Atmel Microcontroller Project

1. Parallel interfacing LCD with AT90S2313

An example of parallel LCD interfacing with AT90S2313 MCU (figure 3b)which I had modify the file for AT90S2313. This file download from internet, but I forgot from which website. I use this file to test the ponyprog software and SI-prog hardware programmer. Download source code/hex file for figure 3b here:

4. Stepper motor controller

The stepper motor driver circuit shown as following
The opto-isolator are important which prevent destroy of MCU by the feeback voltage from power transistor(darligton). Two adjust-able voltage regulator used to adjust the running voltage and stopping/holding voltage of the stepper motor. The running voltage on by the step pulse input which also signal to rotate the motor. The simple source code using interrupt method to change the step sequence (one wave only) download here:Atmel_stepper for AT90S2313. Simple mathematics algorithm able to drive more complicate step sequence (such as half step) even for half_step 5phase stepper.

More stepper motor information refer to:

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