Recent Updates
February 24, 2002: I really DO update more often then this, I'm just too lazy to log it in here, is all. HUGE update to the DoA section. Do yourself a favour and check it out. ^_^

February 11, 2002: Don't you dare say I haven't been updating!! I really have!! Just little things, actually. I've been adding links, and adoptions and stuff, AND, I just added a tattoo section to my Alyssa section!! So nyah!! I really AM trying to get some pics up though...just gimmie more time.

December 9, 2001: I added some adoptions to my cliques/adoptions page, and OH, I added a bishoujo ((bah to spelling)) section to my "other shtuffs" section!! Wow, that thing is bloody addictive AND space consuming, I might add. Right well, I'm working on more stuff, so never fear!

Decmber 8, 2001: Speak of the Devil...I haven't made any earth-shaking additions BUUUUUT, I added some cliques and LOTS of adoptions to my clique/adoption page. And I opened up the "Other Shtuffs" section of the site. Right now, all thats in it is an "About me" page, but I'll add more as time goes on. ^_^ I wanna add more Alyssa stuff though...--;; damn dry mind of mine.

December 8, 2001: Okay, I know, not many updates...I'm SORRY, I'm kinda low on energy and ideas right now...there's lotsa stuff I think i wanna add, but I can never seem to get the means/patiance to do it. I'm still gonna make those updates, just give me a day ((or days, whatever)) and I'll try my bestest to get more up. Right now, I'm dry. But like I said, as soon as I get these "means" there WILL be more to come!!

December 6, 2001: Woah, the updates never stop, do they? I added a Discography link to the Alyssa section. Yay me! Okay. Yeah, I know, not much of an update, but it's better than nothing! Well, there's lots more to do so...nyah!!

December 5, 2001: Congradulate me NOW! I just finished up all the character profiles for the Dead or Alive section!! I might add more pics as time goes on, but right now, I'm gonna put more concentration into the Alyssa secion of the site, m'kay? Alright then!!

December 4, 2001: Added Kasumi's, Hitomi's, Tina's and Leifang's profiles to the Dead or Alive section!! See, I'm working hard! I wanna get a guestbook and counter up, but Geocities' are ugly so I'm looking round fer some nice ones!! Oh, oh, and I'm thinking of adding image galleries somewhere to the site. OOPS! ^^;; Im getting ahead of myself now. look for more updates sooooooon.

December 4, 2001: The Dead or Alive section is officially open!! *everyone cheers* Of course, I haven't created the sub-sections for it yet....*everyone throws things* I'M WORKING ON IT!! Stop jumping down my throat!!!

This is the page where I'll keep a log of updates I've added to the site (duh) Newer updates will be in Red While older updates will be in this color. Simple enough? Alright then!!
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