Chapter Three

Fully sated and still suffering the effects of several days of overtime, Sara dozed off.  At least she thought she did.  She had dreamt for years of being this content, lying in Grissom�s arms.  Now the dream fused with reality and she wasn�t sure if she was awake or dreaming.

She must have slept, though, because when they first snuggled together, she was on her back and Grissom was on his side with his arms securely around her.  Now, they were reversed, he on his back and she on her side, her arm draped across his chest.  Lazily, she began making circles on his chest with her fingers, lightly brushing the sparse hairs there. 

�You�re awake,� said Grissom softly.  �I thought you might sleep until I had to leave for work.  I believe you have the night off.�

Sara looked up into the face of the man she loved.  �I�m sorry.  I didn�t mean to fall asleep again.  It�s just that you are so good at what you do, and I�m so relaxed, sleep was inevitable.�

�If you need sleep, that�s exactly what I want you to have.  I hope you�ll always feel relaxed enough to do anything you want with me. Or to say anything you need to me, for that matter.  I want our relationship to be natural, part of who we are.�  Grissom paused in thought, struggling to find the right words before he continued.  �At the same time, we can�t lose track of who we are as individuals.  I love who you are.  If you start changing to accommodate my needs and desires, I�ll lose the woman I love.  It took me too long to find you.  I can�t lose you now.�

Sara wasn�t sure how to respond to this statement.  Until very recently, her whole life had seemed to revolve around finding a way to get through to Grissom, to break through the walls surrounding his emotions.  It wasn�t until she had decided that she had to find happiness without him that he seemed to come out from behind those walls. 

�Grissom, I�ve been in love with you for so long, I don�t remember what my life was like before.  I�ve wanted you, dreamed of being with you, until I cried myself to sleep for lack of you.  That overwhelming love for you is who I am.  Being with you, making you happy is all I ever want or need.� 

Grissom shook his head.  �Oh, Sara, you know so little about yourself.  You have an insight that allows you to see the big picture in all you do, in what all of us do.  You have a passion for the truth that drives you beyond exhaustion.  Your compassion for the victims of the world shines in everything you do.  How often do you dream about the victims of our crime scenes?  How much of your salary went to hurricane relief?� 

Sara looked shyly away, as if she were embarrassed by her own generosity.  Grissom took her chin in his hand and turned her face back toward him to look into her eyes.  �That�s the woman I love.  I don�t want to lose her.�

Sara smiled.  �I don�t want to be lost.�

Grissom took a deep, contented breath.  �I have about two hours until I need to get ready for shift.  Do you want to go out to get something to eat or stay here and I�ll fix us something?�

Lying naked next to him, Sara felt mischievous.  �Actually, since you asked, I am hungry for something, but not food.  I believe it�s my turn to explore.�

Grissom lay for a moment with a pensive look.  �I guess turnabout is fair play.�

Sara began lightly running her hand over Grissom�s chest and abdomen.  He closed his eyes, enjoying the sensation.  After a few moments of this light stroking, Sara began playing with his nipples.  He gasped.  Sara wasn�t sure if this was a positive reaction until she glanced down and noticed that she was getting another reaction as well.  What had been a lifeless penis was slowly beginning to stand at attention.  Sara bent her fingers so that her nails scraped lightly against his skin.  Grissom raised his chin, keeping his eyes closed.  She moved her hand down to his navel, continuing the light scraping.  Grissom�s arousal was becoming more pronounced. 

Sara was fascinated by the process.  Before this, she had never considered that there even was a process.  In her experience, a penis was either hard or soft.  She hadn�t mulled over the �in between�.  Sara was now scratching lightly from hip to hip, just above his pubic hair and ever-growing penis.

Sara skimmed her fingers down into the hair, scratching lightly in long strokes through the fuzz around his penis and testicles, first on one side, then the other.  Grissom hummed his satisfaction. 

Although Grissom was obviously enjoying this contact, Sara was not getting the reaction she had expected.  He was becoming relaxed and his arousal was diminishing.  This was a very surprising development.  She never would have imagined that any stimulation in this area of the body would do anything but intensify an erection. 

At first disappointed, Sara soon smiled.  Exploring meant finding out how Grissom�s body reacted to stimuli, whatever the reaction might be.  The purring sound indicated that Grissom was enjoying this. Moving between his legs, Sara dipped her hands below the scrotum.  She took her nails and scraped them upward, along his balls.  Sara scratched his balls lightly, careful neither to be too firm nor to leave any area neglected.  Grissom winced.  Recognizing this activity wasn�t pleasurable, Sara cupped his balls gently.

�I�m sorry,� Sara whispered, leaning down to kiss his balls softly.

In this position, Sara was ready to seek new information.  She slipped her hand up to his right thigh, brushing the now flaccid penis as she did.  She straightened her hand and began gently stroking the soft hair along Grissom�s thighs. Slowly, Grissom was coming back to life.  Sara continued lightly stroking the inside of Grissom�s thighs, brushing the growing penis as well, until he was nearly at complete attention.

The metamorphosis fascinated Sara.  Grissom�s full erection now impelled her to further investigate.  Sitting up, she looked at Grissom.  His look of anticipation spurred her on.

Sara took one finger and began slowly and gently running it up and down his upright penis. Grissom gasped as his cock jumped at the contact.  Stroking every inch of his sizable member, she noted every time it twitched.  As any good scientist does, she needed to recreate the experiment and see if she got the same response. She went back and gave further attention to the noted areas.  Grissom�s penis danced.  His eyes were closed and soon his breath was coming quicker.

Sara leaned over and flicked her tongue against the tip.  Grissom opened his eyes and reached his hands to her head, stopping her from further action.  Sara looked up, puzzled.  His leaping penis indicated that it was pleasurable.  Why was he stopping her?

�What�s wrong?� Sara asked.

�I haven�t yet performed cunnilingus on you.  I don�t expect fellatio.�

Sara looked intently into his eyes. �Making love is not a balance scale on which we have to make sure everything is even, Grissom.  I want to please you in whatever way is good for you and comfortable for me.   This pleases me.  I�m pretty sure it will please you too.�  After a pause for consideration, Grissom nodded his head in ascent.

Taking the full flat area of her tongue, Sara began licking the underside of Grissom with long, even strokes.  She moved first to one side, then the other, lavishing attention on each area with fervor.  Each time she completed a single stroke of the glans, Grissom moaned with pleasure.  Encouraged, Sara took her tongue and repeatedly circled the same area.  Another moan assured her he was enjoying this.   She put the tip in her mouth and pulled it out slowly, holding her lips tightly as if it were an ice cream cone. Grissom arched his back, pushing his member further into her mouth.

Sara began flicking her tongue around the glans quickly while stroking the bottom of the shaft with her hand.  She put as much of Grissom�s cock in her mouth as she could without choking and began sucking gently while bobbing her head up and down.  Grissom rocked his hips.  He was so large, Sara was in danger of gagging.  She took longer strokes up the shaft with her right hand to prevent Grissom thrusting too far into her mouth.

Sara continued to suck and stroke with her right hand.  She reached down with her left hand and cupped his balls, fondling them gently. Grissom held Sara�s head firmly in both hands.  His groans were becoming more guttural and his hips were rocking faster. 

Sara felt Grissom�s balls draw upward in her hand.  She sucked harder. Seconds later, he thrust forward and ejaculate hit the back of her throat.  He called out to the deities.  She fought back the urge to gag as he continued to come in her mouth.  Sara tried to keep her lips firmly around his shaft to prevent leakage but she failed to completely contain it. 

Grissom�s body went limp.  Sara slowly pulled her tight lips over the tip, causing Grissom to jump.  She swallowed and reached for the towel on the night stand, wiping the excess ejaculate from her lips. She cleaned the spillage from Grissom and made to get up.  Grissom grabbed her hand.

�Where are you going?�

�To put the towel in the laundry.  I�ll be right back.�

When she returned, Grissom was lying on his back, a look of dreamy contentment on his face.  Sara crawled back into bed and snuggled up to him.  He wrapped his arm around her, pulling her closer to him.

�That was amazing.  Thank you,� he said, kissing the top of her head.

�It�s nothing more than what you gave me.  It�s what I want to give you for the rest of my life.�  Stunned at her own admission, Sara was afraid she may have implied more of their relationship than Grissom was willing to give.  She held her breath.

�Then our future looks pretty bright,� he murmured as he drifted off to sleep.

Sara breathed again, assured that Grissom was as devoted to a life with her as she was to one with him.
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