Blue Herring
First Broadcast 22 Jan 2000 (8.88m viewers)
Ranked 18th in UK Top 20 for that week

'I've got a week off' says DCI Barnaby, who's planning to spend that time decorating his new family home. 'That's seven whole days' he adds, just in case DS Troy didn't know.

Seven whole days to choose paint colours and visit his favourite Aunt Alice who is convelescing in a nearby Nursing Home.

Rumour has it that the Home's Owner is in cahoots with the local GP, who's getting residents to change their wills before bumping them off. But, neither of them is the person seen at the beginning of this episode, running away when a body is discovered...
Guest stars:- Phyllis Calvert, Nigel Davenport, Clive Wood and Mary Wimbush
Hosted by