Gabriel Chapter Nineteen En route to Helena September 24, 2001 6:25 p.m. He hit the roof of the car with a dull thud and immediately began sliding around on its snowy surface as the train picked up speed. Muttering a muffled, "Shit!" he flailed, his numb fingers searching for purchase as he spread-eagled his body. The train's forward motion worked against him and he began to move backward on the roof of the car, moments away from falling off the end. At last, he felt something sticking up from the metal and he grabbed hold, wincing at the pull on his shoulder. It took some effort, but he brought his other hand up, reinforcing the clamp on what he now knew was an antenna. Dropping his head against the biting wind, he said a quick, silent thanks for the skinny piece of modern technology, hoping it continued to hold out against his dragging weight. By the time his heart rate had settled down and he was able to squint against the blowing snow, he saw the train had left the outskirts of the city. Not that he could see anything, really. Other than the black walls of trees to either side of the tracks. But it was what he couldn't see that told the tale - lights. No more city lights. He estimated they were now moving at about forty miles per hour; not as fast as these trains normally moved, but prudent, given the weather. Squirming, he swung his legs around and faced the back end of the car, still hanging on for dear life. Relief made his frozen face crack into a pseudo-grin when he saw he was only a few feet from the back edge. Easy to drop onto the platform below. Except for one thing. As he peered over the edge, he saw the unmistakable glow of a cigarette. Damn. He should have known they'd post a guard at the back of the train. Though the man looked like he'd much rather be inside, dancing from one foot to the other as he stood huddled in the wind, his rifle slung over his back. Gabriel's hands were almost frozen to the antenna and he knew they weren't going to be much good, but he also knew he couldn't stay where he was, either. Taking the man out was risky; besides the chance of discovery should his battered body fail him in the attempt, there was bound to be someone checking on the guard now and then. He didn't want to arouse suspicion by tossing the man over the side. They wouldn't stop the train for such an insignificant menial, anyway. But they would conduct a thorough search for possible foul play involved and he needed time to pass before he made his presence known. It seemed the gods were smiling upon him... the guard took a quick look inside, then reached in his coat. He stumbled back, bringing a flask to his lips. It suddenly occurred to Gabriel that the guard's swaying wasn't due to the train's movement, nor was it an attempt to stay warm. The man appeared to be well on his way to drunkenness, slumping on the stool by the railing as he downed the rest of the liquor. He threw the flask over the side and crossed his arms, settling in for the ride. It took only a few minutes before his head lolled to and fro; he was lost to sleep. His chance upon him, he hoped he had enough feeling left in his frozen body to ease down to the platform. Taking a deep, bracing breath, he scissored his legs and let himself slide over the edge, not knowing where he was going to land. He hung like a rag doll in the wind for a second or two, constantly looking at the guard for any sign of discovery. But there was none; even above the roar of the train he could hear a heavy snore flooding from the man's open mouth. As Gabriel's boots finally touched the platform, he grimaced, biting back a bellow of pain. Hundreds of tiny needles shot up his legs and he swayed, grabbing onto the railing as the tracks below wavered under his queasy gaze. Quickly glancing at the passed-out guard, he held his breath as the man stirred, but didn't open his eyes. Hurry, he told himself. No time to waste in getting inside. Fighting the cold and his lethargic limbs, he turned, taking the door handle with numb fingers. It slid easily and he crept in, narrowing his eyes against the bright lights of the corridor. Blessed warmth hit him in the face and he forced his legs to carry him the few steps to Julia's door. Glancing down the hall with panic, he heard the flush of a toilet coming from the front of the car. But her door was locked; quickly but softly, he knocked, praying she'd open the door in time. "Who is it?" Unbidden, it rose from his lips. "Mu -" But he stopped just short, instead offering with a shivering murmur, "Gabriel. Or Moe. Or Marty, or whoever -" Please open up, Scully, he begged silently. His words died a swift death as he found himself pulled into the room. The lock clicked behind him and a human ball of scented warmth surrounded him, squeezing tight. "Gabriel - oh, Gabriel." Her voice was choked with tears. "The guard outside..." He fell back against the door and gently enfolded her into his embrace, rubbing his cheek over the crown of ribboned hair. "Shh... it's okay. He didn't see me." Her arms clutched at him with desperate relief. "When they came and told me we were leaving tonight," she hiccuped, burying her nose into his chest, "God, I never thought I'd see you again." Her fright was palpable in the shaky words. Shivering like he was, though not from cold, she held on for dear life, as if she thought he'd disappear. "It's okay, Julia." He pulled away, dropping a kiss on her brow. "You aren't going anywhere without me." Lifting her damp face to his, confusion clouded her eyes. "But how did you know?" He smiled, brushing away the last of her tears with his reddened hand. "The Colonel has his ways." She nodded, complete trust shining in her gaze. "I should have known. Is he responsible for this too?" Her fingers pulled at the pitifully short sleeves. Bringing one hand up, she lightly touched his cheek. "Your beard is growing back," she said absently, then worry creased her forehead. "And you're cold. Come, sit over here by the heater." As she pulled off his coat, Gabriel surveyed the room. It was bigger than the normal passenger drawing room, twice the size or more. With a small bed at one end, a couch and low table at the other, it was made for comfortable travel and isolation. A door to the left of the bed most likely led to a tiny bathroom. The whole compartment was decorated with tapestry rugs and soft, indirect lighting, and a built-in, small electric heater glowed in the wall by the couch. It looked as though Grandpa had spared no expense on his personal mode of transport. The rush of adrenaline had not faded, and he found he couldn't sit, instead standing before the heater in an effort to warm up as she sat on the couch. "You okay?" he asked, watching her lay his coat tenderly beside her. "Now I am," she said softly, giving him a look that helped warm him more than the orange glow that crept up his back. For a few moments, he let his gaze wander over her. The cloak had hidden her garb from him at the depot, and he was gratified to see she'd dressed sensibly for the trip. Covered in a bulky, deep green sweater and matching knit pants, her small black boots laced up tight, she looked like a Colorado native on her way up the mountain for a ski trip. He was glad she wasn't in one of those thin dresses; her clothes would definitely help keep her warm once they left the train behind for good. Even more exhilarating was the cross that laid upon the shiny velour, nestled above her breasts in familiar, happy repose. Noticing his pleased gaze, she let her fingers come up to touch it. "I told him I wanted it back, that it was mine." Standing, she crossed over to him, unfastening it. "But it isn't - it's yours." "Julia, no." He tried to stop her; it wasn't his, not really. He'd been gifted with it long ago, but it had always been hers, would always be. He longed to tell her that its rightful place was with her, but that would involve an explanation he wasn't prepared to give. His body reacted to her proximity, stiffening in spite of the thaw of skin and bone. She didn't relent, her hands coming up around his neck with the chain. "It looks better on you, anyway." And it felt wonderful; he nodded, unable to give voice to just how much it meant to them both. How much he loved her, needed her. But she knew, mirroring his bright gaze with one of her own, a small smile gracing her lips. A sudden lurch of the train threw her into him, and her hands fisted in his denim shirt as his grabbed her waist. Her eyes darkened, but her voice was calm as she gave him the means to move past his emotional pause. "What's the plan?" "Huh?" What the hell was she talking about? God, he thought, she felt good. All round and covered with warm green that felt like silk under his calloused hands. "The plan, Modell." "Modell?" Jesus, even the name had the power to scare the shit out of him. Still, though it had been years since their encounter with that smooth monster. Apparently, she felt his heart speed up under her fingertips and she said, "Relax, Gabriel. Just fishing." It still amazed him that the little tidbits continued to make their way out of her subconscious mind and he chuckled, "Definitely not Modell. What the hell kind of name is that, anyway?" He knew damn well it wasn't a name *he'd* ever consider taking for himself, but he didn't want her to see the memory of that case in his face. "A last name." Her probing gaze was steady. "After all, Scully is a last name, isn't it? It occurred to me today that last names could have been the norm, don't you agree?" She dropped her eyes to his mouth and licked her lips. Great. Inch by inch, she was getting closer to the truth about him and he was powerless to stop it. A diversion was needed, and fast. "The Colonel and his men are going to hijack the train." It was her turn to say, "Huh?" "The plan, remember?" "Oh yeah, right." Clearing her throat, she stepped away and he inwardly bemoaned the loss of her in his hands. "Hijack the train? Where?" "Somewhere between Cheyenne and Helena." He smiled, knowing she was just as affected by him as he was by her. "We can take it up into Canada. Into friendly territory." Lots of time to explain later about the safe harbor Skinner had hewn out in British Columbia. When she reached the bed she turned, worry etched upon her face. "But what about Matthew?" "What about him?" He knew where she was going, but he couldn't let sympathy for the boy get in the way of their escape. "We're going to Helena because Mr. Spencer has found a doctor there who says he can cure him. Gabriel, we can't let him die." Damn it, he knew she wouldn't want to leave the boy behind to die. "Julia, I feel sorry for Matthew, really." He followed her retreat, his feet bringing him to stand before her as he let his hands settle on her shoulders. "But this is our chance to escape." "Escape? You make it sound like I'm being held prisoner, Gabriel. I can leave any time I want." "Can you?" he pressed, knowing the path he was taking was dangerous, but necessary. "Julia, did you tell Mr. Spencer you wanted to stay at the Ranch, to not go on this trip?" "Yes, but he insisted Matthew needed me. He said Matthew was scared and needed a friend for the journey." "Julia, Matthew is an innocent, caught in the middle of this. But Mr. Spencer is not the benevolent soul he's made himself out to be." It was inevitable, her, "How do you know this?" "A husband?" he pointed out with a subtle sneer. "Julia, I know damn well you don't have a husband." "That doesn't mean Mr. Spencer had anything to do with his arrival. *He* gives me the creeps, not Mr. Spencer." "Julia, you know I can't explain all this right now. You just have to trust me on it, okay?" He drew her close; thankfully, her resistance to his plan did not extend itself to his bodily invasion, as she let herself sink into his embrace. "I'm sorry about Matthew, really. But if we let this train make it undisturbed to Helena, there will be too many of Spencer's guards around for us to get away easily." A little white lie followed, one he knew she'd not question. "The company is still looking for me. We have to get away as fast as we can. You understand, don't you?" She plucked at the back of his shirt, regret coloring her muffled voice. "Yes. Doesn't mean I have to like the results of our plan, as far as Matthew's concerned." "We'll have a truck nearby. Won't get them there as fast as the train, but it'll get them there, okay?" Sans the old man, he added silently. No way was he letting that bastard get off this time. She sighed. "I guess that'll have to do." There was one thing he needed to do, something he dreaded telling her. Fact was, he wasn't going to tell her. Not everything, anyway. But he had to slow the train down, and it was sure to get him captured in the end. She wasn't going to like it, but he had to rely on Frohike to get them both out when the time came. Not yet, though. They were still too close to Denver. Another hour or two and they would be a good hundred miles down the track. Well enough away from reinforcements. He dropped his mouth to her ear, giving it a playful nip. "Got anything to eat in here?" Her mood lightened instantly, as she shook in his arms, laughter warming his chest. "Besides my ear lobe?" "Mmm... on second thought..." He caught the tender flesh between his teeth. "This might do." Julia shoved him away and flashed him a chastising look as she moved to the door. "I told them I wasn't feeling well enough to dine with them, but I can get something sent back here." Her thumb hovered over the intercom button. "You're staying, aren't you?" The look in her eyes was hopeful and warm, tinged with a subtle hint of desire. God, he knew he had to kill some time, but would he be able to resist the invitation he knew would come? It was foolish to succumb to the siren call of her body, especially in the middle of enemy territory, so to speak. But he couldn't deny he wanted it, just as she did. Hot food, the rolling lull of the train, the slumberous pull of her mouth and eyes... it was impossible to deny himself. "Will they leave you alone?" His question was husky and hopeful as he swallowed hard in the face of her beauty. She knew as well as he did that there was a good chance this plan may never come to fruition. That he'd get caught on this train and imprisoned like a criminal; they'd be separated forever. And God help him, he wanted to spend time with her before all hell broke loose. He hadn't come here for this, but damned if he was going to deny himself - and her - the possible last chance for intimacy. "I'll tell the servant I'm turning in for the night. As long as I show up for breakfast, they won't disturb me." He felt like he'd been handed an unexpected gift. With a pleased lift of his lips, he walked to the bathroom door, throwing over his shoulder, "Then tell them to make sure it's hot, whatever it is. Soup would be nice... I think my toes are frozen." As he sought his hiding place, he heard her murmur, "Not for long... Michaud." Pausing, he stuck his face through the crack of the bathroom door and met her inquisitive eyes with a regretful shake of his head. "Too French?" At his nod, she sighed and turned back to the intercom, pushing the buzzer with frustration. "I should know better - you can't possibly be French." "I can when I want to be," he whispered with a leer, closing the door on her blush as the intercom burst to life. "Miss, can I get something for you? Miss? Hello?" ********** 7:45 p.m. The last of his dinner was swallowed down with the remains of his finally cooled tea. With a grimace, he set his cup down on the coffee table pulled the knife from his boot, placing it beside the cup. Ignoring her raised brow at the sight of the weapon, he kicked off his boots and leaned back on the couch, propping his feet. Toes wriggling in his socks, he looked up to meet her somnolent gaze. "Next time, make it iced tea, okay?" he poked playfully, admiring the way she lounged crossways the bed on the other side of the semi-dark room. Julia had doused the overhead lights, leaving a single lamp burning by the bed. The night passed through the windows, peppered with white snowflakes, the only sound the hum of the train's wheels beneath them. Head propped in one hand, she'd watched him eat, refusing to share in the repast when it had been delivered, saying, "I don't think my stomach can take the food. This movement is not setting well with junior here." When he'd approached her with concern, she'd waved him off. "He's just a bit excited, that's all. I fear the chili would explode above his bouncing - and I don't feel like being sick. I'd rather wait for dessert." She'd kicked off her boots and winked, climbing onto the bed like Cleopatra on her barge, lazily drifting down the Nile amidst luxury. Now, as one hand pulled at her braided hair, she murmured, "I like my tea hot... I like a lot of things hot. At least I think I do." Admittedly, she looked very much at home in their opulent surroundings, her pale skin and loosened hair reminiscent of a pre-Raphaelite femme fatale. Yes, his thoughts were definitely beginning to wander into 'French' territory. She shook her hair free, then tied it loosely at the neck with the ribbon before grabbing a pillow from behind her. She laid her cheek upon it with a purr of contentment. "Gabriel?" He slid into a slump, his hands coming together atop his pleasantly full belly. "Yeah?" Her face mostly hidden in the shadows of the back-lighting, he couldn't tell if she was tiring. Though her voice was soft as she asked, "You knew me before, didn't you?" He'd already said so, with his agonized confession that she was Scully back at the cabin. But he knew what she was asking was different; she wanted confirmation that they had been more than just friends. The baby was hopeful proof in her mind, as well as their stolen hours just last night. What else did she need? "Julia." It was a warning, albeit a very weak one. "Just say yes or no." He looked down at his clasped hands, away from the pull of her voice. "Yes." Long moments passed as he waited for the obvious question to come next. Should he tell her his name? Would it be the trigger that would set off another seizure? Resolute, he clamped his jaw over the name. No way was he taking that chance. "Give me something." The tender plea brought his head up with surprise; it wasn't what he'd expected. "What do you mean?" "Give me a memory. It doesn't have to be detailed - I know you're wary of my reaction. Just give me something of *us.*" She paused in the face of his hesitation, then began to pursue with innocent questions. "When we first met... tell me. Please?" Squirming just a bit, he considered lying, then thought better of it, deciding instead to be vague. At least she hadn't asked about the first time they'd made love. What a disaster that had been, for her, anyway. "You had on this horrible plaid jacket and I had on glasses." That he had to remove so he could get a better look at the little spy invading his lair. So young, so... pretty, even in that awful suit. So dedicated and honest. From where he was seated, he almost missed the way her mouth dropped open. "We were geeks?" Julia... Scully. Whoever she was now, whoever she finally evolved into, he liked this side of her. For years, her smiles had been fleeting; around him, anyway. She'd been compassionate and dedicated, willing to play now and then, but never fully receptive - she always kept a part of herself in check. Had she ever been this open, this easy in word and manner? He had a sinking feeling that she had been, before she'd been assigned to him. He'd seen flashes of it their first few months together, but they'd quickly faded as she'd built a wall of protection around herself. Against the horrors of the job, the manipulations of the men behind the scenes... even against him, and what she wrote off as harmless flirtation. He liked this Scully. Of course, he liked the old Scully, too. And he wanted her back. But he dearly hoped she'd retain some of Julia's happiness and carefree, loving nature. "Gabriel, please tell me we weren't geeks." She was appalled, and he couldn't help the chuckle that rumbled from him. "No... well, yeah, I guess you could say that." By today's standards, they'd been the most horrid dressers - he still cringed when he thought of that sportscoat he'd worn to Oregon. Even the well-worn denim attire he walked around in these days was more attractive than that reject from J.C. Penney. "But the room was dark, so it didn't matter." Her lips curled into a flirting smile. "Two strangers whose eyes met across a dim, smoke- filled room?" Considering the hand his father had most probably played in their partnership, he nodded, knowing even then the basement had been tainted with imaginary cigarette smoke. "You introduced yourself, I shook your hand." "Then you bought me a drink...?" He moved in for the kill, now enjoying their play. "Actually, we bypassed the obligatory drink and I showed you my etchings." "What?!" She rose to one elbow, aghast at his implication. "You're kidding me." "Nope. Very provocative pictures, really." Arms crossed, he brought to mind the first of many slideshows, titillating her mind and peaking her curiosity. He congratulated himself on the right approach back then; she stayed because she was just as interested in the unexplainable, though for different reasons. His wicked grin slashed above his stubbled jaw. "You threw yourself at my head, Julia. Dropped your clothes before me like you'd known me forever." In a hotel room in Oregon, afraid the bites on her back were more than just hungry mosquitoes in search of a sweet snack. "You're not serious." Her denial was a thready whisper and she sat up, looking away. "No wonder I've forgotten my life. I was a slut... God, is that why I'm pregnant? Did I ever use birth control?" Playing was one thing, but her mind was racing out of control. He stood, running into the coffee table in his haste to get to her. Cursing under his breath, he gasped, "Julia, no." "If I slept with you on our first date..." Her conclusions escalated rapidly, as did the tone of her voice, the words choking from her lips. "You say I have no husband." Frightened eyes lifted at his approach. "What if I do? What if I'm just a whore who decided she wanted someone new? This baby could belong to *anyone*." Finally, he reached the bed, dropping to one knee on the coverlet as he loomed over her, putting a stilling hand on her cheek. "Julia, you are *not* a whore. You have no husband, and that baby is mine. Damn it, we knew each other for eight fucking years before I even kissed you!" Astonishment blossomed on her face, now inches from his own. "Eight years? I mean - look at you. Look at *me*. Was I blind? Were *you* blind?" For a woman with no memory, she sometimes made perfect retro-sense. "No, just very professional." He ran his thumb over her flaming cheek and smiled. Sighing, she pursed her lips. "Then I wasn't a whore." "Right." "I was a prostitute. And you were the cop on the beat who felt sorry for me." "No! Damn it, Julia -" He broke off, noticing the mirth she could no longer hide. Despite his waning anger, he decided he liked her very much, indeed. "Witch." Bringing a hand around his neck, she pressed her mouth to his chin. "You're a bad liar, you know that?" Her lips wandered down his neck as he planted his hands on the bed to either side of her, stretching above her like a satisfied tiger under her petting. "Etchings? I'm the artist, remember? And eight years? Who would ever believe we kept our hands off of each other for eight years? Gimme a break, Slick." Groaning, he was careful not to put his full weight on her as he followed her fall to the bed. This time, it was her slender throat that enjoyed the nip of his kisses. "That part is true, you know," he muttered against her skin. "Eight long, frustrating, years where I took a lot of cold showers and gave my right hand lots of exercise." "Amazing," she breathed, her hands moving to the buttons on his shirt. "Maleeni?" Stilling, his mind insisted he ask, "Julia, are you *sure* you can't remember anything but the vaguest details?" Giving his ear a shiver-inducing swipe with her tongue, she whispered, "Are you sure you're not French?" Snickering silently, he pulled away, arching his brow with a leer. "Little girl," he purred, affecting his best French accent, "want to see me pull a lapin out of my chapeau?" "Your French is horrible, Bullwinkle." "How do *you* know, Rocky? Besides, that's not my best French. This is." He lowered his lips to hers. Her squirrely whine tickled his lips. "Again?" As his tongue darted out to wet her soft, dry lips, her voice became low, throaty, and demanding. "Again." End Chapter Nineteen