

Nationality: English
Gender: Female
Birthday: December 18
Age: 24
Blood type: B
Height/Weight: 5'10", 126 LBS
Measurements: B27" W23" H35"
Fighting style: She Quan
Occupation: Assassin
Likes: Tomato Juice
Hobbies: Driving

Possessed of all the characteristics required for an assassin, this cold-blooded woman has undergone the ultimate adaptation. She excels in the art of She Quan, which she employs to the fullest in her work. Christie has been hired by Donovan, leader of DOATEC's anti-Douglas faction, and enters DOA in order to keep an eye on Helena.

My thoughts on Christie

Okay, alright, let me be honest with you. Sure, Christie has got the looks and all, but she's not my overall favorite character. Err...not even all that high on the list. I dunno what it is, but SOMETHING about her just rubs me the wrong way ((it may be her anti-Helena mission, who knows?)) but note that I would pick her any day over some of the other characters...*coughGenFucough* She's not all that physically strong, but she does have some preeeetty kool moves up her sleeve. Her character is pretty sly and evil, what with betraying Helena and trying to kill her and all. Ah well...her looks more than make up for it...but still...*glares*

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