Cloud Strife
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Cloud Strife is a pretty basic guy. He's your main character throughout the entire game, and the majority of the time he is always (and I mean ALWAYS) is in your group.
Cloud is a mercenary. He's 21, uses a humongo blade, his birthday was August 19 (for those of you who missed it! Shame on you!=). He was "ahem", born in Nibelheim, his blood type is AB (in case any of you ever feel the need to have a blood transfusion with a video game character=) and he's about 5'7.
Oh yeah! And he used to be in the military, in a group called SOLDIER, First Class no less! But...he didn't like it (the parties sucked=), so he quit.
Cloud is very much "strong, silent, keeps to himself" kinda guy. He doesn't really care about the mishaps in other people's lives because he's worried about how his own can go wrong (that and geting paid). Eventually he gets caught up in a group called Avalanche, a small terrorist group against a huge orginazation of morons that they don't like, called Shinra! He gets hired by them and for his work ends up caught in a huge struggle for the life of the planet!
The thing that makes Cloud so cool and complicated is that he's not really sure of "who he is", he feels so many different things, and his past is a blur. This doesn't really come out, of course, until he meets the "main" girl, Aeris (actually I'd say her and Tifa share this role....but as Aeris doesn't even last past the first disk....I'll be nice for now). She's a flower girl that he runs into and she's very mysterious (hooooo).....and she's also very..uhh....well, i can get on about that later. Anyway! Back to Cloud! He starts feeling really strange, not to mention that voice inside his head (commanding him to do evil!! Mwahaha!! J/K=) that starts reminding him of who he really is.....of what really happened those 5 years ago when he finally went back to Nibelheim....and what he really is....
Oh geez!! Yeah! Sephiroth (the totally cool; Zechs Marquis look-a-like *for any of you Gundam Wing fans* villian, who's sooooooooo cool!) convinces Cloud that he's a failed experiment and THEN things really start to get interesting!! Zack? Who's Zack..............not everything is as it seems for poor, luckless Cloud............Who is Cloud?

Ah! Enough intriuge! Cloud is the kind of character that you'll want to keep in the front row all the time in battles, he's good with lock and load however it suits you. Though if you want him with high HP then you may not want to fill all his weapon/armor slots....
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