Gabriel Chapter Three Disclaimer, etc. in Headers Idlewild Mining Camp Just west of Denver, Colorado September 15, 2001 6:30 p.m. Were they ever going to sound the horn? Gabriel was exhausted, not having had anything to eat since dinner the night before. His whole body seemed to quiver as his muscles screamed from lack of nourishment. The sun was setting and it was getting cooler; he unknotted his shirt from around his waist and slipped it on, wrinkling his nose at his stench. He knew he was going to linger at the dinner table too long to be able to avail himself of the meager hot water in the showers - it was going to be a quick, cold dousing tonight. But food, something that should be a priority, was not uppermost on his to-do list this evening. Information from Jesse was number one today. Everything else could wait. At the blare of the horn, he dropped his pick and practically ran to the mess tent. Undisclosed location The Smoky Mountains April 10, 2001 12:20 p.m. The screen sprang to life, a sea of grainy black and white fuzz. But not for long, as it quickly changed into a dark picture. There wasn't much light to aid the camera's functioning, but Mulder could see what had triggered it. Squirming. On the left side of the makeshift bed, under the covers. Scully. Several soft sighs of distress floated to his ears; with a gasp, he knew he'd been right - she was having a nightmare. He slept on beside her, oblivious to her fright. He saw her arms flail under the covers and his throat got tight. He should have woken up then. But he'd gotten soft since their escape, letting the simple joy of freedom cloud his mind to possible danger. He kept his eyes glued to the screen, ignoring Frohike's study of his face. They were wrong, and the tape would prove it. He expected the commandos to break down the door at any moment and drag her away; he didn't know if he could bear to see it, but he kept watching anyway. Suddenly, she rolled from the bed, her skin ghostly on the tape. For a moment she stood, trembling as she scanned the floor. Then, dropping to all fours, she crawled frantically on the concrete floor, soft, mewling sounds of anxiety coming from her throat. First she donned her jeans, then her boots, then *his* sweatshirt. He could tell it was his by the way it hung to mid-thigh. God, he hoped she still had it; it would keep her warm. "Scully?" At the sound of his own voice, Mulder held his breath. It was about time you woke up, you fool, he told himself silently. As if he could change the outcome by wishing it different. But she didn't stop moving, not even when he turned on the lamp. Again, he called out, "Scully!" Her eyes were wide and wild; yes, she was lost in a nightmare, he could tell. A sleep-slowed hand closed around her ankle; watching her fall, he grimaced and looked away, sure he must have hurt her. "Keep watching," Frohike ordered. Powerless to resist, Mulder raised his eyes once again, biting his lip to keep from yelling out her name in time with his video twin. It came out anyway through thin lips, his echoed, "Damn it, stop!" From the corner of his eye, he saw Frohike's face become firm, his eyes skittering away to give a confirming blink at his friends. But Mulder didn't want to give up just yet. Leaning in closer, his hands fisted as he watched Scully struggle against his hold. Don't let go, he pleaded with himself. Stop her before she leaves. In a flash, she'd turned, gun in hand. No. It wasn't true. It couldn't be. "Whoa," he heard himself say, saw the blankets fall away from his naked form as he stood, hands up. "You're dreaming, Scully. Drop the gun." Mulder waited for the door to burst open. For the heavens to crash in... for the men he knew had tried to steal her rush in and shoot him. But it didn't happen. As if in slow motion, he saw her free hand reach for the door knob. With a last gasp, he saw himself lunge for her. With a pained heart, he saw her shoot him. Blood spurted immediately and he fell back, disbelief echoing in his voice. "Scully." Her eyes were clear and unblinking as she dropped the gun to her side. "My name is Julia." It was her voice, sounding like sandpaper, but still it was hers. Limp fingers let the gun clatter to the floor and she walked away. "Scully!" Idlewild Mining Camp Just west of Denver, Colorado September 15, 2001 6:35 p.m. "Jesse!" he hissed, coming up behind the man seated at the rickety folding table. Startled, Jesse flashed a pair of pissy eyes at him, nearly choking on his mouthful of food. He shrugged off Gabriel's hand and took a swallow of water. "Go get you somethin' to eat, man, before they let us back in line for seconds." Though Gabriel's stomach rumbled with hunger, he was too excited to wait. "Jesse, I gotta talk to you." Jesse didn't pick his head up as he kept shoveling the stew into his face. "I ain't talkin' to you until I'm full. Fuck off." Gabriel knew Jesse was bound to be still angry at this morning's run-in with the foreman. With a purse of his lips, he decided to relent for a few minutes, giving in to Jesse's temperament. A full belly was more cooperative than an angry, empty one. "Don't go anywhere," he warned, turning to search out the end of the mess line. "Go get your food. I ain't goin' nowhere." As Gabriel walked away, he heard a muffled, "Fool." Yes, he was a fool. Ten times over. But it was too late to change now. Undisclosed location The Smoky Mountains April 10, 2001 12:25 p.m. Mulder pressed pause, freezing the frame of his bare ass halfway out the door. "How do you know this is legit?" He knew what Frohike had shown him was damning for her, but there was always a slim hope the tape had been tampered with. It wouldn't be the first time he'd seen altered videotape. Frohike grinned, a grim, humorless thing. "You know, she asked us the same thing once... when we saw you shoot that girl at the airport. The only confirmation was that little piece of gold you still have around your neck." Lowering his eyes, Mulder's left hand strayed to the cross and he closed his fingers around it. "Still doesn't mean this hasn't been tampered with," he muttered, defiant to the end. "Every fifteen minutes, the feed was downloaded to the central network computer, then backed up to the alternate site - right here." Frohike glanced at his buddies across the room before turning back to Mulder. "About half an hour after we abandoned the bunker in West Virginia, the feed abruptly ended. We figure it's all been destroyed by now." "They still could have -" "What? Taken the time to mess with this tape? For God's sake, Mulder, why?" Impatience edged Frohike's voice and he ran a gloved hand across his brow, stepping closer to murmur, "You don't believe me? Back up the tape." Mulder's eyes shot up as fury consumed him. "You son-of-a-bitch. Got your jollies, did you?" he snarled, curling up from the cot. As the other two men slipped from the room, Frohike shoved against the uninjured side of his chest, red-faced with his own anger. "The second we saw what it was, we indexed ahead to the next click on," he pointed out. "I might be a pervert, but even I know when to stop, Mulder. I told you, I'd never do that to you. Or to her." He stood and straightened his vest, giving Mulder a dignified, cold glare. "Watch it. If you think they somehow stole into your room with a look-a-like, then now's the time to found out, wouldn't you say?" Mulder flinched at the slam of the door behind Frohike. How did he do that, anyway? Once, Mulder believed that the only one who could read the way his mind worked was Scully. Now it seemed he was as transparent as a pane of glass. There had to be an explanation, and this was the only one that made sense. Somehow, they'd gotten in, replaced Scully with someone who looked like her - an assassin who wouldn't hesitate to shoot him. Maybe the woman he'd made love with just hours before the ambush wasn't even her. It was possible, he told himself. The remote laid on the cot beside him. With his left hand, he picked it up and pressed rewind, taking a deep breath for courage. Idlewild Mining Camp Just west of Denver, Colorado September 15, 2001 6:45 p.m. By the time Gabriel made it back to the table, Jesse was finishing up, standing to leave. Dropping the metal tray with a furious slam, Gabriel leaned over the table. "Where the hell are you going? You said you'd stay." "Chill out, man," Jesse said with a small smile. "I'm goin' to get some more. I'll be right back." He picked up his own empty tray and gave Gabriel a once-over, crinkling his nose. "You better look like takin' a shower tonight. I ain't sleepin' in the same tent as you with you smellin' like that." Gabriel sighed, content for now that the other man had softened a bit toward him enough to enter into small talk. He'd be back. With dirty hands, Gabriel picked up his bread and stuffed it into his mouth. "Like you smell like roses," he muttered around the yeasty dough. That's it, he thought. Just cool it. Can't afford to arouse too much suspicion. "At least I still got somethin' on me you ain't got," Jesse laughed. "Somethin' you ain't had in years, probably. The smell of a woman." As Jesse walked away, Gabriel bit back his reply. The scent of a woman was something he'd never forget, something he enjoyed not so long ago, in spite of Jesse's poking. And not just any woman, either. This one had been special - light like spring grass and dark like the heady burn of fine brandy just before it touched your tongue. Scented in a hundred different places, with an intoxicating warmth that would fill his head and make him forget who he was in her arms. Yes, he remembered. Even now, with the spicy steam wafting from his tray that lifted toward his face, he isolated *her* - and shoved all else from his mind. Undisclosed location The Smoky Mountains April 10, 2001 12:30 p.m. At the first sight of her, his heart seized in his chest. Though forever preserved in the gray tones of the video, his mind splashed color on the screen to surround her in vivid life. The red-gold of her hair, the pale white of her skin, the sky-blue of her eyes that were remarkably warm against the dingy beige of the pillowcase. As the two figures on the screen moved together as one, his body was drawn closer to the image, as if pulled by an unseen magnet. It should have disgusted him, this intrusion into their love. Maybe it should even have aroused him, like in years past, when he sought the solace of porn in his solitary apartment. It did neither. All it did was create an ache deep within; the pain of loss blossoming with every frame that slipped by. If he'd only known it was to be the last time... if he'd known to touch her lips with his in a few more kisses, to hold himself within her for a few seconds more, to keep his arms around her in a chain that would have bound her to him... if he'd only known. Look at her, you fool, he silently admonished his other self. Tell her you love her, tell her not to leave you. Stop fucking her and get some God damned rope to tie her wrist to yours. But no - his phantom self thrust into her again and again, smiling at the way her body wrapped around him, confident that she could not be free. "Come on sweetheart. Come for me, Scully," the bastard said, commanding her to give it all to him. He grunted above her like a pig, and Mulder could no longer stand to watch the rutting, instead fastening his gaze on her beautiful face. He brought a finger to the screen, inching closer until, with a slam of his knees on the concrete, he knelt before the monitor. She was amazing to behold, her mouth lax, her eyes slitted, yet still focused on the man moving above her, her hands stealing down his back to urge him on. As if hit with a jolt of electricity, she suddenly stiffened and her face dissolved into a portrait of pleasure, her smile seeming to shimmer in the dim light of the lamp. Mulder touched it, feeling the warmth tingle through his fingertips as he gasped for breath. "No," he whispered to her in a final plea, sure she could hear him beg her not to let it end. His other self pressed her into the pallet and groaned for them both, and Mulder knew then his hopes were dashed to bits. It was her. There was no overwhelming physical evidence to believe it was, but he did so with all his mind and soul. No one had ever looked at him the way she did; even before she'd revealed herself to him in the tower, she'd graced him with attentive, sympathetic, *desirous* looks. As she did on the tape, loving him with small kisses of satisfaction to his face. Letting him roll away into blissful ignorance of what was to come; her love for him plain to see on her face, damp with tears of joy. "No!" he whispered again with vehemence as the man let his arms fall from her. Fool - he was a fool for not holding on. But she *did*, curling into his side with a touch of her lips to his chest. "Promise me you'll do that again." Idiot, Mulder screamed inwardly. God damn it, stop being so fucking complacent! She nodded into his shoulder and let him doze. Mulder's face was hot and his lungs gulped for air as she lifted, the curve of her back blocking the sight of his stupid face. But he could see her fingers curl into his hair and he remembered it, the way they slid over his scalp. And he tossed it off, saying, "I need a haircut, don't I?" though now he would give anything to feel her hand. Anything. As if she felt him watching, her chin tilted just a bit and her lips gave him a soundless, The banter was lost to the ringing in his ears and the thumping of his heart. Silent, wrenching sobs burst from him as she bestowed her favor, the yellow ribbon sliding from her fingers to his. It twined about his knuckles like a satin talisman and he remembered how it remained all through their journey here, though it was now dotted with blood. The light went out but he could still see her as she settled next to him, her fingers still rubbing the strands of his hair in a silent touch, as if unwilling to lose contact. "Okay, maybe not for a couple of weeks." His voice drifted out of the darkness. "Then it's *got* to go." A glimpse of pearly white teeth made his hand slide down to hit the pause button. Then it was back up, caressing the cool screen where she laid in frozen happiness. Salty tears touched his lips and his shoulder began to throb as he dropped his chin. "Scully," he whispered brokenly. "Why?" Idlewild Mining Camp Just west of Denver, Colorado September 15, 2001 6:57 p.m. "You gonna eat that?" Gabriel was amazed at the amount of food Jesse was able to eat. With a short smile, he pushed his tray of half-eaten food in Jesse's direction. "Be my guest." Truth was, he was getting very impatient. Jesse had said he was going to talk to him at the dinner table, but so far, no go. With a full belly, the man should be amenable by now, Gabriel figured. If not, then he was due for a bad case of heartburn, because Gabriel wasn't waiting a moment longer to question him - whether or not it upset his meal. But how to approach the subject without making Jesse suspicious, as Gabriel was sure he'd almost done in the pit today. A bit of interest was called for, along with a bit of diversion. "You know of a good place in town to get something better to eat than this?" Jesse didn't look up as he shoveled Gabriel's dinner into his mouth. "Sure. If you got the money." He reached for his water. "Like I said, the Silver Moon got it all, man. Women, drink, food. All for a price." "The Silver Moon, eh?" Jesse let out a belch and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand before lifting serious, dark eyes to Gabriel. "You ain't foolin' me, you know." Gabriel felt the blood drain from his face under the scraggly beard; he *knew* he'd been too pushy today. He forced out a chuckle and fidgeted with his fork, rapping out a drumbeat on the wooden table. "What do you mean?" "You didn't want a God damned thing to do with the Silver Moon until I told you about Miss Eliza. How do you know her, anyway?" He schooled his features, the lie coming easily. "I don't. I just recognized the name, that's all." Think fast, he told himself. A lie is best told between two truths - he could hear the voice from long ago still echo in his ears. "You say she's the mistress of the Silver Moon?" "No, I didn't say that," Jesse murmured, his eyes narrowing. "You just assumed she was... but yeah. And don't be tellin' me you hadn't heard that name before today, especially when you asked me what she looked like. You know her, Gabe. Admit it." He forced himself to slump in his chair, affecting a lazy pose. "Yeah, I know her, though it's not *her* I really want to know, if you know what I mean?" He shrugged and added, "Back in St. Louis, before I signed on with the company, I knew her. She was just getting her girls together back then and taking them west. One of them was pretty special to me - I've been looking for her ever since." Jesse perked up at the pseudo-admission, leaning over the table. "What's her name? Maybe she's still with Miss Eliza?" Gabriel mirrored Jesse's pose, looking from side to side before whispering, "Does she have a girl named Karen with her?" "Karen?" Jesse paused, wrinkling his cheek with a grimace. "Nah, don't think so." After a moment, his eyes widened slightly. "You think Miss Eliza changed Karen's name?" Gabriel pretended to give it some thought. "Mmm... maybe. All I know is - I've never found anyone who could satisfy me like Karen, you know what I mean?" "I bet it's Jenny," Jesse stated. "Pretty little thing - blond hair, blue eyes, shaped like a Barbie doll - that her?" "Yes!" Gabriel nudged Jesse's arm. "You gotta take me there with you tomorrow night, okay?" Jesse laughed and pushed away from the table. As he leaned over, he shoved Gabriel's tray back to him, whispering, "Jenny got brown hair and green eyes, man." Gabriel swallowed and looked at his empty tray as he felt the flush of capture stain his cheeks. "I'll go without you." "And step right into some shit, I bet." He raised burning eyes to Jesse and bit out, "I don't need your help. This is between me and her." "Hey - you started this, remember?" Pushing away from the table, he picked up his tray. "And I'm gonna finish it - just forget I even asked about her, okay?" Jesse's huge hand curled around his arm. "I ain't gonna ask no more questions. I figure you got business with her and it ain't my concern. As long as you don't get us into trouble, I'll watch your back. If I don't, who will?" He smiled and released Gabriel to pick up his own tray, turning to leave. Gabriel watched with open-mouthed fascination, then quickly clamped it shut as Jesse whirled to make a final statement. "But we ain't goin' if you don't clean yourself up. And if you don't wanna get rid of that shit on your face, at least take the scissors to it, okay? You enough to make any woman scream and run away, and just being with the Love Man won't be enough to get you in, you get my drift?" Laughing, he threw his tray into the pile at the tent exit and walked away, rubbing his stomach. Gabriel couldn't help but laugh as well, though with more relief than humor. One more day. One more day until he finally had something - rather, someone - to start him on his way. Eliza had made it out alive. And if he knew her like he thought he did, she still had connections. The way she made her living these days was proof positive; someone had to have set her up, if the establishment was as high-class as Jesse claimed. A cat always fell on its feet. Besides, there was the little matter of a gunshot wound to one very special, very *womanly-scented* back.... End Chapter Three