An Unchanged Soul Chapter Five Disclaimer, etc. in Headers "Dana, I'm not a doctor." Emma couldn't help but reiterate her trepidation about the main reason Fox wanted her to bring Dana home this evening. Dana had tried her best to explain that it was likely to end up amounting to nothing at all, seeing as how Sam hadn't reacted so far to any mention of a woman named Dana. Of course, he hadn't known her name when she saw him last at Los Banos, but the chance he'd recognize her after all this time was slim to none. But just in case, Emma was along to forestall any medical complications. She couldn't argue with the fact that Dana was in no condition to come to Sam's aid should he need it, and carrying him back to the hospital just to have a doctor close by was bound to arouse his suspicion. If all went well, the introductions would be made and Sam would go on thinking of Dana as Fox's wife, period. That would buy them time to investigate just how he'd managed to disappear for two years without a trace. "Emma, there's more at stake here than Sam's well- being." Dana slipped on her gloves, her face pinched with worry. Emma set the brake and killed the motor before turning to face her cousin. "Why do I get the feeling you're about to tell me something I don't want to hear?" Dana sighed, looking up at the blazing lights of the house. "Mulder already believes the man in there is Sam. No question." A trickle of dread climbed up Emma's spine. "And you?" "I just find it hard to believe he shows up after two years with not even an inkling of where he's been." "Dana, amnesia is a very real condition." "You don't have to tell me that, Emma. In Sam's case, I hope it's genuine. But I really don't know the man; I've never even met him. All I have are Mulder's memories to rely upon." "Mulder wouldn't let Sam near you if he was a threat." "What if he's a threat and doesn't know it himself?" Emma's eyes widened with surprise. "You mean -" "Brainwashing." Dana scooted a bit to face Emma directly, her worry evident in the crease of her brow. "Emma, I saw many forms of torture in Los Banos. I saw men whipped and forced to do things they would never do otherwise. I saw fine, healthy men reduced to mindless zombies who could only utter 'yes' to every command in Japanese." "You think Sam may have been held somewhere all this time? His mind wiped clean? For what purpose?" It was as if it pained Dana to say it. "Chang. They never found his body, you know." "Oh, come *on*, Dana." "I'm not joking, Emma. Men like Chang are very real and very hard to stop." Emma swallowed hard, speechless at the possibility. It was too far-fetched, too surreal to consider. Dana and Fox were used to espionage and all things top secret, but she, like ninety-nine percent of the population, happily buried her head in the sand as far as true evil was concerned. There were men in the government who took care of such things. Men like Charlie and that nice Commander Skinner, and... Fox. Fox, who had a crazed Chinaman lie in wait almost a year to take his revenge. Fox, who had to watch that same Chinaman kidnap Dana and threaten to take her halfway around the world to become - God, she couldn't even think it. Fox, who was still so deep into that very same spy stuff none of her family knew exactly what the hell his job was these days. "Okay," she said slowly, "maybe it's not so fantastic after all. What do you want me to do?" "You? Emma, I can't ask you to get involved in this." "Why not? You said yourself Fox already believed Sam was the real deal. Who else can you turn to? Commander Skinner? He'd have Fox and Sam in his office in the bat of an eye and you know it. Then, if it all turns out to be nothing, you'll have one very angry husband." "I know." Dana dropped her chin. "I'm probably just suffering from an overdose of hormones. Forget it." Emma grabbed Dana's hand. "No, I won't forget it. You obviously feel something about Sam is very wrong; it's up to us to figure out what it is. Deal?" Dana squeezed the fingers holding hers with a small smile. "If we get into any trouble, we call Skinner immediately, got it?" "Got it." Though she was still a bit cautious about the whole idea, she felt a thrill steel her shoulders. She trusted Dana's judgment and figured there was a grain of truth to her suspicions. The way Sam had just surfaced out of nothing, naked as the day he was born, was enough to arouse doubt in the most trustworthy of people. Still, having seen him and spoken to him, she didn't think he was up to anything nefarious. It would make for one interesting escapade, however. Something her boring life desperately needed. "So what's the plan?" "I want you to examine him." Emma pulled her hand away. "What?" Great. Just when she had the chance to build some defenses against the guy via street clothes, Dana wanted to subject her to the full naked glory once again. "We examined him last night at the hospital." "Did you see a scar on his chest from a bullet wound?" To tell the truth, she'd not been looking except for a quick scan for bruises. Remarkably, Sam was virtually untouched from his collision with the automobile. "I thought so." "Dana, I wasn't exactly looking for bullet wound scars, you know." "Then it shouldn't be a problem to find one, should it?" "But won't you get confirmation when Sam's fingerprint records arrive? And what about the x- ray Monday?" "Both of which will probably prove me wrong. But I know what I saw, Emma. Sam - if that is Sam at all - was shot right in front of me." "Now you're saying it may not even be him?" This was getting more ridiculous by the moment. Emma wondered if Dana's hormones had taken over control of her faculties. "That's impossible." "Think about it, Emma. Chang survives the explosion. He lays low, finds out all he can about Mulder, how Sam was missing and presumed dead at Los Banos. He finds someone who looks enough like Sam to be believable - or changes his face with plastic surgery until it's perfect - and sends him here to kill Mulder. Mulder hasn't seen his brother in six years, Emma. The real Sam was barely twenty-six when he left for war. Still a young man." "You've been hanging around Fox too long." "Just do me this one favor and look. Please?" Emma couldn't resist the pleas of a pregnant woman. Especially if that woman was her favorite cousin in the whole world. Her best friend, really. "Damn." Dana's expletive made Emma look up. "Here comes Mulder. Emma, please?" She sighed, recognizing the worry Dana had for her husband and her baby. It would all amount to nothing, anyway. "Okay. But this is weird, Dana. Really weird." "And a dead brother showing up after two years isn't?" Dana reached for the door handle, schooling her face into a smile for Fox. "What are you two up to in there? It's freezing, Scully." Fox's teasing had a quiet, worried edge. But he looked like a kid at Christmas, all smiles and hopeful thoughts of candy and gifts. "C'mon - I want you to meet Sam." She had to admit, Dana had a point. From his whole demeanor, Fox had already accepted the man inside as kin, and therefore, beyond reproach. Reaching for the small bag of medical supplies she'd brought with her, she took a deep breath and prepared to face the mysterious Sam once again. ********** He stumbled over his own feet before he even made it to the stairs. "Shit." He'd never been clumsy, but suddenly his legs wouldn't cooperate. Maybe it was the new shoes. Fox's had been pinching him all day, something he hadn't discovered until the feeling returned to his toes when he took them off earlier. A pair of feminine voices drifted up the stairs, stopping him cold. "So where is he?" Emma. Even the sound of her voice had the power to make his stomach sink to his knees. Damn, he must be more starved for a woman than he thought if just that simple question felt like a kiss. "Don't tell me - he's out wrestling with the cars on the street. And just when I decided to park it, too." Yep, that was her all right. "Emma." Softly chastising, the other female chimed in. This tone was equally pleasant, maybe just a bit lower. A chill skittered over his skin and he hovered on the second floor landing. "You okay, Scully?" Fox's muffled question told Sam he had his arms around the source of that gentle voice. His brother had it bad. 'Scully?' Talk about henpecked, if she made him call her by her maiden name. "I'm fine, Mulder. Just a bit tired. And in need of the bathroom. I'll be back in a bit." He heard two pairs of footsteps go down the hallway; Fox was such a worry wart, following his wife like that. But Sam wasn't about to let the opportunity slide for some one-on-one with the prickly Emma. Silent as a cat, he slipped down the stairs to see his prey shrugging off her coat. "You might want to keep that on," he said, gratified to see her jerk with surprise. "And why is that?" Good recovery, he thought, watching the invisible walls go up in a flash. "Well, I'm here." He spread his arms wide. "And ready to wrestle. No can do on the car. Gives you an unfair advantage." Winking, he added, "I'm willing to strip to give you a head start if you want." "Oooh..." Emma sputtered, her already cold-pinked cheeks becoming a splash of furious red. "You - you -" "Handsome devil?" he prompted, moving closer to help her with her coat. "Don't touch me, ya rogue." Ah, that's what he wanted to hear. That hint of a brogue meant he was getting to her, big time. What did they say about the line between love and hate? Thin. Mighty thin. Now that he'd riled her a bit, it was time to back down and play the gentleman. "C'mon, doll." She didn't move away from his advance this time, letting him take her coat. She looked good enough to eat, her dress a soft shade of navy wool that flared softly above those strong calves. He averted his eyes from her generous bosom a split second before she looked his way; it wouldn't do to be caught mentally undressing her after he'd done it once already today. Gulping down the urge to smooth his hands over the flare of her hips, he said in a hoarse voice, "I don't have all that much to laugh about these days, so gimme a break." Playing on sympathy was something he'd learned at an early age. He didn't take advantage all that often, only when circumstances threatened to hold him accountable for a misdeed. His good looks and charm held sway with most women, especially his mother. However, he'd always stopped short of making Fox take the heat when they were kids. If there was one thing he was proud of, it was that he'd learned courage at his brother's side. He never had a problem diminishing his preferred status in his parents' eyes by admitting to his transgressions. *When* Fox allowed it. His smile faded a bit as he hung Emma's coat on the rack in the foyer. Fox hadn't told him everything, he was certain of it. Hearing the news of his parents' death was bad enough, but instinct told him far worse awaited him. Getting Fox to stop babying him long enough to spill it would be the hard part. With the wife and Emma now in the house, there was no way he was ever going to squeeze the truth from his brother. Not tonight, anyway. "Sam? Anything wrong?" Emma's anger had quickly turned to concern. What was wrong? Oh, not much, he wanted to sneer. Just a bad case of amnesia he felt was one step away from insanity. Oh yeah - and he felt like he walked in another man's body. Not much. Just give the poor guy a cup o'joe and he'd be fine. God, when had he become such a misfit? He let the lost look he knew blossomed on his face die, and he faced her with a renewed smile. One that didn't quite reach his eyes, but he gave it the old college try in the face of her sudden seriousness. "Nothing," he said, his voice sounding louder than normal to his ears. Stuffing his shaky hands in his trouser pockets, he added, "I'm just nervous about meeting the new Mrs. Mulder, that's all." Emma unwrapped her scarf, twisting it in her hands as if she shared his anxiety. "Dana's a wonderful person, Sam. She loves Mulder very much." His smile twisted into a grimace; he brushed past Emma to the bar nestled in a shadowed corner of the living room. "Am I the only one who calls him Fox? Since when did he become 'Mulder'?" Fox was Fox, period. Didn't matter if he was married, with a child on the way. Hell yes, it mattered. It mattered a great deal, because it was different. He'd lost everything in the blink of a two-year-old parachute jump. As far as he was concerned, he was still holding on to those ropes - still waiting to land in a familiar place. Inwardly cursing his clumsy hands, Sam took his time pouring a small splash of scotch in a tumbler. In seconds, Emma stood beside him, taking the glass from his hand with a severe, "That won't help." He snatched it back with a dark look. "Like hell it won't." Defiantly, he dared her to object as he knocked it back like a pro. He should know how to drink with the best - he'd done his fair share before and during the war. He wasn't Bill Mulder's son for nothing. "You just got out of the hospital. You shouldn't be drinking." As calm as she was angry moments ago, she reverted to nurse mode. Something which made him more angry than ever. "If you need to talk to someone -" "I'm not fucking crazy!" he almost shouted, though he felt like that final step was closer than ever. He poured another drink, this one deeper and guaranteed to take the edge off. It went down in a tasteless blur. Arms akimbo, Emma barked, "Fine. Greet your brother's wife with whiskey on your breath. Make a great first impression!" "What do you think I am? A gorilla? I'd never say or do anything to hurt my brother's wife." "Dana, bless her heart, would never condemn you. But you'd embarrass your brother this way?" Slamming his glass down, he reached for the woman who faced him. Exhilaration surged through him, along with a good dose of frustration. He should just kiss her and be done with it. Shut that sassy mouth the only way he knew how. God knew he wanted to, had wanted to from the moment he saw her. It was good to know one thing hadn't changed - a pretty woman still had power over him. Second only to his love for baseball, the scent and feel of a woman made him heady with excitement. He didn't know if leather and horsehide would still arouse the same passion for the game. But did women smell the same? Did women still taste the same? Whiskey sure as hell didn't. Though a rush of intoxication made him sway; whether from the alcohol or her nearness, he wasn't sure. In either case, his tongue slurred his words. "Why can't you be her?" It wasn't what he wanted to say, but it escaped on its own. An instant of relief at the confession made him relax and let go of his anger. Why couldn't she? She looked enough like her, had blue eyes almost the same color as the sky. Maybe if he pretended the woman before him was the one he remembered last, he could open the door to those missing years. Make everything normal again. "Her?" Confusion clouded those eyes, just as it had on that dusty February morning. "Red. I remember Red. She would know what happened, wouldn't she? My Red." It was a thread of hope he held on to, a flash of color in an otherwise yellowish memory. His hands released her shoulders to cup her face. "I know you aren't her... but damn it, why can't you be? For just one minute. One lousy minute." Those eyes widened for a moment, then just as quickly filled with tears. "Oh, Sam..." she breathed, her hands settling at his waist as if to draw him into an embrace. Heart pounding, he let her come closer. Maybe it *was* her, despite all the evidence to the contrary. Maybe he'd had one stroke of luck in an otherwise dismal day - "Hey - I let you get away with it earlier, because you were in the hospital. But now, you're treading dangerous ground, Sam. She has nine brothers, you know." At the sound of Fox's voice, Emma pulled away, despite Sam's attempts to hold on to her. Head lowered, he felt her move around him and address the untimely intrusion. "He's a bit nervous, Mulder," she said lightly, as if the scene meant nothing more than that. "I told him he looks fine, though. Charming as ever. Good thing I'm immune or I'd be in serious trouble." She laughed, an easy return to normalcy he envied. Sam shifted, giving the two his back as he wiped at his face with an unsteady hand. He wished he had Emma's knack for recovery. He wanted to take that step back from the precipice he felt dangerously close to stepping over. Damn his queasy stomach and rubbery legs. "Dana okay?" Emma again. She was good, he had to admit. She would have made an excellent actress. "She's fine. Coming right out." The wife. Jesus. Sam took a moment to compose himself, breathing deeply. The earth beneath his feet felt soft, refusing to lend support to his body. Thank goodness Emma was in control, because he felt like screaming. Forcing a calm he didn't feel, he latched on to Fox's last statement. "Nine brothers? Am I going to need backup to get in the door?" He turned to face a new chapter of his life. Fox stood in the living room doorway, his tall form blocking the entrance of a skirted pair of slender legs. "Mulder?" came the soft entreaty from beyond. Sam's heart skipped a beat. He knew that voice. He couldn't move, couldn't speak. He could only stare as Fox moved aside to let his wife pass. She stepped forward with a wary smile, her hand offered in greeting. "My name is Dana. You must be Sam." She looked just as unsure as he was certain he'd found his missing link. There could be no other with eyes like that, with a face like that. With a pregnant belly like that. He swallowed, knowing his day just hit rock bottom. Smiling, he folded his hand around her small one. "Don't tell me," he said, amazed at how normal he sounded. Did she know him like he knew her? Only one way to find out without making Fox suspicious. "You're a Dodger fan. Must be fate." The words made him shiver as they echoed about the room; he'd said the same to her long ago, word for word. A flash of something - recognition, maybe, mistrust, definitely - colored her face. But she recovered quickly, disconnecting the handshake as she moved to his brother's side. Taking Fox's hand in her own, she leveled a steady gaze at Sam. "I am. Is that so bad?" She knew. And she'd made a bold statement with her stance, daring Sam to make a scene. He sucked in a swift breath, glancing at Fox, who remained unmoved by the unfolding drama. "You couldn't find a Yankees fan?" he asked, giving his voice a sneering edge designed to mask his riotous emotions. "Sam?" Confused, Fox took a small step forward. Sam saw the sympathy behind Fox's guarded eyes and snapped. "What now? What else are you gonna take away from me?" "Sam -" "It's not enough I can't remember the past two years?" He no longer had control of his tongue; harsh anger and real fear flushed his skin. He felt hot and betrayed, with a million invisible pins pricking his body. "Why'd you bother? Why bring me here? Go on, God damn it! Call in the straightjacket!" A softer voice penetrated his misery. "Sam, it's not like that." He looked down into Emma's sad gaze. "It isn't? Then why didn't any of you tell me?" Her hand touched his arm, but he jerked away, listening to their silence with a heavy heart. "Leave me alone. Just leave me the hell alone." Fox's "Sam!" followed him down the hall and up the stairs. He heard Dana mutter something about letting him go, something about it taking time for him to come to terms with all that had happened, blah, blah, blah. All he knew was it was her. And she belonged to the one man in the world he could never compete with - someone he wouldn't hurt for anything or anyone, though he just had, with a handful of angry words. He woke up this morning thinking all he had left was a memory of a beautiful angel. Even if he never found her, no one could take that away from him. How wrong he'd been. Now he had nothing. End Chapter Five