Title: Castlemania Author: Puck Email: Mish_S_Mail@yahoo.com Spoilers: VD characters....Castlevania: Symphony of the Night plot... Get it? Got it. Good. Let's go. Summary: The evil priest Shaft's nephew Shaft (if you haven't played the game....nm) resurrects Castlemania and it's Prince of Darkness. Only the next Belmont, the Belmont who isn't a Belmont, can't stop The PoD from taking over the world with hordes of demons and ghouls and werewolves and mermen and trolls and- oh, sorry...heh anyway, he can't stop The PoD because he's been kidnapped by him. Someone besides the next Belmont, the Belmont who isn't a Belmont, storms the castle and oh ghad, just read it if you want.. Disclaimers: Everything not belonging to LJ Smith belongs to Konomi (sp?) and vice versa. Castlemania Matt Honeycutt ran up the steep gravel steps to the throne room of the Prince of Darkness. He sat on his throne smug and arrogant that he, Matt Honeycutt, the Belmont who isn't a Belmont, would never reach him. That nerve shattering grin faded a bit as Matt threw open the heavy black doors to the elaborate throne room and sauntered in. The surprised vampire sat up straighter as the Belmont who isn't a Belmont walked right up to the steps leading to elaborate throne. "Die monster!" Matt proclaimed emphatically. "You don't deserve to live!" "I did not choose to live," the evil vampire smiled cruelly. "Humans brought me back from death because they wished to pay me tribute." "Tribute?" Matt snorted. "You steal men's souls!" "I give them what they ask for!" The vampire yelled, emphatically throwing his crystal goblet of blood to the floor. It shattered at Matt's feet, but in his rage, Matt barely noticed. "Damon Salvatorula, I shall destroy you, or my name is not Matthew Honeycutt, the Belmont who isn't a Belmont!" Matt brandished his Holy Football as Salvatorula jumped to the floor. "Have at you!" Salvatorula screamed, and immediately disappeared. "What?" Matt asked, surprised. The evil Salvatorula took that moment to reappear right behind Matt and hit him with a volley of Algebra books appearing out of his typical, yet trendy vampire cape. "Oh NO!" Matt screamed and fell to his knees in anguish. Salvatorula laughed cruelly and walked slowly to the prone Matt. However, before Salvatorula could do anything, a tow headed child ran into the room. "Matthew!" She cried. "Use your power! Win one for the GIPPER!" At that, an image of the dead coach flew out of Margaret Gilbert, younger sister of his beloved, and into Matt, reviving him and restoring his strength. Salvatorula, enraged threw back his cape. "Now you'll see my true form!" Damon's skin split and a massive ego crawled out. Matt, gasped, but did not lose faith. Picking up the football in one hand, he launched it at Salvatorula's chest and screamed, "HAIL MARY PASS!" The ball hit dead center, sending Salvatorula to his knees. "This can't be!" Salvatorula yelled in shock. "NOOOOOOO...." Salvatorula disappeared in a huge puff of fire. The cruel reign of Salvatorula had ended. For now..... However, four years later, Matthew Honeycutt, the Belmont who isn't a Belmont, disappeared. Elena was devastated, so Margaret set out to find him. However, in retracing Matt's steps, she came across something so horrible, she thought her eyes had deceived her...Castlemania.... At this same time, Stefan Salvatore, calling himself Alurotavlas, because he was the opposite of the evil Salvatorula, awoke from his self induced sleep meant to keep him from harming the humans he so loved with his broodiness and went to defeat his brother, the evil Damon Salvatorula... Alurotavlas ran through the woods faster than any mortal eye could follow. He had to get to the castle of his evil brother, Salvatorula, and stop him before he could harm any humans. Up ahead, Castlemania loomed dark and foreboding over the tall woods. The dark drawbridge was down, gaping open like a mouth. However, as Alurotavlas neared, it started to close. Using his special hyper jump, Alurotavlas cleared the bridge and landed in the courtyard. "Okay, now where is that evil brother of mine?" Alurotavlas thought out loud as he walked around the crumbling courtyard. A stony path led to the castle entrance. "Simple enough," murmured Alurotavlas as he started on it. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a giant purple Tyler-wolf jumped in his way. "Remember me?" It panted dementedly at him. Tyler-wolf snarled and reared back, but Alurotavlas was too fast. "DARK BROODING!" He yelled and Tyler-wolf froze. "I hate being a vampire, yet I don't want to kill myself. I hate being me, yet I don't want to be anyone else... I'm so sad... will you be my friend. Oh wait, I can't have friends, evil vampires like me can't- " Alurotavlas' monologue was cut off by the sound of Tyler-wolf's head exploding. Smiling to himself in satisfaction, Alurotavlas continued on the path. "I thought I killed you!" He yelled, stopping yet again as another Tyler-wolf popped out in front of him. "You can't get rid of me that easily, I'm even more annoying then you are, but less handsome," Tyler-wolf snarled. This time Alurotavlas simply punched Tyler-wolf on his glass jaw and the wolf fell down, totally unconscious. Alurotavlas smiled again, and continued on his way. He entered the castle, and walked down the beaten stones of the main hall, killing zombies that looked suspiciously like Vikki. Taking the stairs, Alurotavlas came to a broken bridge and stopped. Death was waiting for him. "I knew you would return, Alurotavlas!" Death cackled, removing her hood. "Join with your brother and we can spend all eternity together!" "No Katherine! Er- Death!" Alurotavlas called. "I'm here to destroy my brother. Salvatorula is evil and I cannot let that exist! I promised Elena!" "I promised Elena," Death mocked. "Even though she chose Matthew Honeycutt, the Belmont who isn't a Belmont instead of you?" Hurt showed in Alurotavlas eyes, "Yes." "Then you're a fool!" Death yelled. "And fools don't deserve Armani sunglasses!" With that she magically stole his sunglasses and disappeared. "Hey, those were originals!" Alurotavlas called after her, broodingly. "Damn." Coming up the next steps, he was confronted by a young girl who looked suspiciously like Elena. "You, you seem human.." Margaret said, then asked suspiciously, "Why are you here?" "I have to destroy the evil Damon Salvatorula," Alurotavlas stated. The girl's tension drained away visibly. "That's good. I'm here trying to find my sister's special friend, Matthew Honeycutt the Belmont who isn't a Belmont. Have you seen him?" Margaret asked innocently. Alurotavlas' eyes widened, "No, is he here to defeat Salvatorula?" "No, he disappeared. I'm here looking for him. I'm Margaret by the way," She stated, holding out her hand. Alurotavlas took it, shaking firmly. But he couldn't stop staring at her...eyes. Her shirt was so low cut and her skirt so short...and those...eyes... "Not the talkative type," Margaret commented. "I'm Alurotavlas," He said, snapping out if it and taking her hand. Her fingers were soft against his, but slightly warmer than his own. "Well, perhaps we'll meet again!" She called, then turned and ran away. "Well, that was certainly interesting," Alurotavlas said out loud. Letting out a breath, he started into the next room. It was tall, made up of stone with rocky ledges cut in and out of the sides. The only way out was up. "What is she? A frickin' genie??" Alurotavlas said, amazed. Then started climbing. No sooner did he start climbing though, then flying Klaus heads came at him from out of no where. "I'll get you!" They yelled with glee, flying in patterns just to make jumping difficult. Damn, Alurotavlas thought as he sprung onto the next ledge, narrowly missing being knocked off by a flying blonde head. The next ledge was a little further away, but the way the heads were going he would never make it. Time to use a little bit of my power, he thought. "SONIC WHINE!" Alurotavlas yelled. "I'm so sad and pathetic..my girlfriend left me for a human and my own brother wants to kill me...I hate being alive, and I hate being a vampire and I hate-" "AAAAHHHH!!" All the Klaus heads shrieked, then exploded. "There," Alurotavlas murmured to himself and jumped easily onto the ledge. Moments later, he stood at the top of the stone ledge looking down into the next room. The room was dark and he couldn't quite see what was lurking there. Taking a flying leap, Alurotavlas landed in the center of the room. The lights went on, and Alurotavlas instantly recognized the room. It was the park where Elena told him she'd rather be with the happy go lucky Belmont who wasn't really a Belmont then a handsome, but broody and whiny vampire. Elena sat on a little bench by a stream and looked up at him. "Oh Alurotavlas, you know, I would have chosen you over Matt, the Belmont who isn't really a Belmont, had you simply embraced the darkness like your brother." "Oh Elena," was all he could whisper. "Please, Alurotavlas, tell me you'll stop being so good and noble and we can be together," She begged. He was about to concede, when he noticed a strand of red hair sticking out of the blonde hair. A wig! And as he looked deeply into her deep blue eyes, Alurotavlas could see the contacts. "You're not Elena! You're the succubus Caroline!" Alurotavlas proclaimed! "Blast! Was it the wig?" She demanded. "Or the contacts. Come on Alurotavlas, join the darkside and become by vampiric lover!" Caroline the succubus giggled insanely. "NEVER! I love being good and whiny and a masochist! I'll never become dark and friendly and charming!" Wait, Alurotavlas thought, but before he could thing further, Caroline the Succubus began her attack. "SKANKY CELLOPHANE DRESS!" She cried out, and suddenly her dress was see through. Alurotavlas, ever the gentleman, didn't even peek as he attacked. "CELIBATE ATTACK! You know Caroline, people would respect you a lot more if you respected yourself. And in respecting yourself, you would have the confidence to BE yourself and be accepted for yourself. While being accepted is a good thing, gaining acceptance through flaunting your sexuality isn't-" "AAAAAGGGGGHHHHHH!!!" She screamed and her head burst open. Alurotavlas looked at her, puzzled. "Why do they always do that when I'm trying to help?" Oh well, he though, then shrugged and continued, but stopped when he saw Margaret. "You fought bravely...but...did you really mean what you said?" Margaret asked shyly, toying with the hem of her barely there skirt. "Yes, women can be accepted for their brains not for their sexuality. And only when THEY realize this and take the power in their own hands can they become truly free. You see, when you hold a butterfly in your hands it dies, but when you let it go and it comes back to you, then, only then do you know it is truly yours.." Alurotavlas trailed off, a dreamy look in his eye. All the monsters who heard him exploded instantly. However, Margaret was also looking off dreamily, for she was a lot like Alurotavlas... "I have to go.." She said suddenly. "I have to find Matt, the Belmont who isn't a Belmont." "Perhaps we will meet again!" He called after her as she dashed away. She didn't turn, but waved at him. Alurotavlas continued on, the next room was filled with clingy monsters called Frances who kept saying, "I just want to be your friend. I want to be popular!" Taking pity on them, Alurotavlas tried to tell them that popularity wasn't everything, but after two full minutes of his lecture, all the little Frances' exploded. Such a pity. Alurotavlas was getting weary by the time he reached the next room. Margaret was there cowering on the floor, away from Matt Honeycutt, the Belmont who isn't a Belmont. Matt brandished his football at Alurotavlas and snarled, "Fool! I am the master of Castlemania! And you, you brooding, whiny wimp shall be sidelined forever!" He laughed evilly. "Don't destroy him Alurotavlas!" Margaret cried. "Take this!" She threw him a pair of 3-D glasses and he put them on. To his surprise, something was hovering around Matt, the Belmont who wasn't a Belmont. "Someone's controlling him!" Alurotavlas exclaimed. Margaret nodded at him. Matt hoisted the football at Alurotavlas and yelled, "HAIL MARY!" In the nick of time, Alurotavlas ducked, then countered, focusing on the thing hovering around Matt, the Belmont who isn't really a Belmont and yelled, "ECHO WHINE! But I don't wanna live forever..." The thing exploded and the dark priest Shaft's nephew Shaft stepped out into the light. "Are you crazy Alurotavlas?" He screamed. Matt, used to the real Evil priest Shaft and not the Evil Priest Shaft's nephew Shaft, he asked, "Who are you!" Klaus heads gathered around him and said, "He's one bad mother-" Caroling appeared and cut them off, "Shut your mouth." The Klaus heads balked and replied, "But we're only talking about the evil priest Shaft's nephew Shaft." "Oh," She said, and they all disappeared. "You may have beaten me this time, Alurotavlas!" The evil priest Shaft's cousin Shaft cried, "But Salvatorula will surely beat you!" "Quickly Margaret, take Matt, the Belmont who isn't a Belmont and leave the castle. . . I'll deal with Salvatorula...my brother," Margaret nodded solemnly and hauled the woozy Matt, the Belmont who isn't a Belmont, out of the castle. Just in time, they made it out the door when Damon Salvatorula entered the room. "Ahh, Well met my brother. So you're decided to join my side, eh?" "Never, Salvatorula!" Alurotavlas yelled at his brother. "Then so be it! See my true form BROTHER!" Damon's skin split in two and a HUGE ego slithered out. Alurotavlas gasped in shock, but didn't back down. "I'm charming and handsome and all the girls want ME! Even Elena wanted ME! Everyone wants ME!" Salvatorula chuckled evilly. "Salvatorula, I know you have better people skills than I do, and I don't begrudge you that. You are my brother and I love you, no matter what you think of me. I only wish you wouldn't be evil. Deep down inside of you is a good person waiting to come out, I know there is. I believe in you Salvatorula, I believe in you," Alurotavlas smiled patiently at his brother. Salvatorula began to crumble, "NO! HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE!" He exclaimed. "You see brother," Alurotavlas began. "When you lost the ability to love, you lost the ability to believe in a power higher than yourself, and this made you weak, no matter how much power you have, and when you are weak, you were open to my subtle attack of your conscience which will always destroy your ego because deep down inside you really are a good person." Alurotavlas thought for a moment then exclaimed, "Oh GOD what have I done, if your a good person and I destroyed you then doesn't that make me evil and you good and since I'm the victor good doesn't always win over evil and there goes my whole moral values system and-" "Brother," the defeated Salvatorula wheezed. "Tell me one thing, what were Lisa's last words?" Alurotavlas frowned, "Lisa?" "That girl I was with last week, not the brunette or the redhead, Lisa was blonde..." Salvatorula explained. "Oh, that one...Well, she said 'if you can't live with humans, don't do them any harm, for there's is a hard lot." Alurotavlas said. Then added, "And she said she'd love you for eternity, especially since you paid her a hundred dollars extra." "Lisa, forgive me..." Salvatorula cried as he collapsed in a big fireball. Alurotavlas caught up with Matt, the Belmont who isn't a Belmont, and Margaret outside Castlemania, which was being sucked up by the clouds. "It's my fault you had to destroy you're own brother," Matt, the Belmont who isn't a Belmont, sighed, hanging his head. "It's not your fault." Alurotavlas smiled weakly. "Still, it had to have been difficult." "Listen, the worst evil that can happen is when good men don't do anything against evil, making them evil and the evil good, so that when the evil destroys them, it's the lesser of the two evils and we should be happy," Alurotavlas explained. Matt, the Belmont who isn't a Belmont, started to get a headache. "Well, I must go, I doubt we'll see each other again, because I am a cursed vampire meant to wander the earth without company or happiness," Alurotavlas said, then walked off. "Alurotavlas," Margaret called. "Go after him, Margaret," Matt, the Belmont who isn't a Belmont, told her. "Yes, I will. I can ease his torment," Margaret proclaimed then took off after him. The sun rose in the distance and a new day dawned. .:~The End~:.