They push until it's boring
And then they've no choice but to shove
Escalate, escalate
Drive the stake further into your heart
And they snicker from behind hollow eyes
Without "knowing any better"
And you go home and it falls apart
And you pray
You pray to whatever deity it is to whom you pray
And you ask for death, beg for it
Anything is better than this, anything
I know the feeling
I'm more like you than anyone thinks
And now look at us
We're at opposite ends of a table
And I can't keep from wondering
Why I'm not on your side

The emptiness
So cold and dark, it swallows your heart
And suddenlyall the good supposedly within you is gone
The shell is cracked
And the mask no longer fits
And you just can't take their laughing faces
Or even the mention of their names
I know if, I feel it, I've been there
And I thought I was so weak
But now look at us
I think of you and I can't help the tears
And I feel so cruel for being grateful
That I'm not on your side

The planning
It gets to the point where it's not a game
You're serious this time
They'll pay, they'll really pay
Not on yor death for that's probably what they'd like
But on their own, on that of their friends
And the ignorance and the intolerance and the neligence
Are all right now because it's the end for them
Nothing matters but making them see
Making them feel what you feel
That horrible pain crushing you each night
And look at us, just look!
I could have been you, you understand
I could have been the one to snap
I almost did
And I cry myself to sleep
And I wish you could have been this strong
As strong as a desperate girl who thought all was weakness
But I held onto the edge somehow
If only by a single finger and I don't know who to thank
I suppose I never well
And maybe I slightly wish I did
But more than that and anything
I wish you were on my side
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last updated.....15 May 2001
Opposite Ends
*Note: written in reflection on the recent school shootings that took place at Columbine High School i Littleton, CO on 20 April 1999  and similar incidences of gun violence by minors in an educational setting..
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