SDR SDRAM Controller

1. Overview.

The single data rate (SDR) controller provides simple interface to SDRAM devices. Controller was written in VHDL and is free IP core. I've written it during work on my thesis, where sdram memory is used as video RAM for custom vga graphics controller.

figure 1. system level diagram.

2. Functional description.

Table 1. Interface signals

CLK clock N/A input system clock
nRST reset low input system reset
ADDR(20:0) memory address N/A input memory address for r/w access
WnR access type N/A input when low read transfer, when high write tran.
nAS address and data strobe low input starts transfer
nLBE(3:0) input mask for data low input input enable/disable for data
DIN(31:0) data input N/A input data to be written into sdram
A(10:0) address bus N/A output address or control signals into sdram
BS(1:0) bank select N/A output determines bank to which commands are executed
CKE clock enable high output sdram CKE input
DQM(3:0) data mask high output sdram data masks, mask individual bytes during data
nCAS column address strobe low output sdram nCAS input
nCS chip select low output sdram chip select
nRAS row address strobe low output sdram nRAS input
nWE write enable low output sdram nWE input
nDTACK transmission acknowledge low output acknowledges data transfer, strobe for data output from sdram
DATA_OUT_SDR data bus N/A output sdram data in bus

N/A - not applicable.

All signals are synchronous to the system clock, outputs are registered at the controller's outputs.

SDRAM is ready to normal operation after initialization time, which is 100 us for Micron 32x2 MB. SDRAM controller informs host when initialization is completed by driving nDTACK low for one cycle. After that, host can make write/read accesses to memory.

There is no fixed delay for accesses, ie. after driving nAS low, host can't expect that nDTACK will be active(low) after 5 cycles for example. Why? because SDRAM needs refreshing from time to time, and refreshes can intersperse write/read accesses. If it is a problem (ie. read/write timing must be precise with predictable constant wait states) you must manually change source code to give higher priority to accesses than refresh system or use fifo.

User interface to sdram controller is very simple and frees user from issuing complicated commands to sdram memory. The only things user should do are: select access type (write or read), byte mask for data, address and data input and generate address strobe nAS to sdram controller.

Example of write access:

In above example host makes write access to sdram memory using sdram controller. WnR line is set to high (write access), nLBE is set to 0xE (1110 binary which enables writing only to lowest byte of data bus), data and address lines are set valid. Host puts nAS line low, which is address, data and control signals strobe. In next cycle sdram controller "sees" nAS line low and starts transfer. When transfer is finished nDTACK line is low. New transfer can be initiated immediately when line nDTACK is set high after being low, that is:

tTR is minimum time between new transfer can be initiated after nDTACK low was sampled and is equal to one clock cycle.

Read transfers are similar from the user side, except that, they are burst so nDTACK low last respectively longer. Below example of four read burst transfer with CAS latency of 2:

nLBE is set to 0x0 which means that we are writing all four bytes at a time. Host samples nDTACK line after initiating a transfer, and when it is low, host reads data from data bus.

3. Parameters.

There are two designs in files section. One designed for 64 Mbit SDRAMs (32x2 MB), and second, generic design. But generic design wasn't thoroughly tested and may have bugs (only tested with Micron 64Mb). However, both designs have parametrizable timing parameters, CAS latency, clock period and read burst size. In addition to that generic design has much more flexibility by having many more parameters.

Table 2. Parameters.


default value
available in generic design
available in non-generic design
data_width 32 bit host and sdram data bus width
rows 2048 n/a number of sdram rows
columns 256 n/a number of sdram columns
haddr_width 21 bit host address bus width
saddr_width 11 bit sdram address bus width
clock_period 30 ns clock period for controller and sdram
burst 8 n/a burst size
auto_precharge low logic active high enable autoprecharge
init_ref_cycles 2 n/a sdram initialization refresh cycles
tRCD 65 ns ACTIVE to READ or WRITE delay
tRP 20 ns PRECHARGE command period
tREF 15000 ns Refresh period (1 row!)
tRFC 65 ns AUTO REFRESH period
tWR clock_period+7 ns WRITE recovery time
tSTARTUP_NOP 100000 ns sdram initialization time
CAS_latency 2 n/a CAS latency

Non generic design is slightly faster than generic for VirtexE (143 vs 142 MHz), and much faster for Virtex2 (210 vs 173 MHz).

4. Final words.

This SDRAM controller is fully synthesizable. It was synthesized using Synplify Pro and PAR was done with Xilinx Implement. Code is generic and does not use any architecture specific constructions, so it should work on Altera or other devices.

Maximum speed of core for VirtexE is 142 MHz ( Virtex XCV2000E -6) with 108 slices used.
Maximum speed of core for Virtex2 is 173 MHz ( Virtex XCV1000 -4) with 77 slices used.

The design was tested on real SDRAM memory included in board with Virtex XCV2000E. It was Micron 64 Mbit (32x2 Mb) (simulation model included in files) and worked. I don't know wheter it will work with others memories or not, and take no responsibility for any damage this controller could do.

CREDITZ: Thanx to Manticore guys, I "stole" process for generating refresh counts from their sdram controller, as well timing description way, so I give them credits here.
Greetz to my girl Eveline.

files: - non-generic design - designed for 32x2 Mb models (ver. 1.0) - generic design (ver 1.0)

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