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i play

Name: Lady Deanna of Benbrook castle

Physical appearance: Light blue eyes. Long dark brown hair wears it in a long braid with soft curls around her face. Fair skinned, 5'3'' 100lbs. 19 years old

Personality: Sweet and good-natured but as learned not too trust easily. (Do to her evil uncle.)


The only daughter of Lord Benbrook long time friend of King Arthur. Deceased now by her uncle's hand. She cannot prove this because she saw it in a vision. Her uncle took over the kingdom and gave orders to have her sent to the tower but men loyal to her father and to  King Arthur rescued her and took her a long with a parchment to King Arthur asking that Arthur make Lady Deanna his ward that she would not be safe from his brother. Her mother was a Celtic lords daughter but she died giving birth to Deanna.

Special Abilities:

Has visions from time to time that foretell things or some times tell things of the passed.

Her father taught her to use the bow and sword to defend herself But she was raised to be a lady.
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