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It was big. Men in uniform were lined up alongside it to gaze at the people gathering below them. At this distance Moody could not see their expressions, but he doubted they could be any less astonished than his own.
His expression became more and more puzzled. Finally he looked up at Sparrowhawk and said, Major, if you think I enjoy guessing games, you don't know me very well.
There were not many. Away from the Enclave they were forced often to experience the local weather. A punishing duty for even a short while. I can well imagine.
Work to do. Using the maneuvering unit in his backpack, Stoner jetted over to the equipment and supply vessels. They had been joined to each other by Federenko and linked by rigid steel cables to the Soyuz by the Solyut cosmonauts.
There was a sort of blockhouse-and-gate set-up where the road ran in, but all it seemed to he protecting were ahout a dozen campers, trailers, and semi-rigs, parked on cement beds around what looked like an old-fashioned radio tower they'd topped with a whole cluster of satellite dishes, those 2.
What hed told the Rankan bitch was true-you couldnt win a war without your god. But Vashanka, the Rankan Storm God, had deserted the Stepsons, Crit's unit, in their need.
Sitting beside Baselton in the booth, Dodgson thumbed through the pictures and data sheets, then tossed them aside impatiently. He looked up at James.
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