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An assassin showed up to kill you. Kahlan gestured with a tilt of her head toward Cara. Little Miss Magic, here, goaded him into using his gift on her so that she could capture him.
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But, Commander, he's one of ours Malm. He deserves the rites inside-beside the men he served with for what will the last time. Malm had died two years back and had never stood high in Thrush's estimation.
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Good evening, Kisoko-san, Chosa said deferentially. I hope I haven't disturbed what will you at this late hour. Kisoko regarded him levelly, Time is irrelevant to me, she replied in her well-modulated voice.
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You will attend me in court this afternoon, Joffrey said. See that you bathe and dress as befits my betrothed. Sandor Clegane stood at his shoulder in a plain brown doublet and green mantle, his burned face hideous in the morning light.
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