Copier Systems, Inc.

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Midsouth Copier Systems, Inc. was founded in 1987 by Jerry and Cindy Ferguson. The business got started in the back room of a craft store on Claiborne Avenue in Greenwood, Mississippi. The Ferguson's business began to grow and it wasn't long before they needed more space and moved to Village Mall along the Highway 82 corridor. Midsouth Copier was in that location until January of 1994 when it moved to it's current location just down the street at 709 Highway 82 in Greenwood, Mississippi.

We offer a full line of Konica-Minolta copiers,Canon copiers and Okidata printers. Did we mention that we sell and service typewriters? Midsouth is an authorized dealer for Swintec, one of the last typewriter manufacturers.

Midsouth has a service department of 3 technicians with a combination of 45 years experience in copiers, computers, typewriters, communications, networking and even satellite tv. Our technicians are diverse in their skill-set and provide our customers with service that is second to none.

Midsouth currently has 2 full time knowledgeable salesmen servicing our area. They both call on our current customers to assess their needs, as well as, potential new customers.

If you are in need of a new copier or just need service on your current copier, contact us today!


Copyright 2015 Midsouth Copier Systems, Inc.