Truce Chapter Fourteen Disclaimer, etc. in Headers "They're all here," Mulder breathed, his eyes darting to and fro, excitement palpable in his face. "Looks like the second string stepped up after El Rico." "I see Balfour and Dupont." Scully, despite her burgeoning hope, spoke with typical caution. She'd like nothing better than to follow Mulder's leap and make the association to the old Consortium, but she couldn't. Not even with Kersh's conjecture that these men *were* a new part of the old past, one which had ultimately sent her on this mission. A few other names popped out as worldwide mover and shakers, and she held her breath, scanning quickly for Robert's name. On first inspection, the directory didn't implicate him, and she relaxed. Though she wasn't all that sure she was relieved to find his name missing from the list, she felt certain his inclusion would have been more disturbing somehow. "But why would Dupont keep something like this in his safe?" "Security." Mulder paused, looking up at her. He needed a hair trimming, she noted absently. "It makes sense to have a backup plan, in case he's left out in the cold one day." "You realize this is by no means an indictment of their duplicity," she warned, resisting the urge to smooth a wayward lock of silky brown which refused to lie down. It was with a sad heart she noticed the profusion of gray among the dark strands. She knew the stress of the past months had taken their toll, on both of them. But Mulder in particular seemed rejuvenated by her willingness to stay. Renewed resolve to see him happy made her concentrate - the only way to see this through to a satisfying end was to work as a team. Which meant she played her part, as logic dictated. "This could be his Christmas list for all we know." "True. But I bet we could come up with a legitimate connection among them - in other words, their cover organization." He squirmed in his seat, already fidgeting to attack the Internet for information. "I'd bet my last dollar these men sit on the board of some bogus corporation." She nodded, knowing it was likely Mulder was right. Money to finance an operation on the global scale of facilitating alien colonization needed clean origins and even more spotless destinations. Still, she knew Mulder well enough to demand, "We let Bombay nose around, okay? No intrusion from our end, not even electronically." Mulder debated the point for a moment. "Scully, I'm set up with so many firewalls this room could be lined with asbestos." "We wait." She dared him to argue further, her eyes steely. Sighing, he turned back to the laptop. "I'm at least going to make a back up copy to the hard drive." "I think that's a good idea," she agreed, finally letting her fingers sift through his hair. He didn't look up, but his grin of pleasure at her touch rippled through his scalp. As he copied the directory to his hard drive, she pulled her hand away to point at some extraneous information culled in a generic file. "What's this?" "Dunno. Let me print up this list, then we'll see if we can open it." A few clicks later, the file sprung to life, its contents displayed in the default word processor. "Looks like garbage. Even Bombay's genius can't pull everything from some files." It was mostly machine language, with a few words interspersed among the jumbled characters. "Let me sit a minute, Mulder." He let her have the mouse and chair, intent on the printed list of names. Scully wordlessly scrolled down the mangled file, stopping here and there when something caught her eye. "Looks like Dupont tried to get rid of this one," she mused, her mind concentrating on the words she was able to pick out of the endless string of characters. "I've seen messes like this on previously deleted files." "Could be," Mulder mumbled at her side, his hands furiously going through page after page of biographical and financial information. She knew who he was searching for, and waited for him to find out what she'd already seen. "Hey Scully - you know who's name I *don't* see here?" Cocking an eyebrow in his direction, she answered dryly, "Robert's?" At that, Mulder pursed his lips. "Besides Luquet's," he growled with a narrow-eyed look, his disappointment making her grin. He *had* been looking for Robert. "Strughold. You'd think the top dog would get first billing, huh?" "Not necessarily." Keeping one eye on the screen, she pointed out the obvious. "He may be one of those other names. He may not be on there at all, preferring to keep his association with these men a secret." "So could Luquet," he replied, his smart-ass drawl accompanied by a lift of his brow. This time, he dared *her* to argue. She didn't, making him smile with her concession. "True." "Ninety-nine percent and rising," he murmured, harkening her back to a long-ago conversation in the basement, one which eventually led to a man- eating mushroom. "We're not talking about lights in the sky here, Mulder. And need I remind you that case had a *very* mundane, scientific explanation?" She ignored his preening, keeping her gaze on the screen. "No more mundane than a group of men out to ensure global domination by extraterrestrials." "That's hardly mundane." "My point exactly." A flash from the screen caught her attention. "Mulder?" "Yeah?" "We never did get Harold and Elise's last names, did we?" "Nope. Why?" "This may be reaching, but there's a partial list of names here... and I see a 'Harold' among them. And an 'Elise'." Mulder abandoned the list for a moment to lean over her shoulder. "Where?" "Here." She pointed at the glaring sequence of letters and numbers, reading them off to him, as if to assure herself they were real. "17q22, then nothing...G501...Harold... it goes on much in the same way with all the other names. The numbers could be just garbage, but there's no way the letters arranged in the names are haphazard like that." Actually, the numbers tweaked her mind with vague insistence, but they could be anything. Or nothing. "You were right about those patients, Scully," Mulder said quietly, his hand nudging her shoulder. "All this is connected somehow. We just have to find the key to it all. Get into Building 108; whatever's in there will blow this whole thing wide open, I'm sure of it. Ready for another ferry trip?" She sat back with a sigh, giving him a wary look. Their trip yesterday had not gone unnoticed. She'd told Mulder they could go back at night and break in, but now she had another lead - one he probably wouldn't care for, but it was better than risking arrest. "Maybe I can get us in without too much trouble." Mulder straightened, his gaze becoming cool. "Luquet?" She nodded, seeing Mulder's immediate dislike of the idea. "I know you don't trust the man -" He snorted, turning his back on her to face the window. "That's an understatement. Look, we don't need him, Scully. We can get in the facility just fine after dark." The tense line of his back beckoned, and she left her chair to join him in the sunshine that burst through the glass patio doors. "I don't trust him, either." At his slanted look, she reinforced her words. "I told you I questioned him motives, which is true. I guess that means I don't trust him. No use mincing words, is there?" The corner of his mouth curled up in a grin. "Wondered when you'd realize that." "Takes me a while sometimes." "I noticed." His eyes crinkled at the corners as he leaned close. "Ninety-nine and rising." They fell silent momentarily, as Mulder searched her face with a serene, happy gaze. He wasn't triumphant at all in his perusal; if he had been, she would have knocked the stuffing out of him in seconds, and he knew it. He was more proud in voice and stance than anything else, satisfied she'd let their differences slide away to join with him once again. She was happy, too - confident and certain that this time, they'd emerge victorious. It had to happen. They'd come too far not to win. Cocking her head to one side, she crossed her arms, saying firmly, "We're not going back to Carville tonight, Mulder." His grin faded into a lax, yet narrow-eyed stare. This time, it was laced with more than a bit of curiosity. As was his soft reply, tinged with sexual innuendo. "We're not?" "Nope," she answered, sidling closer. His arms opened and she let him embrace her, reaching up to scrape her thumb over his smooth chin. She'd almost gotten used to the beard, but now she could truthfully say she was glad it was gone. "I told you a minute ago... maybe there's more than one way to skin a goose." "By using Luquet." He sighed, his happiness temporarily dimmed as he captured her hand, bringing it to his lips for a kiss. "Scully, the less we have to do with that man, the better." She knew his outlook would change when he heard the details of her conversation with Robert in the car, and she wasted no time telling him about the party the next night, leaving no word unsaid. After she'd explained, Mulder, still guarded, asked, "And you think this person he wants you to meet is Strughold?" "That's my guess. He was very insistent, Mulder, in his own way. The whole tone of the conversation was suspicious, as if every word he said had another meaning. Without giving too much away, he was telling me it would be to my advantage to speak to this man." "Without giving himself away, you mean." "All right, without giving *himself* away. Maybe he *is* working on our side, Mulder. As a mole in the organization, as someone pretending to be a neutral observer, or even -" "As a consortium whore pretending to be our friend?" he finished, stating a possibility she'd considered herself. However much Robert appeared duplicitous, she still felt deep down that he wasn't truly all bad. But it was no use belaboring the point; time would tell eventually. Especially with the upcoming party - she felt sure the meeting Robert had arranged would prove to be most enlightening. "Fair enough. On this we agree - Robert isn't what he seems. But something tells me I'll find out tomorrow night." She raised a brow, calling on Mulder to cool it for now. "*We'll* find out tomorrow night." Stiffening, she disengaged herself from his loose embrace, taking a step back to say, "No way. You're not invited." "Scully -" "And even if you were, I wouldn't let you go." She moved back to the desk, closing her eyes against the surge of anger within. "Don't do this, Mulder. I can go alone." "Nobody knows me as Fox Mulder. I'm John Robie, remember?" His argument came from close over her shoulder. "Robert knows who you are. If he's working for Strughold, then they all know you're here. And they're just waiting to get you outside those gates." Damn him. Just when she'd decided to open herself up to him again, he put himself in the line of fire... "Scully, Luquet knew all along where I've been. He could have gotten to me at Dupont's the other night." Whirling, she faced him, hot color creeping up her face. "So now you're saying he's to be trusted?" "No!" Mulder bit his lip, his own frustration evident in the way he grabbed her shoulders for emphasis. "Shit, Scully. I can't just sit here anymore, don't you see? Especially when I know you'll be with him and his cronies." "Stop with the jealous bullshit." "I'm not jealous!" His fury died a quick death, as he let go of her to pace. "All right, I am." He raised a finger to stifle her satisfied 'I knew it'. "But damn it, you need me to watch your back. If Luquet can no longer be trusted to do so - your own words - then the task falls to me." Still adamant in her refusal, she brought forth new arguments. "I'll be in the limo. Marvin can accompany me. Besides, your disguise - if you can call it that - is gone. Remember?" She scratched at her own chin with a pointed look. He grimaced as his hand brushed over his smooth face. "So what? It's not like it helped all that much, anyway. And Marvin? Please. He'd be about as useful as..." He groped for words, his frustration getting the better of him. "As useful as tits on a boar hog?" They both turned at the intrusion. Scully found her voice first, facing a grinning Bombay. "What?" "One of my mama's sayings," Bombay explained, leaning against the door frame. His eyebrows twitched with curiosity. "Did I miss anything while we were gone?" "Step aside, man." Marvin brushed none-too- gently by Bombay, using his handkerchief to wipe at his shining pate. "Sorry for the delay, Fox." To Scully, he said, "Where would you like your bags, Miss?" Delay? Scully glanced at her watch, surprised to find almost three hours had passed since they'd left. It was well after noon. "Put them in my room, Marvin," Mulder said, giving her a look that dared her to disagree. She said nothing, giving him a small smile in return. Satisfaction at his surprised reaction was short-lived, however, as she took up the more important matter at hand with Bombay, walking back to the laptop. "There's a file on the disk, one with lots of garbage. Can you clean it up more?" Bombay strolled to her side, giving the screen a quick glance. "Not with anything I have here," he replied. "Any chance of me taking the disk with me back to my place?" Off their negative looks, he bristled. "Can I at least ftp the file to my hard drive? Totally secure, I swear. This will probably take hours to decode, and I can dedicate one of my systems at home to work on it without interruption. Otherwise, I'll have to work here - and that's not going to happen tonight, sorry." "Why not?" "Because tonight is the most important social event of my year," he replied, giving the flustered Marvin an evil grin. "And someone owes me a limo ride." "Now see here -" Marvin began, but was cut off by Mulder's laughter. "Petronius is tonight, isn't it?" Mulder asked, apparently enjoying the scene before him. "What luck... not only do you get my limo, you get a most dubious escort as well." Marvin puffed up. "I never said I'd play escort, Fox. Driver only." Scully had no idea what they were talking about, and glanced with confusion at Mulder, who waved a hand as he addressed the other two. "Whatever. Bombay, go ahead and transfer the file. While you're at it, look at the other file, too - see if you can find a connection among those names. Marvin, have a good time tonight." Amidst Bombay's little squeal of glee, Scully moved to Mulder's side, watching Bombay peck in earnest at the laptop. Whispering, she asked with some trepidation, "Are you sure this is a good idea?" Mulder leaned down, lowering his voice as well. "He can be trusted, Scully. Besides, we won't get anything from him until tomorrow anyway. We'll just have to wait." He gave her an intense, probing look, silently adding what she'd already deduced. They would be alone the rest of the evening. She didn't know if the flutter in her chest was one of excitement or cowardice. ********** He knew Scully thought the disk more important than anything else. Actually, it should be tantamount in his mind as well. And it was - though it ran a close second to the opportunity that presented itself when Bombay and Marvin returned. To spend some time alone with her, without Marvin's discreet hovering, was a gift from the gods. Even if she'd hinted before she left to shower that their argument about the party tomorrow night wasn't over, he still wouldn't trade this precious time to come for anything. If it meant he'd have to concede to her demand he stay home, he'd do it. Well, he'd try to, anyway. There were ways around that sticking point. As he paced the patio outside the study, waiting for her reappearance, he found himself a bit nervous. Last night was but a dim memory, and he wanted nothing more than to make it up to her. But would she let him? There was so much that needed to be said between them, but truthfully, he didn't want to waste time with words. Too much talking always seemed to prove disastrous. Besides, his starved body demanded communication of a different sort. Yeah, he was a pig, he admitted to himself. Who could blame him, when Scully was the most desirable woman, inside and out, he'd ever known? He stilled, closing his eyes. No. She wasn't the type to indulge in sexual acrobatics without rhyme or reason. If she wanted to spend this time together simply sitting in silence, he'd do it. Damn, but it would be difficult, though. He envisioned another cold shower already, just like the one he'd had this morning. "Fox? I'm leaving now." Marvin spoke behind him; Mulder looked at his watch, giving his friend a questioning look. "So early?" "Bombay," Marvin's lips turned up in distaste over the name, "insists I make myself available this afternoon to deliver his costume to his apartment. Unless you need me here?" His eyes widened with hope. "No." Mulder stifled his chuckle, affecting a serious pose. "He could use the time decoding that file." "So he says," Marvin grumbled. "I think he loves to humiliate me." "A true sign of affection," Mulder replied, unable to resist the twinkle of mirth that sprung forth in his eyes. Marvin, so easily disturbed when his manhood came into question, said hastily, "I don't find the humor in that at all." "Relax, Marv. You're quite safe from Bombay, I think. You're too short, for one thing. I think he prefers tall and lean." Mischief replaced the affront in Marvin's face. "Like you?" "Touche'." Mulder touched his brow in salute with a smile, then sobered a bit. "You'd better get going, Marv. Something tells me Bombay isn't one to be kept waiting." "Do you need anything before I go? Dinner? An errand run?" His voice lowered to a cool, albeit pointed murmur. "To the drugstore, perhaps?" If Melvin had delivered the last instead of Marvin, Mulder would have expected a leering grin. But the face before him spoke with genuine, subtle concern, and Mulder knew Marvin was only acting in their best interests. A pregnancy at this time, with their lives on hold - not to mention the danger surrounding them at every turn - would not be wise. Of course, it seemed they'd already taken a big risk last night. If indeed it was a risk at all; surely Scully was prepared, given William's surprise conception? Besides, he really didn't expect her to spend the evening with him in bed. More likely, she would spend it alternating between scouring those files and arguing with him over the party to come. "Everything's cool, Marv," he said finally, noticing his friend's relief at his dismissal of a very personal subject. "Go on." Giving Mulder a small, hopeful smile, Marvin answered, "I'm off then. I have no idea when I'll be back, but I won't disturb you - I'll sleep in the garage." The garage, nestled in a grove of pecan trees behind the mansion, was really a house in itself. With room for a dozen vehicles, its upper story consisted of several bedrooms, a bathroom, and kitchen. In years past, it served as quarters for the chauffeur and mechanics employed by the estate. Even before the advent of automobiles, it had been home to the horses and carriages used to cart the master's family wherever they wished. It wasn't rundown, but neither was it cleaned regularly. "Marvin, you don't have to -" "I insist. I'll be quite comfortable, Fox. And even if it's very late before I return, I'll be on hand at eight in the morning to serve breakfast." With a curt nod, he departed before Mulder could protest. He had a feeling there wasn't much he could have said to dissuade Marvin, anyway. Once the little man made his mind up about something, there was no changing it. Which made his acceptance of Scully a miracle, really. He knew Marvin had based his preconceptions of Scully on Melvin's praises - but he also believed Scully to be a cold woman who easily gave up her child and let Mulder slide into near oblivion. No matter what Mulder said in her defense, Marvin partly blamed Scully for Mulder's unhappiness and isolation. But now, with her firmly ensconced in the mansion, he contrived to give them time alone - even if it meant he had to put his manhood in jeopardy by escorting Bombay this evening. Favor or not, Marvin would not have agreed to be Bombay's driver... unless by doing so, Mulder benefited. Marvin could easily have arranged for a limo service in payment. Mulder looked out over the grounds, hands in pockets. Marvin was an exceptional employee and friend, and he once again counted himself lucky to have him. Even if all his machinations were likely destined to be for naught. Lost in thought, he didn't hear Scully approach until her voice came from the open door. "Marvin's gone?" He turned, and at once was sucker-punched by the need to gather her close and never let her go. He thought she'd looked breathtakingly sexy in his shirt this morning, but if possible, she looked even better after her shower. All soft and infinitely touchable in her faded jeans and sneakers, her dove gray sweater seeming to cling to her every curve, even if it was designed to flow loose. He felt his mouth water in anticipation of putting his fingers to the lightweight fabric, knowing it was thin and guaranteed to let the warmth of her skin seep through. She looked cuddly and downright kissable, her face clean of makeup and her hair waving to her shoulders. He couldn't help but stare, and she noticed, dropping her gaze as she patted down the carefree, sun-kissed strands. "I didn't take the time to do anything with it," she explained. "I'm tired of trying to look like I belong in Robert's world. That's been the worst part of this operation - having to put on the ritz practically every night." He had to say it; no matter how she reacted, it was the truth. In a voice husky with desire, he took a chance. "You look beautiful." She bit her lip with dismay. "Mulder -" "I know you don't want to hear it, Scully, but I have to say it," he interrupted, watching the afternoon sun turn her hair into a fiery halo. It almost hurt his eyes to look upon her, as if she were a goddess not worthy of his mortal adoration. "I know we have a lot to talk about, a lot of work to do. I know part of the reason you stayed was because you need my help, and I need yours. But -" "I do need your help," she whispered, mimicking his defensive pose, her arms wrapping around her waist. "I thought I could do this alone, Mulder. I really did. And if we end up apart again -" "We won't," he vowed, taking a step forward. She was already talking herself out of commitment, for fear of abandonment. "I still wouldn't change this day," she finished softly, looking up at him with a misty, happy gaze. "I want to stay with you, Mulder, for however long we have. And today, I want to just be with you. No work, no fighting, no wondering if tomorrow we'll go our separate ways again." A goofy smile took shape on his face. "So... how do you suggest we pass the time?" Rolling her eyes, she closed the distance between them to grab his hand. "Show me around your estate, Mr. Robie. I've never been on a plantation before." As they strolled down the sloping lawn, he squeezed her fingers, loving the way her palm fit perfectly to his. "I know what this is... you just want to hold my hand," he quipped, a tremor of joy in his voice. "Admit it." Her smile was atypically broad, her laugh rolling over the grass with the breeze. "You know me too well, Mulder." He almost tripped when she added softly, "But I bet you didn't know I hate to play pool." The vision of them entwined on the red baize of the pool table that had been flirting around the edges of his brain fizzled in an instant. Damn. Was she saying what he thought she was? He didn't know. Years ago, he'd almost become adept at catching her every mood, especially those with sexual overtones. When they became lovers, he'd learned to read the most minute hint of desire on her face - or lack thereof. No longer; he felt as if he was picking his way carefully through a mine field. When he realized she was waiting for his reaction, he forced a calmness to his voice. "Got me on that one, Scully." Just as she had him in most every other way. And she knew it, the witch. "Then I suppose you're back to ninety-eight point nine, aren't you?" In gauging her thoughts, he doubted he ever rose above fifty percent. Not a very auspicious beginning to the afternoon, he realized. "Then again," she continued, "I probably hate pool because I'm not very good at it." He halted at that, pulling on her hand to make her look at him. Her eyes were smiling, and so full of cautious optimism he felt sure his 'confidence ratio' would soar in the hours to come. With his other hand, he brushed the hair from her face, his thumb lingering on her cheek. "I'm *very* good at pool, Scully." "You are?" He nodded, answering her smile with one of his own. "A regular shark. My middle name is Jaws." She pulled him along toward the gardens, chuckling. "Good. That means you'll be right at home in the hot tub, too." Oh yeah. Life was good. End Chapter Fourteen