the Cretan Hound







 Cretan Hound is a primitive tracking and chasing harehound, with a special talent of starting the game. Cretan Hound also combines strong hunting drives, unimpaired passion, speed, intelligence, strength and stamina, with well balanced, gentle, kind and easy nature.

The millennia of acclimatization in Crete, combined with the dog’s excellent scenting abilities, high perception and light but powerful body structure, create a skillful and efficient hunting dog, for every season and any time of the day, even under adverse circumstances for tracking (high temperature, dry ground, sparse vegetation, strong wind, difficult and rocky terrain etc).


Cretan Hound never gives voice on the scent trail, but uses the “body language” instead, to indicate the different stages of the tracking process. The signs of these alternations are showed to the hunter mainly by the wagging of the tail, the manner and the speed the dog moves, the position of the ears, or the face expression that shows hesitation, pertinacity, anxiety, excitement, impatience, joy, etc.

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During the hunt he uses all it’s senses. The typical specimen, with the corresponding hunting, physical and mental qualities, move swiftly and lightly, searching the scent trails of the hare. After the first excitement of picking up the night trails, C.H. interprets rapidly the scent leading to the hare’s hide. Next, he works meticulously and overcomes smartly the “tricks” of the hare, coming close to it’s hiding place, where he slows down and works attentively, trying to locate it, using not only the sent trails but also the odors coming with the slightest wind. (photo1 - click to enlarge)

In case of difficult to find, skilled hare hare that may hide in an impossible shelter, C.H. wont quit, but he will hold on willfully and for a long time until he succeeds.

Coming near to the hare, his behavior changes abruptly, his movement becomes more vivid, the muscles in tense and all it’s senses are in readiness.

When Cretan hound locates the hare, he starts it impetuously, with a distinctive style (like a stroke), intending to catch the hare – showing the dog’s hunting instincts. (photo 2 & 5 - click to enlarge)

In many cases a kind of pointing behavior of varying degrees precedes the starting, depending on the circumstances (i.e. the position and the behavior of the hare, the terrain, the vegetation and the positioning of the rest of the team (dogs and hunter)). This kind of behaviour is typical for this breed and reveals the primitiveness of the hunting instinct and the tense to work in co-operation just like their ancestor the wolf. (photo4 - click to enlarge)


This kind of behaviour has two major benefits:

1. The working team seems solid and homogeneous during all stages of hunting (which is very important for hare hunting) and

2. The quick hunting development of the young dogs in the working team, which take active part during the hunt, keeping the right position close to the adults. At the same time the adults pass on to the young all the secrets of searching, tracking, locating, starting and chasing of the prey.

The chase of the C.H. is swift and full of speed but rather sort (depending on the circumstances), accompanied by a low tone cry, continuous or interrupted, even faint, depending on the personality and the experience of the dog, but mainly on the progress of the chase. (photo3 - click to enlarge)

The frantic chase of the Cretan hounds panics the prey, which under this pressure might make a mistake, and get captured.

The Cretan hound never strays out of the hunter’s range of vision or hearing (the distance varies), and cooperates with him. He is the best choice for hunters that wish to live sensational hunting moments close to the dogs and to own a dog controllable, obedient, co-operative, making a strong bond with his owner.



Don't forget to view the enlarged photos: Photo 1: Tracking

Photo 2 & 3 Starting and Chasing

Photo 4 to 10: Locating and capturing the hare

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