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Two of the more bold thugs jumped through the window after the twins, and Borric smashed one in the www.db-markets.com side of the head with his sword hilt, while the other man pulled up short as three crossbows were leveled at him.
How long? Belgarath asked bluntly. Oh, a dozen centuries www.db-markets.com or so, I guess. A Grolim was here giving lectures in the College of Comparative Theology.
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For the best part of a year, I've been left to scour kettles, scrape grease, and warm the straw for this one. She threw a look at Gage. I've had a bellyful of it.
They rested for a while as cries and shouts echoed from the northeast. Then slowly they stood and began the return to Crydee. SiNCE THE START of the war, the Tsurani had confined their activities to those areas immediately adjacent the valley in the Grey Towers.
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