Pictures my friends have drawn

This page is dedicated to the drawings of my wonderful and talented friends!! Right now it's actually not very full of drawings ((I had a whole mess of them, but stupid ass me lost them all when my hard drive was corrupted a lil while ago)) ANYwho, on to the drawings!!

This is a pic my friend Khat drew for me. Hehe. I did her a favour, and she wanted to give me something back, so I requested a drawing of a character she invented in a Playboy Bunny outfit. She agreed. The character's name is Zamballa.

These are a couple of really cute pictures my friend Kristen drew. Her alter ego: The Evil Kitty Queen. It's kind of a self-portrait of her, because she is the self-proclaimed "Evil Kitty Queen" because of the insane amount of cats she owns/takes care of. When she's 70, she'll be that little old lady on the porch, holding a musket, cackling away with her millions of cats. Godspeed, Kristen!!

This is another picture that Kristen drew. It's a picture of my character from a story she's writing where, by the end, everyone is dead. My character is "Loser-Boy" ((Heh, I came up with the name)) Obviously, it's just my character, so it looks nothing like me. But the way she drew the hair is somewhat kinda close to the way my hair is IRL.

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