Title: Darkside of Daybreak Author: Puck Email: Mish_S_Mail@yahoo.com Spoilers: NW Ratings: 15 Summary: The millennium is dawning and the fourth wild power has yet to be discovered. Can we say disaster? I'm taking liberties that we know absolutely nothing about Strange Fate...cus apparently neither does LJS...;) *Author's note* Pronunciations- for those of you who are wondering.... *Jederman=Yay-der-mun*~ *Anhellica=Ann-hell-ica*~ *Sujilite= Soo-G-light*~ *Jjinn= Gin*~ *Maulisauna= Maul-iz-on-a* Disclaimers: I own Jederman, Anhellica, Sujilite, Jjinn, Maulisauna and Fenris, everything else belongs to the lurker deity that is LJS... Darkside of Daybreak December 31, 2000; 5.32 PM All around the war room faces were grim and ashen, stretched taut with fear and creased with worry. Thick black circles like mascara smears underlined Theirry's eyes; he looked like hell. I mentally snorted, to be honest, we all looked like hell. But that was understandable considering last week all hell had broken loose. The Night World had come out of the closet. Night World vampires, witches and shifters started rioting in the streets, announcing their presence. Humans didn't take it too well, coming out armed with crosses and holy water. Soon they found out how wrong Bram Stoker was, and how real this situation is. And now, we had less than a day before our world ended. I had no delusions, there was still a wild power and two soulmates out only God knows where, maybe even dead already and we were surrounded on all sides by the Night World forces in a remote castle in the hills of England. So I think it's fairly safe to assume that we're not going to be able to dig ourselves out of this pile of muck. Damn, I guess this means I have to miss the Dick Clark new year's special. Theirry spoke and my attention snapped back to him, "We have to keep up hope, our world, our history can't be destroyed like this." Ash lazily raised his hand, Theirry nodded, acknowledging him. "How do we know the world will be destroyed? Maybe they'll just put another race in charge..." Rashel rolled her green eyes heavenward, "Like who? Every race has had their chance." Ash glared at her, but fell silent. "Back to the beginning..." Theirry sighed, rubbing his temples. "Anyone," Hannah began, almost pleading. "If anyone has any idea, now's not the time to be shy..." Licking her lips nervously, she scanned the room for hands. None rose. She shook her head, strands of wheat colored hair fell into her eyes, giving her a sad appearance. Theirry took his seat in a squishy black leather chair at the head of the long marble table and simply stared at all of us. "I can't accept it. There has to be something..." He stood again, nervously pacing behind his chair. Hannah moved out of his way and went to stand behind the vigorously typing Phil, who was just now bent over a computer's glowing monitor. Lazily I raised my hand, Theirry nodded toward me. "There is something we can do," I feigned seriousness. All eyes snapped to me, and I felt a squidge of guilt creep up my spine. "Yes..." Theirry prodded impatiently. I smiled madly at them all, "Put our heads between our legs and kiss our-" "That's enough," he cut me off coldly. Glares were tossed in my direction and Poppy crossed her small arms in front of her small chest, saying, "That's not cool." "I know," I sighed. "But what the hell can we do? There is no fourth power in the entire world, unless they're sitting in some mud hut out in Swaziland and I had that place canvassed twice. We should be doing SOMETHING...praying to that Goddess you're so fond of perhaps..." Aradia's head snapped toward me and I swear her unseeing eyes were reading my soul. "Why not pray to your God for help." Okay, I'll admit it. I was irritated and spoiling for a fight- verbal or other. "The Lord helps those who help themselves." I murmured distractedly. "I've told you a hundred times what we should be doing," I snarled that last part in Theirry's direction. "Jederman, I'm losing patients with that argument. It's a lovely sentiment, but the Night World is not receptive to our peace talks." Theirry's lovely face was pained. I shook my head precisely, "That's the only way to resolve this. Yes, they're gaining new and stronger powers, but maybe those powers are to help US stop the coming destruction. Don't they see, there is no other race to take over. Humans are the last-" James looked at me, interrupting humorlessly. "Best hope for peace?" A fellow Babylon 5 fan... I never knew, perhaps he was in the closet and- "That's it," I gasped. Suddenly it came crashing down on me, the pieces were fitting and the puzzle made sense. "What?" Theirry asked, tiredly. "Each race has been given a thousand years to rule, right?" All nodded or voiced their assent. "Well what if each race was given rule in turn, because whoever you believe made us wanted us to live in peace? What if we got the message wrong and the darkness is each other? Maybe there is no physical fourth wild power, maybe it's the journey in finding them that's supposed to unite us..." I trailed off and hope gleamed anew in every eye present, even Aradia's blind ones. "Then that means..." Theirry started, moving to put his hands on the table. "This isn't just our last best hope for peace, it's our last best hope for survival all together," James finished. "We just don't know..." Hannah shook her head, dazed. "But it's the only thing we've got for now, so we're going to run with it," Theirry confirmed. He sat back down in his chair and switched on the small computer built directly in the face of the table. "I'm going to need volunteers for a peace delegation to meet with the Night World. I'll send five. This mission is possibly suicide and no one is expected to volunteer. And just to be on the safe side," he glanced almost subconsciously at Hannah. "No wild powers will be sent." "I'll go," I volunteered automatically. Hey, it's not like I've got anything to lose, I don't have a soulmate or family. I'm the perfect choice. Theirry nodded, expecting it. "You'll head up the mission..." He didn't even look up from his keyboard. "But on one condition," I added. His head snapped up, eyes searching my face. "I'll only take people without soulmates." The non combatants of the group were staring at me dumbfounded. Theirry went back to working, "Done." "Now wait a minute here," Rashel rose out of her chair. Quinn stayed seated, looking on with an almost detached air. "Both Quinn and I would be perfect for this mission; I don't see what having a soulmate has to do with this." Theirry opened his mouth to smooth out the situation diplomatically; I intervened. "Look, if I'm wrong, wouldn't you rather be spending your last moments alive with your soulmate?" Understanding dawned across her face, but I continued for the sake of being a bitch. "Besides, you'd be watching each other's backs too closely. Your judgment would be fallible." Anger colored her pale cheeks crimson as her cat green eyes flashed at me. "Look, I understand your a whole soul but that doesn't make you infallible," she hissed. Wow, Rashel really didn't like me critiquing her performance. Folding my hands on the marble table top in front of me, I looked calmly into her eyes. "No, it doesn't make me infallible. But, because I'm whole, I won't be concerned about someone else's welfare above all others. I know you're a good and honorable fighter, but honestly, if Quinn went down you wouldn't be able to carry on." Biting her lip, Rashel looked down at Quinn who took her hand. Face grim, she nodded and sat back down. "I would just volunteer my entire team, but Arnulf's in Bangkok, Bronwyn's with his family and Sister Ginnia's not in the castle...That only leaves me, Tweaks, Jjinn and Sujilite. We'll make do without a fifth..." I trailed off. I didn't want to volunteer anyone else, if the Night World agreed to these peace talks as a ploy to just kill us, then this was going to be one hell of a suicide mission. "I'd feel better with five..." Theirry trailed off. "No one else has stepped up and I don't want to take anyone who isn't willing to go." Reclining back in my chair, I chewed my bottom lip, feeling the blister already there. Damn, if we got out of this alive and into the next millennium, my lip would be one giant scar. "I'll go." A soft voice broke through my thoughts. My head jerked up in the direction of the voice. A young woman, formerly seated at the computer next to Phil, who still sat with his back to us, was standing up and facing us, hands shyly resting on the chair behind her. The girl was beautiful, but didn't look like a fighter. Her dark gold skin was unscarred, her fawn brown eyes still alive and innocent. "No," I denied. "Why?" She stepped around the table towards me. I stood and she towered a good five inches over my five foot eight frame. Damn, she was an amazon. Her hip length hair, which appeared shiny seinna to me, glimmered in the light and I could see brown and yellow and crimson highlights flowing through it. "You aren't a fighter," I replied. She looked down at me, not condescending or trying to impose her height, she just looked. "I'm a Quetzecotl, I don't need to know how to fight," she explained softly. Up this close, I could see her features were distinctly exotic, almost Aztec in origin. Mental smack, Quetzecotl, that explains it. "I didn't say you couldn't fight; I said you aren't a fighter." "My name is Anhellica and I'm going with you." She turned and stalked back to her computer. "Boss." She threw absently over her shoulder. Taking a deep breath, I turned to Theirry. "Okay, my team is Tweak, Jjinn, Sujilite and Anhellica." Theirry half smiled in amusement at me. "I'll call open up communication with the Council. Everyone meet back here in two hours; Jederman, have your team ready by then. Dismissed." Chairs rolled back across the sandstone floor and people raced for the door, eager to grab lunch. Twenty minutes ago I'd of killed for a pastrami on rye, now I didn't think I could choke down a coke. Phil and Theirry were still busy at their respective computers, Hannah gazed out a window at the castle grounds and Anhellica stared at me. I rolled my eyes, "Come on let's go get the team together." Anhellica's fawn eyes lit up and her boots clacked on the floor as she caught up to my professionally hurried pace. "If you don't mind my asking-" She started, but I cut her off. "If you have to preface a question with that, the question probably won't get answered." Her face fell a bit, but she sucked it up and began anew. "What did they mean you're a whole soul? I thought everyone had half a soul... that's why there's soulmates?" I stopped and turned, looking her straight in the face. Her eyes were innocently wide, face looking as though she awaited an answer or a rebuke. I continued walking. "Well, you pretty much summed it up there. Theirry had the mother and crone test my theory, and they found my soul is complete. I'm the first person in the history of time who doesn't have half a soul, and therefore, no soulmate." "But..." Anhellica started, shaking her head slightly. "Isn't that lonely?" "No. I can't miss a piece of myself that isn't lost." She fell silent. I could feel my eyebrows pucker. I hadn't lied though, I wasn't lonely. Just a little sad and depressed that there was no one out in that big wide world that understands me better than myself. I suppose that's why I love humanity and people so much; I'm not wasting my love anywhere else. Our respective footsteps echoed off the stone corridors of the castle, the only noise interrupting the silence that I hated to break and Anhellica hated to walk in. "Here," I said a bit too loudly. Anhellica practically jumped at the unexpected sound of my voice but stopped with me at a heavy stone door set with translucent purple stones. Anhellica reached out to wrap her knuckles at the door, but stopped when I shook my head. Taking off one of my black leather gloves, I placed my bare hand on the largest purple stone in the center of the door. It lit up, recognizing my aura and a muffled voice from within called, "Come in." Placing the glove back on, I stepped to the door and it swung open with ease. The room inside was cavernous. A four poster mahogany bed, draped with filmy white swathes of fabric and twinkling white Christmas lights sat in the center of the room. A large maple dresser and mirror sat on the left hand wall, simple and unadorned. The ceiling was painted with a blue sky and white clouds. Vanilla scented candles burned on the floor. My second in command, Sujilite was at the far right wall, back to us, arranging various objects on a maple wood bookcase inlaid with small, gold-leaf stars. "So, what do you think? Will we be nursing hangovers tomorrow, or will we be floating in oblivion?" Sujilite asked. Her thick, straight, copper colored hair fell to the curve of her ribcage, curling under slightly at the ends. She reached up, placing a crystal ball back in a stand on a high shelf, straining her five foot six frame to the max. She turned, looking me dead in the eyes with the purple eyes of her namesake stone, "What's our new mission, o fearless one?" "We are going to make peace with the Night World," I cheerfully stated, trying to gauge her reaction. Sujilite merely nodded and turned back to her bookshelf, consulting one final mystical object before returning it to it's place. Anhellica held her breath and leaned in, straining to see what Sujilite was doing. "Your task will be accomplished," Sujilite proclaimed in a convincingly prophetic voice. "Oh, how did you see that?" Anhellica breathed, enthralled. "Magic eight ball," Sujilite deadpanned and held up the large pool ball look alike over her shoulder. Anhellica's golden cheeks flushed crimson, but she wisely remained quiet. "Well, fearless leader, I'm ready. Let's go kick Tweak awake and tell him to get dressed." Sujilite grinned. I raised an eyebrow. She was wearing an ankle-lenght, filmy sari, pale violet with intricate gold weavings through it, delicate, dark brown sandals, and a woven gold head band set with a large, polished, Sujilite gem gleaming purple in the center. Part of her tan midriff was exposed, showing a silver belly ring and ornate mendhi symbols. The age-old argument was coming up. "Suji, I would rather you went for something a little more sports utility." A migraine was already forming behind my eyes and to the left. Sujilite gave me a witheringly patient look. "Jederman, my power is an extension of me and doesn't care what I dress like." Taking a deep breath, I counted to ten and forced myself to relax. "Okay, then lets go get Tweak, but if you can't fight in that, I'm giving you a big, fat, juicy I-told-you-so..." She smiled patiently, walking up to Anhellica and linking arms with her. "I'm Sujilite, pleased to make your acquaintance. I knew you'd be joining us, I had a vision-" Rolling my eyes, I stepped up the pace and headed across the hall and down a bit to another stone door. This one had only two bumper sticker centered neatly in front, one proclaiming, 'Don't piss me off, I'm running out of places to hide the bodies,' and the other scrawled in childish red letters, 'Got Blood?' Anhellica started when she saw the sticker on the door. "Is he a vampire?" "Yep, that's right, Tweak's an honest to God, grade F vampire. Made during the 1980's and about as sweet as you can get for someone who can kill you with a smile on his face. Don't worry though, he only kills when given orders." I could almost feel Sujilite frowning at me, but hey, we're the Darkside of Circle Daybreak, an assassin squad sent in when other's won't dirty their hands, Anhellica had to know that much at least. "Orders?" Anhellica's voice went sharp with suspicion. "From who?" "Theirry of course." I stated. She had to know. Perhaps if she survived this, if we all did, I'd have a new team member. "We're the Darkside of the Day. Someone has to do the dirty work." Sujilite cleared her throat, warning me against speaking further either out of duty or not wanting to scare the newbie. Sighing, I leaned on Tweak's door and it swung easily inward. A king size, black wrought iron bed sat on a dais directly in front of us. Three, large sandstone steps, covered in black and red candle's led up to it. Atop the bed was a pile of black and red satin sheets and comforters. Somewhere in that pile was Tweak. The painted black walls gave the room an imposing atmosphere, as if anything could exist beyond the ring of candle light. Walking up to the dais, I stepped carefully around the candle's on the steps and tried to locate Tweak. Locks of sandy brown hair were peeking out from under the pile of bed linen in front of me. At least I found him. Gingerly, I peeled the layers of sheets like onion skin away from his body until I could see not only his angular face, but his green Offspring concert shirt. "Tweak, get up, take a shower and be in the war room at six o'clock sharp. If things go bad on this mission, you get to kill people." I turned and made my way back to the door, but paused before leaving. "I'll be there, o fearless one." His voice was muffled, buried in the mattress, but he'd heard me and would be there. Tweak's a vampire, but also a trained killer; he sleeps light and probably knew when we were standing outside his door. Probably even heard us in Sujilite's room. I turned, but his muffled voice caught me, stopped me. "Who's the pretty lady?" "Anhellica, she'll be working with us on this assignment." Hellica looked at a loss for words, but in the end settled for a 'nice to meet you.' We trooped out of there and directly across the hall to Jjinn's room. The door was solid and stone looking, but I walked right through it. My first attempt at entering that room years ago, I'd knocked myself silly. You see, if you believe the door's real stone, it'll be real stone. However if you know it's an illusion, you can walk right through it. That got me to thinking about physics... I heard Hellica gasp, I know one of these times she's going to die of a heart attack. My team's strange, but their like family to me. Hell, they ARE family to me. My real family died... The room was smaller than Sujilites' about the same size as Tweak's, but ethereal. Thick, green forest grows where sandstone walls should be. Grass and flowers sprout where the floor naturally goes as an iridescent mist twined around our legs. "Jjinn, come and play," I called. Sujilite was holding onto Hellica's shoulders as she took in the living forest. I was surprised she'd made it through the door on her first try, then again, she was a smart little cookie. A shimmer of silvery white showed between two thick tree trunks and Jjinn appeared. He's like the pun of a bad joke; what do you get when you cross a high court fairy with a powerful witch? Something like him. He was dressed whimsically in a green leather, Robin Hood style tunic, brown leather pants and green leather boots. A jaunty Robin Hood cap and bow completed the outfit and brought a genuine smile to my face. Just like a big kid, running around the woods playing cops and robbers. Only the robbers are the good guys... "Jjinn X, I'd like you to meet Anhellica," I introduced. Sujilite stood behind her, still holding her shoulders, as if forcing her to face Jjinn and not run. He is a bit intimidating, what with the smooth muscles and delicately pointed ears. He stepped to her, swept up a golden hand in a dramatic gesture and placed a kiss on her knuckles, silvery white hair glimmering with each movement. I could tell it was all she could do to keep her mouth from gaping. "My lady." He stepped back and bowed to her. "She's going to be working with us," Sujilite smiled at them. Jjinn can charm just about anybody. "And what is our next assignment? Preventing the extermination of mankind?" His voice was light, playful and full of mischief. "Peace talks with the Night World," I explained. A frown played across his cupid's bow lips. "And why, pray tell are they sending assassins to negotiate peace?" "Because we're expendable, can defend ourselves and I volunteered us." I grinned at Jjinn, and his silver eyes sparkled with laughter. "As usual..." He was a good head taller than me, matching only Anhellica in height. I turned facing only him as the good humor and mirth leaked out of my eyes and off my face. Jjinn's whimsical face softened, frowning. He stepped closer to me, and at the same time, I could feel Sujilite turning Anhellica toward the door. "I'm going to take her to get changed, commandant," Sujilite explained hastily. "See you in the meeting." "Bye," Hellica called over her shoulder. "Farewell for now, my ladies," Jjinn called, then turned back toward me. He stepped toward me, putting his strong arms around my waist. Placing my hands on his forearms, I rested my right cheek against his chest. "What is troubling you, Jederman?" Jjinn asked, and his voice was simple and serious, losing all whimsy as if it never existed. The timbre in his voice was lower now, and I could hear it rumbling in his chest. "I'm worried about the final battle. I think if we lose this one, we lose the entire earth. And I wonder what will happen if that future comes..." His hand came up, stroking comfortingly through my fine golden hair. "If that future is meant to pass, then it shall. If not, then we will find a way to stop it." Jjinn's answer was so simple, but so difficult. "I know, but, I can't help but disbelieve that this entire...world was for nothing..." I shook my head slightly against his chest. "Is the planet going to explode or are we just going to fade away, leaving everything here for some space going race to find and preserve. Is everything that we accomplished going to end up in some intergalactic museum or is all the love and music and beauty just going to fade away?" Tears clouded my eyes, so I closed them and regained my composure. I can't help but wonder what kind of power would put us here, give us hearts moved by music and simple acts of kindness, then take it all away, wipe us off the planet like a dry erase board. "All we can do is our best, Jederman, and pray it is good enough." I could hear the hopeful little smile play across his lips. Giving Jjinn a quick hug, I stepped back, and he let go of me, fingers trailing through and out of my hair. "I better go get ready. War room at six o'clock, Jjinn, don't be late." Giving him a pointed look, I turned and walked to the door. "I know why you're a complete soul, Jederman," he whispered softly. I stopped, listening to his words. "Because no one on earth would ever be worthy of you." His voice was soft, but serious. I smiled and continued on to my room. The hall was quiet, so my boots echoed nicely off the sandstone floor, filling the silence with meaningless noise. The door to my room is unadorned, save for a sign reading, 'It's a dirty job, and I get to do it.' "Access: Jederman," I stated. The internal monitor beeped in confirmation and the heavy stone abomination swung wide open. My room is the largest out of my crew, because of my position as team leader, and has no windows. The room is lit by fat black and vanilla candles dispersed throughout the room. My bed is four poster, done in black wood that matches the wardrobe, dresser and mirror. Pewter and silver crosses and candleholders hang from the walls, giving it a gothic air. Making my way to the large wardrobe on the left wall, I stripped out of the torn jeans and gray T-shirt I wore and pulled out a pair of black leather pants, a silver rhinestone studded, black leather tank shirt and a black leather duster. I kept the gloves. Pulling out a pair of black hunting boots, I rolled up the leather pants and put those on and pulled the pants down over the boots. A black belt looped through the pants and held two knives in holsters, one silver, one wood. A clip on gun holster went at the small of my back and held a shiny, silver Walther PPK full of silver and wood tipped bullets. Heading toward my dresser, I opened a drawer and pulled out my wood bristled brush, a pony tail holder and my lucky cross necklace. My breast length hair went up in a tight bun, holding every single strand in place. Smoothing the brush over the few lumps in my pliable hair, I replaced the brush in the drawer and picked up the cross necklace. Now, I know crosses don't work on vampires, but I've worn this cross on every mission I've ever been on and I'm still alive, so it must be lucky. Placing it around my neck, I glanced in the mirror to hook the clasp, then let the large cross settle on my chest. I looked at my reflection in the mirror then, as if to memorize myself. My pale skin was even whiter today, emphasized by the dark circles under my green gold eyes which were glazed over from lack of sleep. However, my expression was determined, and I could put up a good facade, so I was set. I made to turn, but something in the mirror caught my eye. A ghost-like man was standing behind me and to the right. His face rivaled mine for paleness, accentuated by long, shiny, jet-black hair. A sad expression painted his face, but his eyes were shining with love. Cocking my head, I met his eyes in the mirror and furled my brow. He made a gesture with his hand and a white wolf-ghost bounded out of thin air, landing at his side. The wolf was huge, head coming up to about my waist. My eyes widened at him and he gestured to me, mouthing something. I tried to catch it, but only made out, 'Your....alone.' Damn castle ghosts. I whirled around, and as expected, he was gone. The white wolf, however, remained. He looked up at me with pale gray eyes, expectantly. Unsure, I held out my hand, he came over and sniffed it, then ran a rough tongue across my knuckles and backed up, watching me. Unease crawled through my stomach, I swear I'd seen that man before. Oh well, he's just a castle haunt, so that makes sense. I turned and the wolf copied the motion, but lagged a few steps behind me. I didn't know what else to do, so I ignored him, but let him follow. Taking a deep breath, I kissed my quarters goodbye and headed toward the door. Stepping out, I bumped smack into a very alone Anhellica. She stumbled back a bit, but didn't fall on her butt at least. "I was just coming to get you before the briefing started." I looked at her, expecting a comment about the wolf, but her eyes remained stationary on mine. "Thanks," I murmured and started toward the war room. Anhellica looked every inch the hunter. Her soft leather boots came up mid thigh, meeting an even softer brown leather skirt. A brown fringed leather jacket covered her top, and I new it was all from dead shapeshifter. Now she could change and not ruin her clothes. Nifty. "I wanted to ask you something," I started. "Why did you volunteer for this mission? It's practically suicide if the Night World's not serious." Anhellica fidgeted visibly with a leather pouch at her waist. We walked a few steps more and I heard her hitch a breath, "I don't have a soulmate, I don't have a family, and I want to save the world." A faint smile tugged at my lips, my reasoning exactly. "Good answer." Her fidgeting stopped, arms going back down to her sides. "Why did you start doing this?" Hellica asked innocently. God, she couldn't be more than seventeen, I thought. I was only nineteen, but that sort of innocence seemed many years past.. "My family was murdered when I was very young, I would have been dead too if Jjinn hadn't helped me. My parents and I were backpacking through the English countryside when we stumbled upon a Night World only town, miles away from Derbyshire. The vampires drained them slowly in front of me, taunting me, saying I was next. Suddenly there was a big explosion, as if the earth itself was angry with them, and Jjinn pulled me out, and introduced me to the assassin's of Circle Daybreak." I felt silly telling this to a complete stranger. Very few people knew what happened to me all those years ago, and I liked to keep it that way. "I'm sorry. My parents were killed by hunters after their were pelts. More valuable dead than alive," Hellica snorted. "Circle Daybreak took me in and I've done computer stuff for them since the days when the internet was virtually unknown." Another smile broke out across my face. Smiles are like rashes; infectious. Hellica smiled as well, pleased she found someone with a similar experience. As the war room at the end of this hall came into view, the smile fell from my lips like it was never there. We walked in, Anhellica falling back slightly behind me, like the wolf had. Three of the five chairs on the near side of the table were filled with my team. I took the center chair, Anhellica sat at the end next to Tweak who smiled as she looked at him. He'd run a comb through his tousled, sandy brown hair, thrown on a clean, bright orange shirt and baggy jeans. Well, it was a start. The wolf came through the door moments later, in all his massive white glory. Theirry raised an elegant eyebrow; the others simply gawked. The wolf pulled up a patch of floor and laid down, giant head on it's giant paws, still staring at me. I caught Theirry's look, "Don't ask." He nodded, the others still gawked. Theirry stood, tucked in his chair and pressed a button on the side of the marble table. A view screen, spanning almost the length of the table popped up. He walked to stand behind us. December 31, 2000; 7.45 PM "Okay," he began as Quinn and Rashel, the last one's in, closed the door. All the seats were taken, so they stood over in the corner, leaning against the computer tables. "Good news, The Joint Council has agreed to send five delegates to meet with our delegates. Bad news, one's a dragon." A collective gasp from everyone but me and my original crew went up across the room. I'd been expecting this. Rumor had it, Night World had woken up all but the Supreme Chaos Dragon from the witch induced slumber. Thank God they had sense enough to leave her asleep. "We can handle it," I assured him calmly. I glanced at Anhellica who looked at me like I'd sprouted another head. Shrugging at her, I concentrated again on Theirry. "This is a dangerous assignment, because it could be a trap, or if anything happens we- they have us surrounded. We'll come to back you up, but..." Theirry trailed off, shaking his head. "If they're going to try for the castle, there's nothing we can do against them. We'll back you up if and when you need it." "Great," I commented. "The meeting is set to start at eight PM. Jederman, if anyone can convince the Night World that this is our only chance for ALL of our survival, it's you. However, they may not be willing to listen. If that's the case, whatever happens, happens and we'll do the best we can to cope with the situation." His eyes were compassionate. They spoke the wisdom of millennia, the strength of ages since the rule of witches, but right now, they were scared spitless of what was going to happen. When it comes down to it, we all really are the same. "We'll assemble at the front gate as soon as the meetings adjourned." Theirry turned on a laser pointer and held the red dot of light on the part of the board showing a castle. "From their, you'll assemble on a hill, three quarters of a mile away from both camps." The pointer moved to a spot a few inches from the castle. "Any questions?" "Yeah, how should we handle a fight?" This from Tweak, who sounded laconically half a sleep, but actually wasn't. "If they start anything, feel free to finish it," Theirry instructed him grimly. Tweak reclined in his chair, a wide grin growing over his features. I know everyone on my team is here of their own accord, but still, if we had to wait until the Night World started something, that might mean a member of my team down. I only hoped they would start with me, I am, after all, the leader. "What will we need to do?" Rashel asked slowly, stepping forward from the corner of the room. Theirry glanced at her, "Everyone else will stand ready in case the Council is pulling something. We'll go in and try to clean the area." Ash raised a hand, lazily. Theirry nodded at him. "What happens if this fails?" I snorted, "We won't be worrying about post New Year hangovers." This earned me a glare from Theirry and an amused glance from Ash. "I honestly don't know," Theirry stated, eyes boring deep into Ash's. He turned away. "If that's all, then Jederman, assemble your team down by the gate and we'll follow." I nodded shortly and stood. The wolf stood with me, I glared at him. Walking around the table, I heard my teams chairs roll across the floor and their footsteps on the sandstone floor. The wolf stayed behind me and to the side, nails clicking on the floor. My squad shot him amused looks. Jjinn fell in at my right. "Why do you have a familiar?" So that's what the wolf was. The man in the mirror must have been a witch then, lending me his familiar for this assignment. "A ghost in my room lent him to me," I explained casually. Jjinn frowned, eyes going dark and losing his whimsical air. "A dark haired ghost?" He asked, trying not to sound suspicious. I, however, knew him too well; he was worried. "Yeah, how'd you know?" Jjinn fell silent, I glanced up at him, catching his eyes. "I've seen him around you before..." He trailed off. Creepy, my own personal stalker ghost. Either that or a concerned spirit. "And I don't get ghost vibes from him," Jjinn finished. Goose bumps sprang up on my arms. "Okay, I'm going to go into denial about that until tomorrow. Let's just concentrate on the mission for now..." My voice was too up beat, too pleasant. Jjinn grinned at me, knowing the subject made me uneasy, and loving the fact he now knew another one of my buttons. At least he didn't say anything else.. "Oh what a pretty wolfie." Someone baby talked from behind me. Sujilite. I bet she was scratching the wolf's head, petting his ears, stroking his fur. She's way too much of a nature freak for me, she even likes spiders. Then again, she's a witch, so that's allowed. "Jjinn, what are you?" Anhellica asked innocuously. I bit down on a smile. She'd just complimented Jjinn in a way she couldn't know. He's a great guy, but he loves to talk about himself. Especially to pretty girls, and Anhellica was gorgeous. Beside me, he smiled. "My mother was a witch, and my father was a fairy. I do not think there's a name for it. Does that answer your question, Quetzecotl?" I could almost feel her eyes widen in shock. "How-" She started, but stopped abruptly, at a total loss of words. His smile deepened. "The colors in your hair are the color's of your feathers. I am also somewhat of an expert on recognizing shifters alter egos." Here it comes, I mouthed to Sujilite, who ducked her head to hide a smile. Surprisingly, the cascade of 'how great I am' didn't happen. Anhellica looked away, blushing, and Jjinn glanced at her, amused. "What are you, Jederman?" Anhellica asked, recovering. Sujilite bit back on a bigger smile, Jjinn let it have free range, and Tweak, next to Sujilite laughed. "What?" Anhellica demanded, looking at them. Jjinn gestured grandly to me. "I am totally, completely, with-out-a-doubt, 100 percent, absolute human." I smiled at her, and watched shock splay across her features. The front gate was coming into sight, big and heavy and wooden. A real live draw bridge was on the other side. Kick ass. "How...I thought, you know, you're the leader and..." She trailed off, mouth open, eyes wide. I looked her straight in the eye, "I am very, very good at what I do." Theirry and a few others were already positioned at the gate. I raised an eyebrow, maybe they took the short cut... "Okay, are you ready?" Theirry asked. James and Ash were removing an ornately carved wooden slab from across the giant wooden doors. "As we'll ever be," I replied dryly. He nodded and Quinn opened the heavy wooden doors. Slowly fading sunlight assaulted our eyes, momentarily blinding us. Peachy. When I regained my sight, I saw the the rolling sweep of hill the castle was situated on, the next hill we were meeting at, and in the distance, red and white tents that looked like something from a medieval battle. "Let's move," I called over my shoulder to the team and the wolf. We stepped to the door and out in the dying gold light. December 31, 2000; 8.25PM The springy grass crunched beneath the weight of our boots as we walked down to the valley before the hill. Oh God..."Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death..." I had to say it. Sujilite groaned, but recovered and pointed at the hill. "Look, there's a table and chairs up there." And there was. Someone had placed an almost banquet like wooden table atop the hill. Five chairs on either side mirrored each other, the ends were chairless, pointing toward the camps. People sat on the left side of that table, though I could not make out faces or anything. Glancing at my team, I led them on a silent trudge up the hill. The faces looked up at us, a handsome Arabic vampire, a sharp featured witch, a blonde girl and a black boy that were either were's or shifters and in the center, a figure dressed in death's cloak. "We said only five," the dark haired vampire hissed. For a moment I was startled, then remembered the white wolf who was laying harmlessly in the grass, looking up at me. "He's a familiar, you didn't clarify," I stated. Taking the center chair on the right side, I sat and my team followed the lead, Tweak and Anhellica on the farthest ends, Jjinn and Sujilite at my right and left hand. "Explain," the cloaked person in front of me commanded. The voice was muffled, but deep and musical. Hard to tell if it was a man or woman. My team looked at me; this was my idea and I was going to present it. "Each side knows the end of a millennium brings a new species into power. Humans were the last ones to gain control; there is no other race left to take control after this millennium." "So what, human?" Came the rumbling voice of the vampire. His dark hair was curly, coming down to his shoulders, it moved like a living thing. "So," I continued. "No species, before taking control, has ever had to face this dark power." "We know this," the cloaked person nodded. "The dark power is coming to take control back from the humans and give it to the Night World," the witch laughed. Her sharp features were suddenly harsh. "Thanks for clarifying." "Yes, the power could be coming to take control from the humans..." I trailed off, they all looked at me startled. "But what if it's coming to destroy them." The Night Worlders smiled at me, good human, you understand, here's a cookie. "And the Night Worlders with it..." I added casually. The smiles fell off and they sat up straighter. "Every species has gotten it's chance to lead and try and find balance between all the other species. No one has succeeded. What if this power is coming to wipe us all out and start all over again." "Impossible," the witch scoffed. "No listen to her," Sujilite interrupted. "You're a witch, you know nature is about balance. Well, there is no balance when we're all fighting and killing each other. This power is coming to give nature balance with or without us. It makes sense." The witch's sharp face went blank as she considered this, carefully guarding her thoughts. Her eyes darted around the table, glancing at the smooth finish and the hands folded on it. She nodded, "Reasonable." "Wild Powers." The cloaked person leaned in closer, and I got the impression he/she was somehow watching me from beneath that cloak. I shook my head, "Goose chase." The vampire wrinkled his nose at me, the witch suddenly looked more hostile. "Say there's only three, but the prophecy says four. What if that prophecy is meant to get us looking for the powers together, in a peaceful way. What if the fourth wild power is all of us. One people from the twilight to be one with the people from the dark." The vampire's mahogany eyes widened, he looked at the cloaked person. "What if she's right?" The cloaked figure remained as if he/she hasn't heard him. "Stronger power." It said. I shrugged, "Evolution due to the new millennium. Look, I don't see what forging a temporary peace would hurt, when this is all over, we can go back to killing each other." "It would know," the cloaked figure replied. "Put this to a vote," came the high voice of the blonde girl. The black boy nodded at her. They both looked so sweet, but their eyes were dead, black pupils floating in a sea of white. "All in favor," came the voice from beneath the cloak. The witch raised her hand tentatively, followed by the vampire and the two children. "All opposed." No one raised their hands. "All abstaining." The cloaked figure raised her cloaked arm slightly. "Majority rules." Pushing back in it's chair, the cloaked figure rose and stood still. With a slight motion, the cloak fell in a pile of black velvet around the feet of the figure. I looked up and saw the most beautiful, exotic woman I'd ever laid eyes on. Her hair was hip length, shiny black and moved like the cloak. Her body was pale, smooth muscled and left little to the imagination in a black dress with more cut outs in it than material on it. Her eyes were black, even where the whites were supposed to be, and a crown of twisted, black horns surrounded her entire head. Holy SHIT! The dumb ass Night Worlders had awoken the Supreme Chaos Dragon. The others jumped back from her, afraid. Even I could feel the dark energy rolling off her like angry tidal waves. "I am Maulisauna, and war it is." December 31, 2000; 9.45 "We didn't vote for that." The witch spat at her angrily. The dragon looked piteously at her, then cocked her head and a wave of pure black energy hit the witch, knocking her back and down. "Oh look," Maulisauna began, stepping around the witch's dead body. "Look what the horrible Day Breakers did. You killed her; murderer." She looked directly at me, a twisted smile on her face. "You really want the world to end..." Anhellica breathed. The dragon's head snapped to her angrily. Damn, I needed to distract her, get the dragon to focus on me. "It's not going to end, I'm going to defeat the darkness and rule." Maulisauna smiled dementedly. "Vampire," she called over her shoulder. The Arabic vamp shuddered, "Yes Mistress?" He didn't move toward her, I don't blame him. This bitch wore crazy and powerful like whore's wore cheap perfume. "Send your thoughts to the others. Tell them Circle Daybreak has broken the temporary truce and sent assassins." "Yes mistress." "You know what?" I started. "I hope we all do get wiped out, and I hope your the last one left here with only goats to-" "Jederman!" Jjinn hissed. I stopped, he was right. This wasn't a good thing. Maulisauna smiled patiently at me, like you would at a really slow child. I really didn't like her. "Tweak-" I began. He knew what I wanted, a message to Theirry saying we're up shit creek without a paddle. "Done." He cut me off. I was looking at the Night World camp, they were gathering, starting to head toward us like an army from the days of old and it was all this crazy bitch's fault. I hate dragons. Looking back over at our side, I was relieved to see the gates to the castle opening and our people pouring out. I wonder if we could salvage peace even now. My gaze finally settled on Maulisauna. She was laughing, shaking her jello-y bosom and enjoying the plight of us poor little Daybreakers. I turned to the vampire and the children, "You have to convince them." They looked stricken. "Don't worry, I'll keep her busy." Jumping from my chair, I leapt to the table and flung myself at the still laughing dragon. I rolled her over me and threw her down the hill. The wolf, I noticed, almost detached, got up and proceeded to maul her. "Get off me, you idiotic beast!" She tried to strike out at him, but her hands went through him like he wasn't there. Lucky me. Daybreakers were pouring all around, and the Night World was upon us as well. Screams and sounds of battle and pain filled the air. I concentrated on Maulisauna. I jumped to my feet, she rose liquidly. Reaching to my belt, I took the knives from their sheaths, one in each hand and circled her. Maulisauna laughed joyously. The wolf circled her as well, lunging in to bite or scratch at her. She reached out at me with dark energy, I dropped flat on my stomach in the grass. The air above me fizzed and crackled with her power. "You may take one, or even two of my horns before I kill you, but there are so many more..." Throwing back her head, she laughed obscenely. "Stupid belt and matching handbag," I mumbled and took aim with on of the knives. The wooden knife hit the center of it's target, lodging in her throat. She looked at me, surprised, but more unbalanced laughter gurgled in her throat. A pale hand grasped the knife there and pulled it out with a wet slurping sound. She lashed out suddenly with a tendril of energy, I ducked to the side, but not soon enough. I was thrown back, out of the way but my right arm was numb with the force of her power. Good thing I'm ambidextrous. The wolf jumped her again, giving me precious moments to regain myself. Switching the knife back to my left hand, I rose and approached her again. Most of the screaming and battle sounds had ended. The wolf backed off and she came for me again. A sharp gunshot thundered through the air, and a malevolent voice commanded her, "Stop." A man was standing on the table on the hill, looking down at our position in the slight valley below. An angry looking older woman, with gray streaked red hair stood at his side. Another person, an older man with strong, clean cut features was at her side. "There will be peace," he commanded with such an air of authority that I believed him. However Maulisauna laughed at him. "No, there won't be. But don't worry precious, I'll protect you," she purred at him, then threw back her head and laughed more. "No, Maulisauna." He jumped off the table in one gracefully liquid motion. The woman and other man stood at his sides, but slightly behind, like enforcers."We will work out our differences for the sake of our lives. The final hour has come." December 31, 2000; 11.00 "Then I'd better prepare, I haven't done this in thousands of years..." She stretched her body out, and I could hear things popping and tearing. Her skin split, and thick things fell out as a scaly, honest to God dragon grew. It was a murky green, with colorless black eyes gazing out at us. When it reached about three stories tall, it stopped growing. The horns encircled it's entire head like a demonic crown. We had less than an hour to beat it. The dragon looked down at us and smiled nastily. Power roiled around it like storm clouds ready to strike. "Oh hell," I whispered. A colored flash, barely visible in the darkness caught my peripheral vision. A large red, gold and brown feathered bird, big as an Utralight was circling around the dragon. The dragon either didn't notice or didn't care. I noticed and cared, "It's Anhellica..." I breathed. Jjinn and Sujilite were at my side along with the white wolf. Anhellica stopped circling and faced it, lighting flared around her and she directed at the dragon's horns. A bright flash filled the sky, turning it white blue, a ball of lighting flew at the horns, knocking two off. The dragon looked at her finally, annoyed. Maulisauna flicked her head casually and a stream of dark energy hit Anhellica dead on. She fell, reverting to human in the process. Tweak stepped up and caught her before she hit the ground. A snort escaped the dragons nose in a puff and it looked down at the two. I couldn't let them get hurt anymore, especially if Anhellica was still alive. Another blast would kill her. "HEY YOU OVERGROWN HANDBAG!" I screamed and ran around the other side of the dragon. "WE WEREN'T FINISHED!" Casually, she flicked some energy at me. The white wolf bounded out of nowhere, knocking me to the side out of the range. He threw back his head, howling and lunged at the dragons feet, snapping and biting. It did about as much good as spitting at her. She looked at me again, preparing another wave of dark energy. A thick white fog rolled in, twisting up and around all of us. Jjinn's handiwork. Scrambling back to the group, I felt the dragon send out rage to everyone's mind ~No one living can best me~ she thought and forced it into all our minds. "Shit, Tweak, is Hellica all right?" He was still carrying her, and I could see her chest rising and falling ever so slightly. "She needs help..." He trailed off. I nodded at him, "Take her over away from the battle." Turning to Sujilite and Jjinn, I said, "So anyone know resurrection?" "What?" Sujilite asked, startled. I bet she thought I'd finally gone over the edge. Nope, not quite yet. "Maulisauna said no one alive can beat her. So, the person who beat her must be dead, we could resurrect them..." I was thinking of Hecate, hoping maybe Sujilite could harness her power. She glanced at Jjinn, he shrugged. "Hecate was the only one able to defeat The Supreme Chaos Dragon. I can't do that and I think resurrection takes more talent than slaying a dragon." The dark energy was eating away at the mist, crumbling it to nothing. "I suppose we keep fighting." Sujilite's face lit up as the last of the fog cleared. "I've got an idea, fearless leader." She took off toward the dragon, screaming obscenities that would make a sailor blush and hurling witch energy. The dragon snorted, readying it's dark energy. "I hope you know what you're doing!" I called to her and motioned for Jjinn to circle around with me as backup for Sujilite. She glanced guiltily at me for a moment, then looked up at the dragon as it hurtled dark energy at her. The flow took her square in the chest, knocking her back. I started for her, but Jjinn grabbed my arm and held me fast. "Well if her plan was to die than it's working out perfectly." Jjinn looked at me, surprised. "No one LIVING can beat it." "FUCK! So she killed herself!" I felt my eyes widen and tears spring up. I hadn't known..I should have realized. "Look," Jjinn's grip tightened on my arm, and I followed his gaze to Sujilite's prone body. A golden glow surrounded it, blinding us all momentarily. As the golden light receded, a solid figure with pure golden hair and soft, white feathered wings rested on the ground hands through the now ghost-like form of Sujilite's knees and knees in Suji's chest. The figure rose, and the golden light clothed her, swirled around her, countering the dark energy. Impatiently, the dragon looked at her and readied a blast of dark energy. "Hecate..." I heard a female voice whisper from the distance behind us. Could it really be? Her glowing golden hair swirled around her hips, brushing the feathers on her wings as she looked up at the dragon. ~This time I'll put you to sleep...~ Maulisauna sent out. I could see only a bit of the golden woman's face, but I saw her smile gently at the dragon. "This time," Hecate said, and her voice was clear and strong. "You won't awaken." Enraged, Maulisauna sent a burst of dark energy at Hecate who simply held up a hand in defense. The energy stopped and dissipated as it reached her. Maulisauna howled, enraged. Hecate reached up and plucked a mirror from the air. It was framed in gold and the carvings around the frame seemed alive, seemed to move. She held that mirror up to Maulisauna and whispered, "Serenity." Golden light, like a tsunami, over took Maulisauna. Her body shrunk instantly back to her pale human form and she collapsed in that light. Hecate turned from the light as it faded and the body of Maulisauna hit the ground. "Bury her. She is dead," Hecate commanded, looking straight into my eyes. Then, returning to the fallen form of Sujilite, Hecate stood over her and said, "Arise sister, this is not your time." Sujilite's ghost like body rose, and Hecate stepped to her. A bright golden light engulfed them, turning Sujilite material again, I suppose. The light receded and Sujilite started to fall. I rushed to her side, catching her. She opened her clear purple eyes, looked up at me and smiled. "We were wrong," she gasped. "Don't talk," I whispered. Hot tears were blurring my eyes, running down my face. She struggled to sit up, but I held her in my lap. The others were rushing toward us now. "You aren't a complete soul, it's just-." Her eyes fluttered and she relaxed back into my embrace. "It's okay, she only fainted," another witch said, pulling me away. The witches surrounded Sujilite, chanting spells of healing. I moved back. Looking around, I saw the white wolf had vanished, gone back to wherever he came from.The ghost man from my room was suddenly in my face; only this time solid and real. He stepped back slightly and vanished. A sudden wave of...incompleteness and something else over took me. My knees buckled and I slid to the ground. Jjinn caught me, setting me softly on the grass. My soul felt like a raw and bloody wound; if what I felt was physical, I'd surely be dying. "What is-" he started to ask but stopped. Thick black clouds had taken over the sky in the distance, roiling over themselves like ocean waves; the time had come. December 31, 2000; 11.57 The clouds were directly above us, and had stopped. Black lightening sizzled and struck from within those clouds. ~We are what you have called The Darkness~ A voice blasted through all our minds. But we'd achieved peace...they wouldn't destroy us now, would it? ~As you stood at the twilight of mankind's rule, you succeeded in bringing balance to nature. For this, your world is safe. However, to ensure balance is kept, a part of the darkness will remain with you. Do not worry, for he has always been part of you~ The black lighting struck, and a figure swathed in shadows stood on the hill along with a an overtly large white wolf. Jjinn hauled me up and I stepped forward. "That's him, isn't it," he whispered. "I think so," I whispered back. The figure began walking forward, the crowd parted for him. He was coming straight for me. Ah well, at least I'd regained the feeling in my right hand. His black hair shimmered when light caught it, his golden eyes bore into mine and as he stopped, mere inches from me, his pale hand reached up to touch my face. The skin to skin contact startled me, but I got this very odd feeling. "I know you," I murmured. Violently, I was thrown into his mind, a dark place full of candlelight and shadows. "How come I never felt that loneliness and longing before?" I asked him, as our souls twined and I felt complete once more. "I was always with you. That's also why they thought you had a complete soul. You were so sad today, I tried to tell you Jederman, you're never alone." His voice had a rolling timbre to it, and I loved the way it warmed my being. Laughing gently, I said, "That sounds like something out of a horror movie..you are never alone..." I could feel him smile. "We have to leave now, but we have plenty of time." The night was cool, with a little breeze blowing wisps from my bun and rustling the crunchy green grass. I was holding his hand, this person that I knew, yet didn't know. "I don't even know your name.." I commented. He smiled and looked down at me, "Fenris Bane, at your service." I smiled and squeezed his fingers. Fenris wrinkled his brow at me, "Jederman, I never did catch your first name." I smiled, "I never threw it. Jade, Jade Jederman." I leaned my head on his shoulder as we walked back to the castle. "Dang," I started, looking at Jjinn and Tweak, the only members of my crew currently standing. "I guess we're not going to be a crew anymore, what with this lack of need for assassins." "I don't know guys, you make pretty good diplomats," Theirry deadpanned, then burst out laughing. Tweak grumbled, "We weren't that bad." "Well, whatever happens, you'll still be together, and you'll still be a team," Theirry stated. "A team plus with two new members," I piped up. "I was wrong, Anhellica is a fighter. And of course Fenris' wolf familiar. He's a good fighter and doesn't mess on the rug.." Fenris rolled his eyes at me and I grinned. Hannah burst from the castle, a jovial smile on her face, jumped on Theirry and kissed him soundly. "Happy New Year, everybody," she exclaimed upon breaking the kiss. Cheers went up around the room, soulmates grabbed for each other and I turned to Fenris. "So if we got married, would that giant cloud be my father in law?" He looked at me for a moment then said, "Yes, yes it would." And bent down to kiss me. ~THE END~