It's been all change in the Backstreet Boys camp lately, with two of the Backstreet Boys getting engaged! L&K thought that we'd better have a chin wag with Brian to find out actually what is going on...

Do you get tired of reporters prying into your love life?
Yes, but that's why I wanted to announce my engagement to Leighanne as soon as management let me. I don't want false rumours or reporters snooping around my relatives' houses... and I know that ultimately our fans would be happy for us after the hub-bub dies down.

Isn't it going to be different being married and a top pop star at the same time?
If both partners are equally devoted to making the relationship work it can withstand anything. Leighanne and I already see each other on a limited basis, and we both believe absense makes the heart grow fonder. But we will make every effort to spend every free minute together. We love each other alot - we both knew this was 'it' when we met each other!

Do the BSB's ever get any time off?
No, we always seem to be working! When we do get any time off, we are just like normal guys at home. We all love to shop, hang out around friends houses and go to the movies. Pretty regular stuff really.

Do you find that you are pooped most of the time?
Not all of the time, but travelling and performing at this kind of pace eventually catches up with you and you feel like you have to sleep for 5 days straight, but I can't do it because there is not enough time.

Will BSB's album sales be effected by your engagement?
That's a ridiculous question, but I suppose someone else asked you to ask it. I think the girls still have everyone except me and Kev to dream about's okay that I am off the market. I wasn't the one everyone was interested in anyway! That's what he thinks!

What is the new BSB album going to be like?
Well, it's not completed... but all I can tell you is there will be song writing and production contributions from each of us. And the sound will be a bit of a variation on the classic BSB sound - our taste has grown more sophisticated lately. It's going to be released in the autumn we hope.

Do you enjoy writing songs?
I love it. I was one of the co-writers of the new single The One, and to see that being released is such a feeling of satisfaction. I spent alot of the break we had recently writing songs. We spent about six weeks doing our own thing and that was great.

What did the others do?
AJ's been doing some solo stuff. He even got to do some concerts which were pretty impressive. There have been rumours about AJ leaving the group, but they're not true. Nick and Howie were working on some solo stuff too. Kevin is busy with his fiancee, Kristin. They're so in love!

When are you next coming to England?
I have no idea. We are busy recording the album right now so we are going to be in the studio for quite a while. No trips to Britain are planned, but we would love to come back. We miss you.

You've been busy with your own charity too, haven't you?
Yes. I started an organisation called the Brian Littrell Healthy Heart Club for Kids. I was born with a hole in my heart and spent alot of time in hospital. The heart club is my way of saying thank you.

Do you feel you have done everything you can with your life now?
Well. I feel successful, but there is more that I want out of life - a wife, a family and hopefully get an acting role or two along the way. And I want the Backstreet Boys to stay strong.

What will the new BSB tour be like?
Big and over the top, and your name will be the first one on the door L&K

source: Live & Kicking magazine UK

NOTE:this artcle is taken from BTLTGVBSB



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