loose." The gooey mess slithers around in the bowl and what looks like corn flakes and a maraschino cherry buoy for dominance on its rough seas. It looks like puke and combined with the afternoon's excitement, it makes my stomach turn. Taking it from her hand, I toss it as far away from my burning nose as I can and actually feel loads better when it lands on the back of Rex's fireproof jacket. Score! He doesn't even feel it; too much testosterone must dull your reaction time or something. Her face falls into a sad pout and it occurs to me that she's about to cry. Shit. This time, I manage to enfold her in my embrace for good. Together we stand on that freezing sidewalk, her head tucked under my chin. "It was a baby shower, Mulder," she says, tears making her voice waver. "I've been so indifferent to all of them and they gave me a shower. The gifts must be upstairs still... though they're probably ruined..." A baby shower. They gave her a surprise baby shower. Jesus. I should have gone with her. Hiccup, gasp, then she starts again. "And I wanted to be nice... it was so fun... Dad used to make Mexican fried ice cream, did I ever tell you that?.... And I wanted you to taste it... it was so good." My blanket fits around the both of us easily, just like my arms fit around her and my baby with room to spare. Rubbing my hands along her back, I try to calm her, but to no avail. Shock is setting in with her, too. Pregnancy hormones must make it ten times worse. "And then I got stuck in the elevator... and all I could get was your voice mail... and I'm too big to squeeze through the escape door...." No, she isn't. But I'm not about to argue with her right now. Hell, I couldn't even if I wanted to. ".... and Mom is coming over for dinner tonight and the baby's room is full of your junk... and I have laundry to do... and the dryer is broken...." Oh, yeah. I was supposed to call a repairman. Yesterday. Shit. ".... and I just told Skinner we were married...." Her tear-stained face jerks up, her blue eyes red-rimmed and wide. "Mulder! I just told Skinner we -" Silencing her with my finger, I decide to stop her before she goes back to "...and all I could get was your voice mail..." by kissing her. She tastes like tears and cherry-tinged vanilla ice cream. And everyone is looking, I can feel it. Who the fuck cares? I'm kissing my wife. My *pregnant* - though she never admitted to anyone it was my baby (she said it was none of their damned business)... *beautiful* - though I don't tell her that often enough... wife. "My..." she begins, her warmth breath caressing my mouth. No, don't say it, Scully. Much as I'd like to think it, I'm not your hero. Skinner is. Or Rex the Wonder Dog over there. "Mulder," she finishes, whispering against my lips. That's more like it. Just Mulder. *Her* Mulder. She melts into me, just like Mexican fried ice cream, and I pick her up in *my* arms, breaking the kiss with a smile. Exhaustion is fast taking hold of her, just as my fatigue segues into a burst of adrenaline. I feel my smile turn goofy right about the time her face becomes dreamy. She may not say it - hell, that would sound too much like Scully on LSD - but she's looking at me the way I've always wanted her to look at me. Like I'm a hero. Superman, Spiderman and the Green Hornet all rolled into one. Tomorrow, she'll be mortified at the scene we've created. Take a good look, people, because Scully will never let me do this again. My cape feels like it's been branded with a big-assed 'M', judging from the open-mouthed stares of the disbelieving public. So what if we can't keep it a secret anymore? They gave her a baby shower. The least I can do is give them confirmation. Ladies and gentlemen, 'Mexican Fried Ice Cream Man' says "Mucho gracias" to you for giving his wife a baby shower. If I'm gonna walk the walk, I gotta talk the talk, am I right? A megaphoned voice gives the okay for everyone to file back inside. But we're not going in, I tell Skinner with a nod at the parking garage. He knows very well Scully's had it for the day. He gives me a wave of agreement and departs with the rest, though the glint in his eye tells me we're not finished with the marriage news. Like I didn't know that already. As I stride through the crowd on the way to the car, I dimly realize what I'll be doing once we blow this joint. I'm going home with Scully. To fix dinner for her mother. To clean out the baby's room. And call a dryer repairman. Hey - I can cook. I can clean, too. And I can face the SkinMan in his office tomorrow and we'll do the 'why didn't you tell me' dance about the marriage while we posture in our imaginary capes. But one thing I cannot do is repair dryers. I'm not really a superhero, you know. I don't want bulging muscles or females swooning in adoration. Yo solo quiero a mi esposa mexicana frita del helado. END Translation: "I only want my Mexican fried ice cream wife." Author's Notes: Mucho gracias to Musea, for talking me into this and for the sterling beta. Especially Bonnie... "You are my inspiration, Bonnieee..." So it's not a Christmas fic, but it's got a semi-roaring fire, snow, and schmoop. And one very important character that I miss terribly. Joyeux Noel, Feliz Navidad, Merry Christmas... Happy Holidays! Mish Elements: a semi-real fire in the office cute, smudged fire-fighters ice cream dryers in need of repair