This is a proposed alphabet that is meant to be used for writing of Stoney. It is now in a very early stage of development, so some changes may occur to it in the future as the creator see fit. For any questions please use the email link below.

The Stoney Latin alphabet

Devised by: Michael Fustumum (michaelpeterfustumum(at)


Latin letter



A a


2 Ã ã [ã]
3 B b [b]

C c


5 D d [d]

E e


7 G g [g]
8 H h [h]
9 I i [i]
10 Ĩ ĩ [ĩ]
11 J j [d͡ʒ]

K k



M m



N n



O o


16 P p [pʰ]

S s


18 Š š [s~ʃ]

T t



U u


21 Ũ ũ [ũ]
22 W w [w]
23 X x [ħ]
24 Y y [j]
25 Z z [ð~z]
26 Ž ž [z~ʒ]
27 ʕ ʕ [ʕ]
28 ʔ ʔ [ʔ]
There would not be letters f, l, q, r, v, which would be only used in loanwords or replaced by p, ʕ, k, ʕ, b, respectively.
Stress is marked with an acute accent (´).

Text example
Ĩktomnĩ Pithpithan Wagichibi Cha Wopaxte Zehã

Wĩjan ãba waži en, Ĩktomnĩ cãgunã ca opa ya ũštac. Mãni ye že ecen wopaxtahiya hãc. Tehãn manĩšĩx, cã ohã dagucagaš nãxũhãc. Hececĩhã ĩto ĩnãžĩhũnã wopaxtagahãc. Dohã basũpta hãc ne dagucagaš nãxũke. Hececĩhã ne dagucagaš nãxũke one hãc. Cãgunã ke opa, ĩhĩcĩ xeyada cã ohã, wone ya ũštac. Wone hiya cen, ne dagucagaš nãxũke dagucaže coyahãc. Ĩpanũwãbi cahãc nãxũže. Ĩpanũwãbi caniye cĩhã hoxniye ĩciya one hãc. Cãgu opeke tehãšĩx tatãga pahuhu šeja ca cãgu ĩjaxtax ĩgahãc. Žehã, Ĩktomnĩ tatãga pahuhu šeja ke ĩjaxtax hiya hãduk ĩpanũwãbi ke waxmãn ĩgabihãc.
