name: Agnes J.

nickname: agz, agnes.. etc.

Birthday: Dec. 24

P.O.B: Manila, Philippines

Current Location: Toronto, Canada

Brat or angel: can be both

Role Model or Biggest Inspiration: My parents

Status: TAKEN

Hobbies: shopping (using my credit card! :p), watching movies, singing, dancing... DDR, surfing the net, making webpages, biking, etc..

Likes: bubble tea, movies, sweet, mature, honest, thoughtful.. etc..

dislikes: biatches, suppper feeling-conceited, liars, smokers, death, etc.. including those peeps who think they are all that.. and those who open their selves up to every man they meet...

eyez on me
meeh & tito noel
St. Paul College of Manila '96
St. Paul College, Quezon City 2000
St. Mary's Catholic Secondary School '02
Toronto, Canada
nanay, mom, meeh &  dad
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